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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1688824062022-0.png (311.08 KB, 1080x581, Mechcalc.png)

File: 1688824062022-2.jpg (101.15 KB, 800x600, Abacus_4.jpg)


This is what computers looked like in 1492-1932 (over the span of 440 years total, this is what people had to use before electricity became common).


File: 1688824224637-1.jpeg (39.18 KB, 1000x1000, shopping (2).jpeg)

File: 1688824224637-2.png (5.15 MB, 3000x2000, boardlarge.png)

And this is what computers look like today.


You motherfuckers have no idea of how much your grandparents had to struggle to use this shit in school.




I'm a zoomer and our primary school had abacuses. The first time we used a calculator was in late middle-school.


I bought a soroban from an antique / comicbook store next to my public library. It has a pink case and has served me well the few times I've used it.


Yeah but you are a third worlder. In the west calculators are given away for free as promotions.


*or were, because nobody needs to give away calculators when everyone has a smart phone.


nah smartphones have been around for a long time and they still give them out at the county fair and stuff.


I'm from yurop and my middle- to high-school was relatively well funded. We had programming classes and you had to pay to go to prom.
It makes you think about where these schools actually spend their money, when we had to order calculators and multiple school books per year. We had some type of consultant to teach us sex ed and he just made us talk about public information videos he played on his laptop.
>In the west calculators are given away for free as promotions.
I only ever won a pen and a mug at some school event.


I didn't mean at school, business just give them away. I probably have half a dozen free calcs. We never used calculators in school until hs and graphing calculators and shit because they're haram for low level math.


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No abacuses either but we use these blocks to teach multiplication to retards.


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File: 1688916911250-3.png (219.71 KB, 2776x644, swtpc6800_FloppyDisk.png)

Then we got actual computers in the 70s and it was glorious with hardware fully exposed to the user.

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