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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>ugly as shit
>HTML based
>desktop friendly
>keyboard friendly
>easy to use
>pure searchable text everywhere
>almost no javascript to speak of



its use of <map> is atrocious. it's not at all clear that you can for example click on Marx (or Engels) to get to the Marx & Engels archive. bad UX, not friendly to the blind or visually impaired. it also works poorly with text mode browsers like lynx


You could feed these through a screen reader: https://www.marxists.org/ebooks/index.htm


yes the actual texts are usually fine. I'm talking about the front page specifically


The usemap looks a little weird in lynx and w3m, but functionally it works perfectly.


you have to navigate into it though, unlike a normal list of links

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