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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Snowden pushed Tor (among other products) under the guise that they helped dodge NSA surveillance which ended up being entirely untrue. This guy is a fraud and he likely always was. Everything he pushes is a honeypot presented as haxxor liberation. Snowden is an Islamaphobic Ayn Rand libertarian who helped spread a mass surveillance tool on behalf of the National Security state and this was branded as a valiant effort for liberation by a network of left liberals cultivated by Omidyar, Thiel, & other Big Tech fascists.

TOR, the epic anti-establishment crypto whatever that Snowden & Assange shilled as hard as they possibly could as the answer to government surveillance (but not corporate data collection, which is fine & anti-statist) was developed in part as one digital tool against China



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>This guy is a fraud and he likely always was. Everything he pushes is a honeypot presented as haxxor liberation. Snowden is an Islamaphobic Ayn Rand libertarian who helped spread a mass surveillance tool on behalf of the National Security state and this was branded as a valiant effort for liberation by a network of left liberals cultivated by Omidyar, Thiel, & other Big Tech fascists.


If you are Silk Road, the authorities will come for you. I think TOR doesn't allow for automatic data collection though, except for your ISP putting you on a list. Therefore the decision to use it should depend on what sites you visit.


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>except for your ISP putting you on a list
only in america right?


I would expect it in every eyes country or at least the first world members.


DPR wasn't caught due to a flat in Tor but due to bragging all his illicit gains


yeah dude
Snowden being personally responsible for majorly damaging the public image of the NSA and other alphabet agencies? That was totally an op. The NSA totally ordered him to make people aware of their spying programs and hate them.
Why? Shut up. *hits crack pipe*


yeah people who need privacy should totally use clearnet instead of Tor because the latter could theoretically maybe in specific circumstances be deanonymized. don't pay attention to the NSA being angry at people using Tor


This is an unironic narrative that keeps getting spammed every once in a while on here since the /ukraine/ thread went up. One time, one of the anons even said that HTTPS is a glowie psyop because of DNS resolvers or whatever, and you should just rawdog the web for true privacy.


i always wanted to know what the NSA headquarters look like could you take a picture of it for me glowanon?


Pushing Tor has never been a major part of his public outreach so the honeypot theory doesn't hold water to me. If it was a limited hangout I find it far believable that he was part of an internal rivalry between the NSA (or DOD as a whole) and other faction in the natsec apparatus, the CIA being a prime candidate in this scenario given Snowden's background.

People should be more suspicious of Tor than they are given that it is openly a glowie project and does have faults that the glowies are informed of before the public, and perhaps exclusively informed of in some cases.

IIRC googling certain things gets your NSA harvested data put into a permanent database instead of the temporary database for non-"problematic" individuals that gets purged regularly.


I for one welcome some lib shit burger going over my records and having their brain broken


there is certainly a discussion to be had around the DNS rootzone and its libness. the same goes for the CA system for TLS certs, where a web of trust model may be better. another option is to use SSH keys. or I2P. or petnames.


>One can as easily point to any number of anarchist projects and expose the ways in which they reproduce the very alienation they aim to overcome. Cooperative business, radical commodities, independent media, social spaces, Food Not Bombs: when positive anarchist projects aren’t doing social work to stave off collapse or upheaval, they are developing the innovations (self-management, decentralized production, crowd-sourcing, social networking) that will help to extend capital’s reign into the next century.


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lol really? you think the future of capitalism will be decentralised and crowdsourced? uygha you goofy


read marx

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