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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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How dependent are professional programmers on Stack Overflow? Based on what I see online it seems that most of them couldn't even write a single line of code without it, but I'd like to believe that 99% of programming discussion online is by students and for students, and people whose job is programming are not as incompetent as they are made to be seen based on their "memes" and discussion forums. I would imagine a competent programmer would need to consult Stack Overflow very rarely.


the phenomenon of "bootcamps" seems to suggest this to apply to some subset of employed programmers, that are minimally proficient with a language but lack job experience.


Anyone who is programming things they have not done before is either copying from stack overflow or from the documentation. When programming shit you've done many times before you can rely on your own memory.


I'm not doing that.


it depends. Stack overflow only has generic answers and solving problems specific to a company or application often dont have answers


Why do you ask the quesrion? Seems there is lots of resentment in it for some reason?

Stackoverflow is useful but its overstated how useful it actually is. If it wasn't stack overflow it would be some blog, subreddit, YouTube video, tutorial, documentation, etc.


I'm a professional programmer and I don't even have an account there.
generally documentation and reading the code (if it's open source) is far more helpful than whatever voodoo shit is recommended to try and fail with on sites like stack overflow.

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