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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1691919691406.jpg (22.31 KB, 320x456, Fairphone_4.jpg)


There have been a few threads on alternative Android ROMs (like CalyOS and GrapheneOS), but what hardware do you run it on? The closest to a leftyphone seems to be Fairphone 4, but it's €579.00 and only available in a few countries. What are the alternatives?



Rather the Chinese botnet, who care only about China-related stuff, than the US-NATO-14eyes botnet.


Only supports Google Pixels


Only supports Google Pixels, Xiaomi Mi A2 (it's old now) and Fairphone 4.

It seems the only alternative ROM that supports a lot of hardware is LineageOS. Then the choice of hardware is huge and I don't know what to buy.

Which ones?


i use pixel with graphene. i have nothing to say on it. oh and you can even install the play store for more normie apps if you're brave enough.


Redmi Note 9 Pro and 10 Pro are good, 11 not so much. Since they're "old generations" they are cheaper than they were. That also means they'll be better supported by custom OSs. Don't limit yourself to Lineage, check the phone's forum on xda-developers before you buy.

Those phones were an example. Easiest to help you if you tell us what you want to use the phone for.


I think it needs to be pointed out that CalyxOS and GrapheneOS are miles ahead in quality as secure, robust smartphone ROMs in comparison to LineageOS, which is basically just step 1 in the process of delivering AOSP to the masses.
CalyxOS for example takes care to have powerful firewall, to be completely degoogled (Lineage still phones home to certain google domains), comes with apps like Signal and the FOSS F-Droid app store by default…
Completely different focus
Don't use any phone without flashing away its proprietary default ROM.


>CalyxOS for example takes care to have powerful firewall
Why is it good? I have not tried anything other than afwall+, I don't own a phone that supports calyx however
>Don't use any phone without flashing away its proprietary default ROM.
I don't think it's possible, there is always /vendor/ and other proprietary components that the phone would not boot without, only alternatives are replicant and postmarketos


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>Don't use any phone without flashing away its proprietary default ROM.
This >>19332 is me.

>I don't think it's possible, there is always /vendor/ and other proprietary components that the phone would not boot without,
Most custom ROMs are based on the AOSP, which is open source vanilla Android built on the linux kernel.

You load specific firmware as necessary. I loaded the firmware for the camera, for example. Not sure if TWRP or any other recovery uses proprietary code.


>Easiest to help you if you tell us what you want to use the phone for.

I want a phone that I can call, text, take photos and install a few normie apps like WhatsApp and banking apps. I want it to be as secure as it can be.

Which is better, Calyx or GrapheneOS? Or is there another privacy focused OS that's better?


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You can compile Android from source for your device yours-

> You will need at least 400GB of disk space and no less than 16GB of RAM, but 32GB or 64GB is recommended. You will need a modern 64-bit CPU with multiple cores. Google says that it takes about five times longer to build Android on a 6-core machine with 64GB of RAM than to build it on a 72-core machine with a similar RAM.


>new "libre" phone
hmm interesting, i think ill get one this yea-
fuck NO, give me a phone with fedora/ubuntu/debian or whatever linux distro instead, until then im sticking to iphones


when you definitely know what AOSP is


?? i didn't mention this in my reply at all
it's cool that libre android distributions exist but i want something that can run a full desktop linux distro


what youre looking for is called a desktop computer or laptop


>he thinks his 2.4GHz octacore qualcomm cpu is the same as a 2.4GHz 8-core desktop CPU




I compiled AOSP in a couple of hours with my gaymer rig, is this information outdated?


I bought a pinephone pro because being in the android prison is driving me insane


what you call a smartphone is really a tiny desktop computer or laptop with hardware that requires proprietary drivers that prevents you from being able to install your own operating system

>winblows faggot thinks you need a gayming pc to run linux


all computers made after 2010 require at least some form of proprietary firmware my man

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