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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1685533788313.png (53.08 KB, 1908x267, ClipboardImage.png)




this is serious. they were great.




>Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES
no more brother wars




File: 1685561495755.png (68.62 KB, 1836x857, btdig.png)

Btdig exists.


This is such a sad message.
We're in world-history times and we need to get ready.


DHT search mein neger


I'm browsing it through its onion w/o JS enabled.
Is it the case that it doesn't list seeders/leechers?
How well maintained are most magnet-link results? Just found out about the site now via you. Thanks btw.


>Is it the case that it doesn't list seeders/leechers?
No it doesn't. You might know it's a DHT crawler, that stores the metadata from the network.
>How well maintained are most magnet-link results?
For most content you get a dozen results. GOG games usually have torrents for each of the last few minor versions.
The site adds a date to each result. Contrary to expectations, older torrents are often still seeded in contrast to slightly younger ones.

Searches can be a bit crude when compared to curated indexes. Some music results are clogged by popular compilations. In this case you should add discography or an obscure release by the artist/group.


om shanti


it's so over, so much kino gone


qBittorrent + https://github.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/wiki/Unofficial-search-plugins
Also private trackers like PTP if you can get an invite (usually from joining other tracker communities or just lucking out by knowing someone)
Yeah, sorry, I only want to download movies, not child porn


wtf is going on right now. rarbg gone and the YTS movie feed is polluted with podcast and random tv episodes. At the same time. How are people checking the day's releases at a glance? torrentgalaxy is ok but doesn't have the rare gems that were in the rarbg feed


PassThePopcorn is the only comparable movie tracker, and it's intensely private and is extremely, extremely strict about ratios


the last private tracker I was a member of my ratio was godly. can't seed here though. anyone want to rec a cheap anonymous vps or seedbox?





Found on leddit. Self-hostable archive of all magnet links. Works just fine. Don't know how which torrents will maintain seeders and for how long, unfortunately.

Unique IPs: 7

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