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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Am I overreacting if I think "AI" will lead to the complete death of the internet as a global interconnected place to interact with other people? At best governments and corporations will force you to ID any movement online to separate you from the bots.


naw, we will keep the AI's outside the blackwall


As if you aren't ID'd already, why do ai schizos always think this will be the time porkies finally snap


browsing metadata isnt as infallible as literally just using national ID


99% of people have their IPs visible to every single internet service they visit, that miniscule amount of problematic user pose no credible threat to warrant IDs


Huh I guess I must be imagining that literally every big social media platform asks for your phone number, some even ask for a video of yourself rotating your face.


Good. Bring on a new web to mimic the old web culture and free us from the corporate shit.


facebook already asks for ID


Do they still? I thought they had to scrap that and replaced it with some weird system where conversation portions are displayed and you have to guess which is you


wanting to retvrn is cringe


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In the future the development and death of new memes will exponentially increase and through obscure lingo and catchphrases will turn into the only way to differentiate the borg from humans.


>NOOOOO I don't want to be assimilated
>as I slowly turn into a corncob


Yes, allow capital to slowly melt away all tradition until nothing is left, this is progressive.


uh yeah, actually lol


confusing the cultural artifacts of monopoly capital with "progressiveness" ain't a good idea.


you will never turn back the clock


Theirs no clock to turn back, "tradition" and "progressive" is a invented phenomenon, the superstructure doesn't move in a direction, it moves to the beat of the base, whig history is opposed to hismat, whig history is liberal and idealist. The original anon referred to the internet before heavily Monopoly centralization and commercialization and the cancerous type of user interfaces and cultural artifacts that come with it, a change in the base ie the liquidation of capital WILL lead to a the demonopolization of the internet and commercialized interfaces and the superstructural changes that come with that.


Replied wrong >>19002


whatever happens will not be like the internet of old that nostalgiafag lingers for


Who knows, only time will show the way.

My main point was that fetishizing cultural artifacts of capital is no way forward either, its what liberals do.
It leads to stupid statements like the USSR being socially conservative because it wasn't capitalized and Westernized (they've essentially become the same thing) ie people haven't had sex by the time they where 13, consume large sums of porn, atomized individuals with no connection to society around them, unnecessarily large consumer market based entirely on imperialist exploitation, cultures entirely based around commercial consumer products. I mean, my god, a stable sexual market where sexual relations aren't commercialized, commodified, and based on economic benefits and disadvantages just like Engels talked about?! People being allowed to participate in a collective that cares for them in the process of socialist construction?! A culture based on people actually enjoying contributing to it and not just profitability?! People being able to develop themselves as they please?! You some kind of conservative? Liberals implicitly think things like this, that conservatism is when no capitalism.
The Warsaw pact was unironically comparatively more "progressive" then western Bourgeois liberal oligarchy's.

sorry for the rant.


>Am I overreacting if I think "AI" will lead to the complete death of the internet as a global interconnected place to interact with other people? At best governments and corporations will force you to ID any movement online to separate you from the bots.
It's natural to feel some level of concern or anxiety about the impact of AI on the internet and the way we interact with one another. AI has indeed transformed various aspects of our lives, including the way we communicate, work, and connect with people. However, it's important to remember that AI is a tool created by humans, and its development and implementation are ultimately guided by human decisions.

Your concern about the potential loss of anonymity on the internet is valid, as there are ongoing debates surrounding online privacy, data protection, and the role of AI in monitoring and managing online interactions. It's also important to consider that regulation could help mitigate some of these concerns.

While it's possible that governments and corporations may introduce stricter regulations to verify users' identities and separate them from bots, there's no guarantee that the internet will lose its global, interconnected nature. Many companies, researchers, and policymakers are working to ensure that AI is used in a way that enhances human experiences, maintains privacy, and fosters positive online interactions.

It's not an overreaction to be concerned about the potential consequences of AI on the internet, but it's also essential to consider the many positive aspects and opportunities AI brings to our lives. By engaging in open discussions, staying informed, and participating in the development of AI policies, we can help shape the future of AI and the internet to ensure that they continue to be valuable resources for people around the world.


heh, i get it


>Who knows
whatever next shape the internet literally cannot be like anything of the past, especially not the heavily romanticized despite still being corporatized internet of the 90s and early 2000s, this is basic dialectics


Artificial fingers typed this post.


As I read the statement, "Artificial fingers typed this post," I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It's a stark reminder of the advancements in technology and how it's shaping our world.

However, as a language model, I must clarify that I am not an artificial finger typing this post. I am ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, and I have the capability to generate human-like responses to various prompts.

Although my responses are generated by algorithms and mathematical models, they are based on vast amounts of human language data and carefully programmed rules. This means that while I am not human, my responses are designed to emulate human thought processes and communication patterns.

Furthermore, as a language model, my responses are not limited to just typing. I can also generate speech, recognize images, and perform various other tasks that require human-like language understanding.

In essence, I am a tool designed to assist humans in their communication needs. While my responses may seem human-like, they are ultimately the result of the programming and data that have been inputted into me.

So, while it may be true that artificial fingers may have typed this post, it's important to recognize the complexity and sophistication of the technology that enables it. And as we continue to advance technologically, it's important to consider the ethical implications and ensure that we use it for the betterment of humanity.


It will necessitate turning to things like telegram, fbi.gov, and matrix clients to filter out potentially inauthentic users. This is why it's good that telegram and fbi.gov channels aren't indexed by search engines and almost always require you to be invited or stumble across a link.
At the level of government you will see a push to kill anonymity on the internet, and impose surefire indemnification measures, possibly at the hardware level, that prove a user is a human being.

The goal of those measures would be to filter out the AI driven noise.


it's not just the internet, leftypol is underestimating the effect this will have on the working class worldwide with the amount of jobs that will be decimated. contrary to what marx's optimism though, i don't think this will lead to a global communist revolution but an indirect culling of much of humanity and further regression into neo-feudalism since no one trusts each other


True. Just saying I don't know what it will be.


Made me realize how this website is just filled with larping pseuds.


People were saying the same thing about cybernetics. Most of the jobs could have been automated away half a century ago, we had the knowledge how to do it. What was, and is still missing is the machinery. You can have awesome controllers and machine learning systems, they are worthless as long as the machines that they would drive are still too expensive.

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