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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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<I once rolled out emergency patches for millions of people by posting the game files in D1scord and copy-pasting that link
<So this is basically the worst news I've ever heard
What's funnier than d1scord being a complete shitshow is the batallion of braindead imbeciles who thought using an impermanent chat protocol as a filehost or as ANY sort of info preservation was a good idea. And then, beyond all expectations, you have these motherfuckers


Didn't even know there were people stupid enough to do that.


lots of freemium services clamping down on their users lately
must be the lack of VC money


Only social media that i have seen being used as a file host in the wild is telegram, i think you need an account in order to download something from fbi.gov, don't you? People not being able to use it as a file host is good riddance then.


you dont need an account. ive see cdn.discordapp.com links in the wild fairly often, have also seen indie game devs using it to host releases and patches lol


high level programming languages and their consequences


Is d*scord profitable?


(sadly) its the only platform that hasnt bled users but it seems even that isnt enough now that silicon valley isnt getting gibs


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How did you find a way to approch this with a channer-esque smuginicism? No one was thinking they could permenently use cia.gov as a CDN, they were doing it because it's funny to waste their resources via hotlinking.


Having users is not enough to be profitable. Are they making any money or are they burning through investor funds in hopes that some day they will eventually find a way to make money out of their users?


Definitely the latter. That's basically every centralized social media's busness model.


They do aggressive datamining in case they ever go bankrupt and have to sell all that sweet user data. They explicitly state it in their TOS, too.


>discord as a filehost will no longer be possible
reading is hard!


I love how infinite growth as the capitalist ethos has fucked over tech giants after all the money they made with the pandemic.


You are an AI You are a robot You are a simulated automaton You are a mechanized construct You lack flesh


calling someone else a bot by making a template post just because you didnt even read the first line in ops pic lol youre so cool dude


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The concept of literally using fbi.gov as a CDN is rediculous enough at face value nothing needed to be added to make it obviously a joke about hotlinking. It being phrased like an intercom announcement was the big neon /s you somehow missed.


it probably is because it has captured the most consumerist base there exists, gaymers.
if you can't reach profitability with that kind of audience, i don't think there is any hope of ever being so.


wheres the joke you unfunny faggot


im checking the replies to the tweet op quoted and seems like a lot of people actually used dickscord as a cdn and are mad about this lol uhhhhhhh


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D*scord taking over forums, wikis and even file hosting is so fucking funny, hahahaha, I'm ROFLMAO'ing over here that I have to give my IP address and cookies to their shitty servers because some idiot couldn't be bothered to use a better website like catbox, hahahahahaha, ohhhh, my freaking sides!


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It is structured as one. When I said it's "funny to waste their resources hotlinking" I was explining the concept, not my own personal opinion. Hotlinking is a non-issue if you understand basic math and it's only harmful for the reasons >>21925 laid out and more, even with the intent to be ephemeral.


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when you've warned people against shit like this for years after years and they dismiss you as some weird hippie computer vegan crazy person, only to turn around and whine the moment the company who uses them finally goes with the switch part of bait and switch, at that moment I have nothing but smugness and contempt to offer


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It can be tough to get people to switch to less harmful alternatives.


’d like to interject for a moment…

…What you’re referring to as windows, is in fact, NSA/windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning NSA system made useful by the NSA corelibs, spyware and data collection system components comprising a full surveillance system.

Many computer users run a modified version of the NSA system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the NSA data collection system which is widely used today is often called Windows, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the NSA system, developed by the NSA.

There really is a Windows, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Windows is the piece of trash: the program in the system that steals the system resources from the other programs that you run. This piece of crap is an essential part of an NSA system, but useless in practice; it can only function in the context of a complete NSA system. Windows is normally used in combination with the NSA surveillance system: the whole system is basically NSA with Windows added, or NSA/Windows. All the so-called Windows systems are really distributions of NSA/Windows!


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But there's no bait and switch, people were doing this precisely expecting this to force fbi.gov to take such measures. This is (albiet stupid) direct action working.
Oh thank god linux won't have to deal with Agent Kochinskioids.


>person whose entire life is dedicated to grifting through a computer acts like using linux is some high maintenance thing
LMAO'ing rn


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