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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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These are the only cell phones that are acceptable to use without having to rely on Soygle. As of 2019, all commercial cell phones came with a proprietary baseband chip which is basically backdoored spyware. As for GrapheneOS? Don't even think about. There is so much blobbed sources plus the ARM Trustzone backdoor that they claim they fixed (which is horseshit). Oh, and you have to always consoom the newest Goooooooooogle products like an iToddler because of device support issues and the small number of people who work for the project. There is no real guarantee of safety on an Android unless you were running it on a VM.

Pinephones/Librems are horseshit too. Same goes with dumb phones. Your carrier can always log your shit. And 2G/3G getting discontinued in favor of VoLTE spyware. You can probably substitute this with software that helps you change voices, spoof nunbers and so on for the calls. I'd installl Tails OS on it.


There is also woth in hiding by not standing out. Be another tree in the forest and just buy a Samsung.


We need a leftypol approved guide for privacy maximizing hardware and software.


theres a bit of post in your buzzwords


Ditching my Graphene Pixel for an iPhone because of this post


This, but broken into two levels:
1) Just live your life.
2) Insurgency.


It amazes me people will spend over a thousand on a new iPhone when GrapheneOS-able Pixels exist and are a lot cheaper.


(I'm saying Pixel's specs are just as good as the iPhone's)


Raspis glow now, both because they hired a cop who specialized in surveillance, and their phone home to AI thing they're bundling with them now as part of their deal with SONY, so I'll link some alternative duinos:

- https://pine64.com/
- https://beagleboard.org/
- http://www.orangepi.org/
- https://www.banana-pi.org/
- https://www.hardkernel.com/
- https://www.friendlyelec.com/


I remember people saying stuff like this and recommending Beagleboard over the Pi all the way back in what must've been 2013. Odd that this knowledge hasn't been able to be picked up yet to this day for beginners


Pixels are still expensive. My phone cost €200 and that is the maximum I am willing to pay for a phone every few years.


I've thought about doing this and still might, but frankly there's enough "everyone and everything is a fed and spying on me, I have drawn sporadic and even perhaps legitimate crumbs of info into a massive web and mountains of assumptions" in both the "tech/privacy" community and this place, that both here would be an exponential increase in autistic crazy.
>Person suggests reasonable threat modeling and that not everyone is acting as if they're being personally tracked by targeted operation by a 1st tier state level actor.
>Mentions there is a balancing act between security, privacy, and convenience and that even when there are some potential concerns, acting as if every worst hypothesis was already proven is actually contrary to good planning.

And other such nonsense which isn't helpful. Aside from this, I'd think its worth it to have a conversation about security and privacy practices, but if you're going to be interrupted by every loon who assumes having anything more convenient than IP over messenger pidgeon encrypted by a one time pad is trying to entrap them, it will be a long, tiring conversation indeed.


That's still a lot cheaper than a current iPhone.


>phone home to AI thing


Who cares about the new iphone


File: 1682405878855.png (558.04 KB, 618x968, gphone.png)

They made "If /g/ made a phone" real.


A lot of people? Which is exactly the point the other guy is trying to make?


It's missing a trackpoint.


Maybe, I thought he was talking about pixels still being too expensive


I just need a guide to run calls through a corebooted 7 inch tablet with an unpluggable lte modem. What hardware?


is there a thinner one? Or just turn it into a flip/slide phone with keyboard?


>Pinephones/Librems are horseshit too. Same goes with dumb phones. Your carrier can always log your shit. And 2G/3G getting discontinued in favor of VoLTE spyware. You can probably substitute this with software that helps you change voices, spoof nunbers and so on for the calls. I'd installl Tails OS on it.
Any tips for installing Tails OS on it, OP?


most of the suggestions itt are like painting a target on your back


I wish Pixels had removable batteries man.


my old motorola can't keep winning


or a microsd slot, or a mic jack…


I've never seen someone shittalking grapheneos who actually knew what he was talking about.

That's like saying windows telemetry is still spying on you after you installed linux, retard.

>you have to always consoom the newest Goooooooooogle products

But you can still use old pixels and install grapheneos on them? It's the same as being unable to upgrade android on older phones.


OK what's the actual fucking deal with grapheneOS tho? Most open source and secure when paired with pixel? Honeypot?
Lmao wat? Is it actually fully amnesiac on a phone? How would it disconnect the ram from long term memory and shit? Otherwise way are you doing? Idk IG rn I am leaning towards no full security and privacy unless you have like a burner phone that you only connect to public WiFi far from your house and data over prepaid bought with cash and no idea in a random location with no facial recognition or whatever the fuck. Then jailbreak and strip everything down and install some relatively secure OS and only ever use it for whatever shit you need security for. And disable the camera and mic or keep it powered off airgapped from you and your devices. Then like have a main phone/daily driver with less sus setup that you minimize data leaking on and never the two shall meet.


If they'd have user removable batteries and an SD card, they'd be worth it, since you could use them for 10 years + with custom ROMs. Or put Linux on them, and use them as a regular PC


Finally, a detailed security audit of a security ROM linked on the ROM creators page
There should be a lot of talk about this for compatible phones, it seems like the best ROM for non graphene capable


Graphene as a project eventually wants to make their own hardware, which they'll give longterm support to. (Current Pixel devices only have 3 year support.)

Recently it was revealed that the EU wants readily removable batteries, so future phones sold in that market may have that functionality.

The SD card is a big pain point and seeing how little storage is included nowadays it'd be really great to have it back.

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