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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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 No.19110[Last 50 Posts]

All of my software exists to destroy capital.

Quite literally. That is the true purpose of free software to me.

To eliminate capitalist control over my computing.

And for that matter corporate control of the same.

Thus saith the Preacher:

> If the users don't control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the “owner” of the program, that controls the program and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.

> Richard M. Stallman

It also literally destroys capital; consider the case of Blender. Whole proprietary software industries have died in its wake, replaced by a world where 3D artists collaboratively contribute to Blender, either with code, or with money to pay for code.

This is a good thing.

Further, it is essential that the software be fully free; not merely gratis; and I am here assuming that it is not truly gratis but made gratis through piracy. Piracy is not receiving something for nothing; rather you are just loaning the software for so long as that software does nothing to improve your economic situation.

Once it does, you will have to buy it, if you live anywhere but Russia. And even in that country, Russian-developed software must be bought. Because the costs of not doing so, of having your piracy discovered by the "non-profits" such as the Microsoft-funded Business Software Alliance (BSA), will become greater than the license.

And by that point you will be a slave to it, for you will know its ins and outs and all its quirks but have no say over its operation.

Only blue-pilled socialists use proprietary software.


$DEITY has spoken


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What if I just want a computer that works and don't think open source is really work the effort (not a tech/software person)? Even open source software can easily be accessed by glowies etc, so what difference does it make? Open source is essentially like the co-op movement, is it nice to buy your coffee from a co-op, sure, if it ultimately going to make any difference? No.


Well, I can't use open software for everything (imagine going to your boss at the racism factory and demand they switch from windows to Linux) but I like your mentality. Everything you do, should be done with purpose.

In omnibus operibus tuis memorare novissima tua, et in aeternum non peccabis.

Cheers mate, you're alright for a furry.


auto-discarded your opinion
Already thought open source was good anyway.


But a program can be both free and proprietary and I dont mean ad revenue. Some people would rather just not release their source code and only own it in the sense that a capitalist business can not take it for their profit which is enough. While I am for FOSS I feel it's over glorified. When software is open source while you can check the code yourself as security measure if you understand it this really is only theoretical as most people wont even look at all or just skim it not really trying to read and understand every line of code and it also leaves everything that can be exploited out in the open which is very bad for projects that dont have a massive team of coders constantly updating it for security patches and even then in cases of programs where networking is involved someone could always run a modifed version of the program making their own measures to compromise the system.


the open source software ecosystem is a working example of a moneyless market of goods.
it actually exists and has outcompeted several corporations and driven them into bankruptcy (sgi, sun, other Unix vendors, ssl certificate hawkers, web browser vendors, etc.)
I haven't seen anything similar to it in any other industry. despite cameras being cheap and YouTube being free I don't see people toppling a Hollywood studio, despite distribution of music being trivial through the internet, I don't see anyone putting a record company out of business.
consoomer-minded people try to dismiss the impact of the vast majority of the internet's software infrastructure being available for anyone to use as being just some minor thing but it's something unique and I am glad that it happened.


Imagine having a white-collar job that tells you what software you're allowed to use


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cuck mindset


Fucking stupid. You can A just pirate software. B if you're in some enterprise that could potentially get sued, you just have to pay the costs of doing business. No one is going to use garbage grade FOSS software out of principle. That said obviously I'd love FOSS alternatives. But I'll deal with licenses when I have to when no real alternative exists.

Y'all clowns need to stop whining and start donating your time to making FOSS software competitive.


Like just imagine the mentality of these crusaders: "People like spending money, because they just do OK!" Noooooo. No one would spend a single dollar where they don't have to. It's just a fact of our world FOSS projects generally can't compete with the commercial alternatives.


>FOSS projects generally can't compete with the commercial alternatives.
and FOSS fanatics prefer it that way, it feeds their self-important persecution complex


Oh great $DEITY OP I have weekends free
What needs work done on it?



Wait until you learn who makes all your software.
You might want to go live in the woods.


It is possible for them to compete. Just crowd source money and hire good programmers actually interested in the projects goals with it.


>conflating free with gratis
every time. also
>saying this on a freely licensed imageboard


this. you can charge money for free (libre) software


All of it


>assuming things about people you disagree with
We have all heard your arguments before. Open source is (still) not a business model


I think everyone in the world is for that except for the businesses selling the competing software.

For example Epic Games fund Blender:

But my point is advocating against proprietary software is pointless because people who spend money for proprietary software and deal with the licensing, do it not out of love of spending money or dealing with DRMs, it's because there is no viable free alternative that exists.


And also companies have no problem using FOSS software as long as that software is good enough.


For example xNormal is free software which is/was the industry standard for baking normal maps.


Why would you pay money for something you could get from a reuploader for free?


I literally make my living off of free software


I'm sorry to say that you have a bullshit job which only exist because most free software is unusable. Still, I respect a good grift, do good for you :)


ok used


> It's just a fact of our world FOSS projects generally can't compete with the commercial alternatives.
There's more to software than just video games. There are segments where FOSS is ubiquitous.


The likes of IBM and Oracle makes money makes money off Linux by selling technical support far above what Microsoft offers its its enterprise clients. Where for the right price you can call them to send their technical staff to your site to fix your servers on site, they also will help you maintain legacy code. Both also pack Linux with their enterprise hardware.


Agreed, though consider if a use case of proprietary software would decrease the total usage of proprietary software: Stuff like proton and wine made it so people–both users and devs–could comfortably switch to Linux while keeping their proprietary, once windows only games and see how much better FOSS stuff is. This has led to way more FOSS software and games being developed overall that might have otherwise been proprietary. Such opportunities should always be seized to truly eliminate proprietary software, not just opt as an individual to hide from the problem.


this. many anons in here don't understand that network effects are a thing. when you are used by proprietary software it is not just you who is affected but also your friends


i use linux on my laptop. i have an install of windows on my desktop for consoomer purposes. i intend to put linux on it for my normal operations, i've just been lazy since i built the thing a few weeks ago. that said, this individuated morality play misses the issue entirely. linux has an accessibility problem, and a compatibility problem. the former is a far more significant issue. being friendly to idiots is important if you intend to affect systemic change, and so long as windows out competes linux in idiot friendliness, windows (as well as all the proprietary nastiness that comes with it) will be the dominant operating system. you simply will not convince people to trade the small conveniences and familiarity of windows for the freedom and security of linux. it doesn't matter if you tell them that microsoft is selling a live feed of their webcam to USDHS, if you also tell them the alternative may require them to be familiar with and use terminal from time to time they will tell you to go fuck yourself. god forbid you try to tell them about how to use something like pacman to install their programs rather than a simple executable, much less tell them they're going to have to build a program from source. until such a time as this issue is resolved, all the bellyaching about how we ought to all be using foss will only be so much piss in the wind.


>There are segments where FOSS is ubiquitous.
People don't realise their phones run on android (linux) which is free. Most servers use linux and so does the majority of supercomputers.


most normies aspire to own apple products one day for fashion reasons.
they have no altruistic sense to see any value in things like free software and user freedom.


They do value their computer working. Setting are hidden in Windows due to its having two vastly different desktops (Areo and Metro) both having poor user design. It is not uncommon for Twitch streamers running Windows to have their system just not want to work for unknown reasons and them having to fight Windows. It is why console gaming still dominates and why the Steam Deck will benefit the Linux community and the long run.


Hey copypaste, when will 420chan be live?


Allow me to interject for a moment. What you call Android is Android+Google+whatever software the manufacturer forced that can't be uninstalled unless you root it with shady software from niche forums.


2025 year of the Linux desktop


Holy shit it's not a business model, this blows everything apart, thanks for the fucking business wisdom bro


>Holy shit it's not a business model, this blows everything apart, thanks for the fucking business wisdom bro
Open source is not a model for liberatory politics either. Its primary adherents are surveillance capitalists and pedo defenders


funny, I've been using Linux as my only OS on laptops and desktops since 2015.


Steam hentai games are not a model for liberatory politics. Their primary adherents are surveillance capitalists and pedo defenders


"Capitalism for the poor, socialism for the rich" is translated into "proprietary for the poor, foss for the rich"
Consider, as we go down the wealth level:
*the vast majority* of server software (i.e. first and foremost the data hoarder's software) is foss today
*some* professional software is foss like krita/blender
*virtually no* end user software is free - you can't even find a decent working non-surveilling messenger (no, half-working xmpp/tox/etc don't count), not to mention the vast majority of software you actually use is the browser and the proprietary software (webpages) it loads from the servers of the rich (ironically running free software)


Oh my god, is this what happens when a tech bro gets into epic leftypol "socialism"


…this is nonsense.
>Vast majority of server software is FOSS
Unfortunately not. While modern server OSes are often Linux based, a lot of server software is proprietary or proprietary extensions/customization to FOSS stuff. It wasn't that long ago that Outlook / Exchange / ActiveSync ruled every corporate mail server. There's a LOT of proprietary server stuff, but thankfully improvements in FOSS have meant that libre is catching up at least in part but there' still a lot of proprietary software. For instance every fucking electronic medical record platform is a proprietary, six to seven figure disaster that is rarely interoperable with anything outside their brand.
>Some professional software is FOSS
Yes, this is true. Not nearly enough and though things like Krita, GIMP, Blender etc.. are certainly available, a lot of businesses use the same old Adobe suite or whatever instead of the FOSS alternatives. It was hard enough to get top tier stuff to even be Linux native like DaVinci Resolve, but even that isn't libre. Now FOSS media editing is getting better and better but you won't see a lot of major studios using Shotcut or OpenShot ,and up until recently CAD/CAM was almost entirely proprietary.
>Virtually no end user software is FOSS
This is asinine. The vast majority of libre projects are designed for individual end users. Outside of a handful of business focused or huge projects like Linux itself which are made to cross many use cases, most FOSS projects are end user focused. Even some little hobby project.
>not surveilling messenger
FOSS ones are the only ones that you have a chance of it being not surveilling, audited etc. Signal, Matrix, XMPP , Briar, and many others depending on what features you want are all FOSS and have varying forms of decent encryption.
Browsers themselves are FOSS for the most part, or at least have a FOSS version. Firefox is the best option here, but even Chromium is FOSS (though there are other problems with its design in some ways and its ubiquity )
This is laughable now. Webpages are not "proprietary software". They're adhering to a variety of open W3C standards which is why you can inspect the code on the page and the like. One of the biggest problems of the last few decades is getting away from this, where you have self-contained applications and networks that are proprietary, centralized walled gardens.


I wish Ableton would port Live to Linux or some FOSS devs could realize what makes Ableton Live's interface so intuitive
Renoise comes kind of close but it's proprietary


Oh, Bitwig Studio exists, but it's also proprietary


I was about to say you what you misunderstood about the points I made but then I read till the end and oh boy
>This is laughable now. Webpages are not "proprietary software". They're adhering to a variety of open W3C standards which is why you can inspect the code on the page and the like.
W3C standards are whatever google shits out in chrome. There isn't even a working alternative browser aside from firefox i.e. puppet opposition (and even then shit refuses to work/gets slow) and safari which is just of the same cartel. The "standards" are now way too complicated for any competition to exist since nothing short of international megacorp can maintain such a codebase, let alone make profits.
JS is usually obfuscated and actively anti user - ads, popups, install our app, give us your email, tracking every mouse movement of the user, fingerprinting the shit out of their browser, etc.
Let that sink in, then we can talk.
I do not see how I fit the tech bro meme. The tech bro is a corpo supported, soy tech fan, probably works in IT and helps building the cybergulag. I am none of those things.


Also read "the javascript trap" by Stallman. Even he notices it, although he doesn't know much about the whole browsers-proprietary-through-sheer-complexity corruption.


LMMS, Qtracktor, Tracktion 7…


LOL none of these come anywhere near Ableton Live
I did mention Bitwig but again it's proprietary even if available on GNU/Linux


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Of all possible rebuttals you could have made, you chose judging the guy's hobby and then backhandedly agreeing.


This is a nice idea anon, but certain specialized software isn't up to par with the proprietary versions. Blender isn't 3dsmax/maya, Blender is a solid B or maybe A- tier program all around as opposed to some of these niche softwares that do one thing ex: rigging, animation, modelling very well at S tier.

Blender is great and its being used professionally alot more now but FLOSS still aint up to CERTAIN things which makes it difficult to do a full replacement.


Freetards don't understand this. They are dumb enough to think that Apples are poorly engineered.
That's right. Steam Hentai Enthusiasts are quite likely to be Linux users.


>Ableton Live
>muh apple
artfags will always be the enemy of free software. they simply lack the spirit for altruism and practical community collaboration (evident in free software) and will forever remain superficial consumers.
this is why you have an entire moneyless ecosystem of free software freely shared between stemfags, while artfags expect to be paid for shitty sampled remixes of songs that they ripped off from corporate pop stars.


Piracy is great and should be defended and practiced. But pirating software is always a subpar experience that actually works in favors of corporations, because it serves their monopoly. Why do you think pirating Adobe or Windows software is so easy ? Do you really think its because they don't know any better ? Software piracy is a nice palliative but in the long term it works against us all.

Artfags and people with design degrees who work for big tech are not the same things. The few remaining actual artists use free software/defend free software

If you use a computer, you are using FOSS software. Nearly everything you can do with a computer wouldn't have been possible without it. End-user software are built on free libraries. Most dev work is done using free tools.

The actual problem is that end-user software is a fallacy. Users have been infantilized to the point where they can't see a command-line interface without screeching. Zoomers are even worse, they don't even know what a server is anymore. We rely more and more on tech, and the average user knows less and less. I blame corporation and propriatery software and their obsession on dumbing stuff down because its profitable to do so.
If more people started thinking like developers do, which is really not that hard, computers could actually be a tool of emancipation.


>Artfags and people with design degrees who work for big tech are not the same things. The few remaining actual artists use free software/defend free software
Very few "actual artists" use free software. Even then, they do so as a creative exercise (a form of self-imposed limitation, really) rather than as a daily bread-and-butter thing. There is an amateur ghetto of people making art using free software but it will remain a ghetto until the free software community improves their usability game.

Stupid distinction. Almost everybody who pushed the state of art in technology were multi-faceted in their talents, or at least open minded enough to take inspiration from the liberal arts. This includes many people in the free software community.


>The actual problem is that end-user software is a fallacy. Users have been infantilized to the point where they can't see a command-line interface without screeching.
End user =/= naive user. If you are designing a programming language or a CLI for scripting/automation, then the developer or the script writer is your end user. The rules of good design and usability still apply. Powershell is a joy to use, bash isn't.


>Powershell is a joy to use, bash isn't.


>Powershell is a joy to use, bash isn't.


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Yeah I love the average command looking like Get-Content -Path C:\Example.txt | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ComputerName = $PSItem} } | Test-Connection.


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Powershell scripts always look like failed attempts at object oriented perl.
On the topic of shells, every time i need to use an archiso for something, i trip over some of the defects in zsh.

Zsh completion feels so damn slow even compared to bash and it thinks it's smarter than you, so sometimes it refuses to complete a filename when the preceding argument is a flag. Recursive rm is modified to require '[y/n]' confirmation for every single file, not even with all or none options that every sane piece of software has. The dialog is part 'rm -i', but it was clearly never meant to be used on every invocation. Nothing is stopping them from writing their own wrapper, when zsh already ships 7 megabytes worth of completions.
The globbing inherited from csh also prevents you from using unquoted arguments in ssh or scp.

Who had the idea to write a C-Shell in 1990, when everyone should have already known it would suck? I cannot understand why anyone would use such an overengineered mess over an Almquist or Korn Shell with file completion and job control.


Powershell is free software, so thanks for proving my point that current day "free software advocacy" is really just advocacy for a dysfunctional model of computing that is conceptually stuck in the 70s.

What's the problem? It's easier to read and debug. Powershell has convenient aliases if you just want a one-off script for yourself and don't care about maintenance or readability. Objects model processes and modern day I/O better than text streams do. It makes sense for a modern shell to be object oriented.


>PowerShell is free software
so is dotnet core, but they are encumbered and I would never really on them as long term tools for anything free.


>Objects model processes and modern day I/O better than text streams do. It makes sense for a modern shell to be object oriented.
so you don't want to be stuck in the 70s but are desperate to be stuck in the 90s instead.


Nope, I recognize a bad model and want to improve on it.


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>It makes sense for a modern shell to be object oriented.
A scripting language optimally has as simple and few syntax rules as possible, so it may be typed without elaborate editing tools and modified without needing to be restructured.
Have a look at the MS code example in picrel. The package syntax uses delimiters for the class specification with different separators than package access and the same as object access. Even perl got this sort of right, probably because Larry Wall had to use VMS once.
The last line has an even more confusing syntax. Consistent map/filter methods can make for easy to follow scripting. This uses a special object and assignment statement in something as simple as a for loop.
Some of this syntactic complexity is inherent in passing objects as arguments, even though much of it is bad execution.
Actually OOP and Unix are direct sucessors of 60s technologies. C# also incorporates major improvements of Smalltalk-80 and later VMs, but they don't have much bearing on powershell. Maybe without bytecode it would run even slower than other shells.


i fundamentally agree, yet the usage of propietary software can be revolutionary under socialism if its developed, installed and distributed by a workers controlled state. examples; huayra os, canaima os


Workers don't control the Chinese state and distributing proprietary software would still be unwarranted and reactionary if it were


i never said anything about china. and its not reactionary, much like suspending the right to strike, to distribute proprietary software under a dictatorship of the proletariat. the state is controlled by the workers, their actions are one and only


No such thing as free computing until hardware becomes 'free' and only way I see that happening is through communism.


>Objects model processes and modern day I/O better than text streams do
this is what modern java, the OOP-obsessed language looks like nowadays

collection.stream().map(i -> foo(i)).filter(o -> o.isBar()).collect(Collectors.toList())

it's all streams everywhere now. objects are old news.


>socialism is when consumption choice


what a fucking idiot

yes its dumb rhetoric. no i still dont want to use proprietary shit


>no i still dont want to use proprietary shit
If you want to live/work irl you will be forced to


this website runs on proprietary software


Which one? Lainchan is a fork of vichan, which is a fork of tinyboard. Tinyboard and vichan are on slightly modified MIT/X11 licences.


https://ardour.org/ (FOSS)
https://www.reaper.fm/ (not FOSS)
btw there's a thread for linux musicians on here


>Very few "actual artists" use free software. Even then, they do so as a creative exercise (a form of self-imposed limitation, really) rather than as a daily bread-and-butter thing. There is an amateur ghetto of people making art using free software but it will remain a ghetto until the free software community improves their usability game.
literally source? lmao


back to 4cuck


I was thinking about how to make Flash-esque vector animations with a full FOSS set-up
Inkscape for drawing vector key frames -> Synfig for tweening -> Audacity for recording voices and other audio -> Kdenlive or Shotcut for doing the final editing and rendering
There's also this "rendering manager" thing that takes Synfig projects as well as Blender and Krita projects:

It's all kind of modular
There's also this open-source program called OpenToonz which allows you to both draw and animate, but it's only available on Windows and macOS


yeah, because the objects being streamed are plain text and not structured data. Unix philosophy wins again!
just ask any musician you know.

all these posts are damage control and you know it.


Amazing source


Yes open source is a good foundation yet software pirates are not only making it so you can run proprietary without DRM but reverse engineering proprietary software faster then capitalists can pump it. I salute the crackers that are always on Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo ass, making jailbreaks within weeks a firmware update drops.


>Even then, they do so as a creative exercise (a form of self-imposed limitation, really) rather than as a daily bread-and-butter thing.
you're doing that thing that feminists talk about where if a woman accomplishes something noteworthy, it only reinforces sexism by drawing attention to the unusualness of it. but for software.


Is /g/ pro-proprietary software, now? More evidence 4chan is just a bot site if so.


yea they think linux is tr*nny or whatever now in their endless collective wisdom


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Bitch Linux and the BSDs are also controlled by corporations lol. No widely compatible or even good OS doesn't have at least SOME corporate meddling involved. Also, the hardware you're using right now was CERTAINLY made by a corporation. The ONLY way to get around this while still having the performance necessary to use a computer in the modern day is to be rich yourself, and employ a BUNCH of people to make a RISC-V CPU, and then get it manufactured by like, TSMC or something. And by that point you're a bourgeoisie motherfucker anyway lol. The computing industry is entirely controlled by the corporate class, even in supposedly socialist countries like China.


>Zoomers are even worse, they don't even know what a server is anymore.
Hi, elder zoomer here (born in 1998), and even though I was my time's equivalent of an iPad kid (I was on my computer basically all the time I could be, and I basically always had internet access, all since I was 3), I now code emulators for fun. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that the MAJORITY of successful emulator developers are probably older zoomers or younger millennials. You're thinking more of Gen Alpha, and I honestly think they're like that because their parents just DO NOT GIVE A SHIT. Also because most of their parents weren't into tech as well. My dad was, he built me my first computer. He also has had a computer since he was a kid BTW, back in the 80s. The man had an 8-bit Atari of some sort, apparently. My grandpa, my dad's dad, was born in 1939, and bought a computer around that time too, also for home use. My family has been into home computing since the 80s, and video games since the 70s (My dad's first console was a fucking Fairchild Channel F even lol).


>Linux and the BSDs are also controlled by corporations
no, they are free software


Idiots should NOT be catered to literally ever. If they can't figure out Linux or a terminal, it is ENTIRELY their fault, and they should be shamed for it until they learn.


Being free software doesn't mean they're not controlled by corporations lol. Look at who the top donors of The Linux Foundation are. All tech megacorps. Look at who is committing to both the Linux kernel and the BSDs. All employees of corporations who are mostly paid to work on Linux or the BSDs. Hell, the main reason the BSDs aren't as good as Linux in some ways is BECAUSE there isn't as much corporate meddling. Not NEARLY as many people are being paid to work on OpenBSD as there are being paid to work on Linux. Hell, AMD and Intel are the main reasons the free Linux drivers for their GPUs are so good, even compared to Windows. Because they have people literally being PAID to work on that shit.


yeah it doesn't matter if corporations are sending code, it's still free software
the users can keep using a version they like forever or fork and continue without a bad change


the illusion of freedom at full display


What supporters of Free Software mean by "freedom" is well-documented and defined: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html


cool ideology bro


Another OpenBSD proselytizer..


So many people who don't read my fucking posts on leftypol.org, aren't there? I literally said the BSDs weren't as good as Linux. And they aren't, at least for general use. ESPECIALLY if you're using an Nvidia GPU newer than the GeForce GTX 700 series, as they ALL require signed firmware to be uploaded to the card that only the proprietary driver gets to have. And guess what? THERE IS NO BSD NVIDIA PROPRIETARY DRIVER. So if your computer happens to have an even REMOTELY recent Nvidia GPU? Tough shit, you can't use a BSD OS lol.


I side with RMS and even I don't think GNU/Linux is that good, the criticisms of the OpenBSD guys are valid and it would be too close-minded to dismiss them. And the Big Tech has too much influence on the kernel, it is true. Embrace Hurd. That said, I'd still pick Debian or BSD over some proprietary spyware any day of the week, no, thanks.


The Internet was literally made by the NSA, and yet people still have developed ways to circumvent surveillance. The matter of who's in control shouldn't be decided by who contributes to the project but rather by who can control the use, development and distribution of the software. When it comes to proprietary software, the megacorps are basically gods, you can't stop them in any way. Libre software gives at least some protection from that because even if the project starts glowing you can still fork it, although, as Linux (the kernel) and systemd show, this is not enough. I think the combination of copyleft, the Unix philosophy, good documentation, clean and easy-to-understand code, security by design and other practices all contribute to better user control of the software.


The Internet was made by DARPA, dumbass.


>The Internet was made by DARPA, dumbass
Do you have anger management issues? You can tell people they're wrong witbout being pissed off for literally no reason.

I stand corrected.


I've had anger management issues since before I started kindergarten lol


>artfags simply lack the spirit for altruism and practical community collaboration (evident in free software) and will forever remain superficial consumers
lol people don't use Linux precisely because its impracticable and an obstacle to community collaboration. Imagine trying to make jazz music and stopping everyone because of some weird issue. People consider it fiddly and awkward for a reason. This reminds me of that utopian anarchist bit: "You need glasses? I like to make glasses. Boom, problem solved!"


>artfags will always be the enemy of free software. they simply lack the spirit for altruism
Altruism has nothing to do with digital autonomy, it is pure selfishness that forces me to help you in the first place.
>lol people don't use Linux precisely because its impracticable and an obstacle to community collaboration
That's just wrong, people don't use GNU/Linux because of habit and because Windows is pre-installed, it does not complicate collaboration in any way. Tell me how exactly it ruins collaboration with others, you can use proprietary software just fine with Wine or a VM. It's like complaining about a person using a Macbook.
>Imagine trying to make jazz music and stopping everyone because of some weird issue
Yeah. Like getting paid well. Such a non-issue, it is an obstacle for collaborating with the employer, how dare you be so self-serving?


>This reminds me of that utopian anarchist bit: "You need glasses? I like to make glasses. Boom, problem solved!"
My brother in Christ utopian anarchism is literally the end goal of communism. Even Marxist-Leninists believe in it, they just go about getting there differently lol.


You can make Jazz music on Linux perfectly easily. DAWs like Ardour and Reaper exist which can record a band. Audio interfaces which don't require special software can work with JACK and ALSA out of the box.


They should rename it to "Ardor" because fuck Bri'ish "spellings".


>people don't use Linux precisely because its impracticable and an obstacle to community collaboration
it's not about linux at all. artfags simply won't give away their stuff even if it's made on a mac or windows, unlike programmers who have a culture of sharing code and contributing just because they enjoy programming.
artists will always use copyright to restrict sharing even as they themselves rip off other artists when they make remixes or copy other authors based on industry trends, etc.


More valid than American ones


Bri'ish "spellings" are inferior because they make less logical sense than American spellings. American spellings are the more valid spellings.

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