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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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So Marxism-Leninism is obviously opposed to abstraction since it's idealism, but what will be the fate of programming languages that have their entire root in abstractionism like Python and R? I know biotechnicians base a lot of their technical knowledge in these languages which is basically called for since a large portion of biology nowadays is dominated by mendelian idealists who think lysenkoism is wrong and bad, so clearly programming languages have suffered from the same kind of idealistic penetration as biology itself. Will communism destroy idealistic programming languages like python and R?


>So Marxism-Leninism is obviously opposed to abstraction since it's idealism
Dialectics are an abstraction.
>what will be the fate of programming languages that have their entire root in abstractionism like Python and R?
C pointers and structs are abstractions. No double** pointers exist in real machine code, what the CPU process is nothing but a sequence of bytes, which are also an abstraction, since bytes are nothing but electrical current interpreted as binary numbers.
>so clearly programming languages have suffered from the same kind of idealistic penetration as biology itself.
MLs are also idealists. They think they can apply the pure idea of the Russian revolution to the current material conditions, and they can't get their shit together since the fall of the USSR.
>Will communism destroy idealistic programming languages like python and R?
No. You WILL program with Lisp macros and strongly typed languages and you WILL like it.


>So Marxism-Leninism is obviously opposed to abstraction since it's idealism
Stopped reading


neither marxism nor materialism are opposed to abstraction in all cases anon


communists ought to use functional programming languages
>functions (things that do all the work) as first-class citizens
>abolition of state as the ultimate goal


>So Marxism-Leninism is obviously opposed to abstraction since it's idealism
This kind of thinking is how you get shit like Lysenkoism. Filtering everything through a "Marxist" lens in this way is vulgarization.

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