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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Be careful out there


Does it matter where the .onion site is located.


Isn't the point of the whole onion thing that by layering the nodes between you and your destination have no way to know the circuit?


yep, US is the worst place for someone to host an .onion
what if a bad actor controls all 3 nodes you're using? it will deanonymize you


>what if a bad actor controls all 3 nodes you're using? it will deanonymize you
what are the chances of that happening?


don't know exactly, but pretty low(very very low)


this should only worry you if youre accessing a clearweb site not a .onion


>Isn't the point of the whole onion thing that by layering the nodes between you and your destination have no way to know the circuit?
what if one party controls most of the nodes tho


They'd still have to make a statistical analysis of all the traffic that goes through all of their nodes. If they control most of the nodes that's a huge amount of traffic. They might waste their resources on you only if you're actively targeted (Bin Laden tier). But if you're just a small fish they have no clue about to begin with then it's not something to worry about. Everything depends on your threat model in the end.


File: 1692768707927.jpg (8.79 KB, 158x216, 1687046296925.jpg)

sometimes i wonder if using tor constantly for minor things that arent even sketchy has put me on a watchlist anyway just because theres tor connections in my isp logs



>Countries like Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and the US, also known as the "Five Eyes", are exempt from surveillance, however.


FAGMAN hosts a lot of services on Tor, and every idiot running Brave is on the 'tor users' watchlist. Gotta try harder so NSA senpai will notice you.


Just like when CIA said US is exempt from their propaganda, they are 100% surveyed


NSA probably put you on a slightly higher focus the first time you pinged torproject.org, but also they spy on like anyone with an IP address so who cares


Also considering that anonymization has spread to even normie spaces, you should be reasonably obscured


lol no it hasn't

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