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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>When it comes to sharing AI experiences with your friends, there's no place like fbi.gov. Today, we’re introducing new AI experiments, including an AI chatbot named Clyde, AutoMod AI, and Conversation Summaries, and launching an AI Incubator.
It's all so tiresome.


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They are already horrible with them demanding your cell number to unlock your account/ip address that they will lock for any reason.


Just as I was considering going back I see this shit.


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> using proprietary software


>just be a recluse antisocial bro it's worth abandoning all of your friends for the libre path trust me


>muh friends
grow up; random strangers from the internet are unironically better


All the more reason to not listen to you. fbi.gov is shit, but isolating oneself is no solution. Aren't we materialists?


>discord socialization
Really man


>materialism is when I have predictable interactions with my group of buddies from work/college/high-school
feeling isolated? try changing your personal consumption habits!(No pedophilic porn/lolicon or porn in /tech/ read the rules)


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TLDR + Modifications:
1. Watch multi mile circles with NVG and RGB cameras.
2. Watch at a resolution that you can see individual people and cars move.
3. Object Recognition to observe cars and humans.

Major concern:
We as the American Left expect CCTV and Phone cameras, not watch every single human and car within a 10 mile circle at the same time.
Our activism is not prepared at all.


already a thing… there was a good intercept story on the test program for 24/7 aerial surveillance over Baltimore that could track anyone at all times, and play back their movements (to help solve crimes like murders, they say), but i can't find it anymore. Anyways it's already been a thing.


There is an episode of NOVA that i vaguely recall talked about this and showed some of the system. Episode I think was titled Computers v. Crime. It also talked about how AI is used in courtrooms and has a major bias flaw.


every day i grow more schizo reading this shit

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