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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Is this the only safe communications technology out there? To elaborate further, WWII-era encryption methods, such as the German Enigma machine, would not be easily cracked by a modern consumer computer. The Enigma machine was used by the Germans during World War II to encrypt their communications, and it was considered highly secure at the time.

Cracking the Enigma code was a significant challenge and required the efforts of a large team of mathematicians, engineers, and codebreakers at Bletchley Park, including notable figures like Alan Turing. The codebreakers employed various techniques, including developing early computers called "bombes" to assist in the decryption process. It took years of dedicated work to decipher Enigma-encrypted messages.

Modern consumer computers are significantly more powerful than the computing technology available during World War II, but cracking the Enigma code still required advanced mathematical and cryptanalytic techniques. It's important to note that the Enigma encryption was not fundamentally flawed; rather, it was vulnerabilities in the implementation and operator errors that led to its eventual decryption.

However, it's worth mentioning that modern consumer computers, combined with advanced algorithms and techniques, can crack certain encryption methods used during that era if they were weak or based on known vulnerabilities. But the more robust and well-implemented encryption methods, such as the Enigma, would still pose a significant challenge even to modern computing power.


Where am I going to get a KL-7 from?


File: 1688641245377.gif (7.13 MB, 546x750, turing.gif)

>the Enigma encryption was not fundamentally flawed
OP the fact that the Enigma never encrypted a letter to itself was a huge flaw. in fact it was what allowed the bombes to work in the first place, thanks to easily guessable cribs (a known-plaintext attack)
I'm not even sure what point you're making. you can implement AES in a microcontroller for offline encryption if you like. it is largely immune to known-plaintext attacks


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