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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1695964741000.jpg (143.13 KB, 1163x819, Clipboard.jpg)


It wasn't supposed to be like this.


And to think that JavaScript sucks as a language and a runtime environment. Plus the new shit chrome is pushing like DRM and the security nightmare that's webp.


we live in a society


corporations have been trying to turn web browsers into operating systems for a decade and counting


web 2.0 was a mistake, the internet is slower now than it was 15 years ago despite the insane increases in broadband speeds


What's the source for the pic?


no shit anon theres even a whole OS (chromebook) which is literally nothing but a web browser


File: 1696382192305.jpg (150.25 KB, 1024x768, active world screen.jpg)

It is more bloat, even what Active Worlds sent back to clients during the 2000s for its 3D world was tiny compared to what a normal webpage is. Also Amiga OS 3.1 fully installed is less then megabytes thus still tiny compared to a modern webpage.


I wish Gopher or Gemini would be more popular. They are much simpler and they put the focus on content instead of looks. You can use Lynx or Gopherus for accessing Gopher and Amfora for Gemini.

Read these for more info:
>https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/ (use the Veronica-2 search engine to find gopher servers, there is also a listing that contains all known Gopher servers)


Looks are important, the protocol just shouldn't be a feature-creep mess.


it was hilarious reading threads on places like hackernews when gemini was getting some hype. the captains of industry entrepreneurs there were seething that their entire identity built around making some js transpilation 2ms faster for their FAGMAN master was being threatened by this incompatible version of the web.
too bad gemini couldn't appeal to the normies much but i still like it, maintain a page there and still read what people post there. it's refreshing to be free of the gazillion social web tie-ins and irrelevant tracking and other trash on every www page.
gemini is not free from the threat of webification though. it could easily support javascript by having the server just serve js and popular clients would just need to add an interpreter for it, bringing us back to square one. so gemini wouldn't have been the saviour even if it became more popular.


they flooded the standards bodies with their people too, making it more unwieldy and complex just so they could serve web "apps" through it, not just pages.

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