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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1696528402629.jpg (244.56 KB, 849x1200, nordic languages chart.jpg)


Firefox recently got a translation feature for Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, based on the public-funded EU project https://browser.mt/ and this works WITHOUT SENDING DATA.

Very soon we will have specs showing subtitles with free software running 100 % OFFLINE. Imagine what this will do for organizing the working class.


That was one of the killer features of chrome. I'm very glad Firefox has it now. I use it quite a lot.



> rule-based machine translation
That sounds like it needs insane amounts of work to get right.


File: 1709532015441.gif (293.6 KB, 498x401, tenor-2.gif)

>language barrier dying
Music to my ears :D


> rule-based machine translation
That actually sounds very based. If we automate most of the stuff machine learning does then it's more likely to give correct answers with less work… right?


>>23619 (me)
Wait, it says "machine translation" instead of "machine learning." Ohhhhhhhhhh…

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