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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Why are certifications valued more than degrees, even if they are much easier and cheaper to get? What's the freaking point of wasting years and/or millions in college then?


because they usually want degrees AND certifications anon


>certifications worth more than degrees
They aren't


they are to employers


Certifications represent something more concrete and specific. Degrees are more about having the ability to commit to something long term. It's less that one is more valuable and more that they tell the employer different things about you.


>Degrees are more about having the ability to commit to something long term
so iguess im fucked that my resume says i took a long time to get my degree



which employers, what industry/business domain?
just don't put a starting date, the year you earned your degree is fine


Because they are trying to deskill the industry, soon everyone will be just certified technicians and the real engineers with degrees will disappear.


Im still pissed i went to a community college for a certificate but immediately removed the one i was aiming for wtf

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