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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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"I don't know how to torrent. It's too complicated and scary for me, so I'm happy to pay corporations a regular fee for temporary access to their content" is exactly the learned helplessness corporations have been pushing for years with their UI streamlining and walled gardens. It's symptomatic of a bigger problem: "The internet shifted and I don't know (or never learned) how to seek valid information in this new environment." Adding "reddit" to every Google search you make isn't a sustainable solution, it's just one most people landed on for now.

What I think gets often lost is that it's not a personal individual failure as much as it's a deliberate behavioral curation by corporations on the populace. Internet corporations do not want savvy internet users. They want to create mass consumers who value convenience.


Get u a bf or gf who explains how to use linux and pirate shit for free media consumption imo


I've noticed some mostly social reactionaries, go figure not realizing this the internet has changed, dramatically, from what it once was. Everything you can readily access is sanded down to be as consumer friendly as possible precisely because everyone and their dog has an internet connection now. It's not a network of interconnected, like-minded users, nor is it a half-and-half where you can easily seclude yourself in your own space. It is everything, all the time.



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learned helplessness is the hallmark of the used. this attitude can be cured by a visit to the GNU/lag


I've seen those free streaming sites with clearnet domains becoming more and more popular in recent years


>What I think gets often lost is that it's not a personal individual failure
It absolutely is! It is a personal individual failure of each in the piracy movement to educate and agitate our peers.

VPNs are increasingly normalized even for streamers in order to geospoof.


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Most insane thing is that many people will call you a conspiracy theorist for pointing it out. What do these people think is the purpose behind "marketing" and "advertising"? Do these users think multibillion dollar corporations maintain their edge and consolidate monopolies through vibes? Apple has entire teams of psychologists for this kind of thing.

A very basic example of corporations curating consumer behaviors: there is no logical reason why anyone should care if your text message shows up on their phone as blue or green. And yet - tens of thousands of Apple users pay attention and form judgments around it


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Social technologies are the answer. Circulating USB sticks between friends. A clubhouse computer terminal that one person has the user for and another person has the password. Stuff like that


LAN parties where you teach people how to torrent. Wasn't there something like that? Or was it only for encrypting your emails?


I was at my most computer literate in highschool when me and my nerd friends had LAN parties every weekend. I'm eternally trapped in the 2000's.



the doomer in me sometimes thinks you can't save those who don't want to be, so I take comfort in the availability at least of decentralized and anonymized infrastructure of the internet and try to keep up with it when I can.


convenience is efficiency


Why pay to get around copyright protection when you just fire up a debugger and step through the machine code to find the DRM code then just edit the assembly so the DRM never triggers. This is far from convenient the end result is your program running much faster without the DRM code while all those that paid complain the DRM screws up their game due to false positive (or just get a copy from someone that did all that work). Hell even the retro scene doesn't like dealing with ancient DRM and many will modify their vintage consoles to run rip out lockout protection for example a jail broken PS3 is far more useful then stock.


I mean, download qbittorrent and the rest you should be able to figure out on your own, takes a bit of exploration, but I promise you, in less than 10 minutes you'll have it working. The reason people don't learn things is laziness, not a big conspiracy.


I think the only thing keeping that which can be pirated relevant is piracy, they need enough people to steal it and talk about it to generate intrigue so people buy it.
Streaming services are an insurmountable expense for the vast majority of 'oomers except a handful of giga-whales, and they will fall for the same reason TV did: better entertainment is freely available online or at most a one time purchase from independent people / teams that have no anylytics to overoptimize their creative decisions to death over.
Streaming services are the final stand for an antiquated way of media circulation that has no place in the current material conditions. Dare I say it's blasphemous to capitalism itself that these companies persist.

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