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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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i'm a boomer but for some reason i don't feel nostalgia for old technology. hard drives suck, floppies sucked, optical media sucked, computers were noisy af, CRTs were bulky and burned your retinas. i probably only miss the games. and windows 2000 was nice i guess.


That means you actually lived trough it.


I mean I don't think most retro gaming fans are like 'vgh I want to go back to floppy discs', they just miss the old games and old communities and so on


yeah, i just emulate stuff and use shaders for recreating the CRT look


File: 1696896662924-1.png (1.16 MB, 1018x764, Apple2c-FloppyEmu.png)

File: 1696896662924-2.jpg (453.64 KB, 1600x1200, Amiga1200-modernized.JPG)

Most retro collectors upgrade their old rigs with solid state devices that emulate harddrives and floppies. Yet they do like hot rodding these old rigs and making them sing as it is a fraction of the cost of getting impressive modern over clocked hardware and you can get massive gains.


as always nostalgia is really just pining for youth. as a boomer, OP would have been a grown-ass adult when these things first got on the scene. no wonder there's little nostalgia for shitty tech
and yeah there were some dope games. even on the PC, the DOS era was immensely creative. there was a lot of shit too of course, we only remember the good stuff
amiga people are something special


don't come calling the next time you need a game with it's original ost. plus computers still sound like vacuum cleaners at high stress.


File: 1696950622797.jpeg (127.46 KB, 1024x819, SWTPC-6800.jpeg)

The biggest thing that changed was users were far less babied in the beginning. A bunch of users early on looked at how expensive word processors were and simply cloned Electric Pencil themselves thus why you have hundreds of cheap knock offs all very similar as users just programmed their own word processor so they didn't have to pay $100 for one then they turned around and put it on the market. Also why you had the dos war on the TRS-80 as instead of just dealing with TRS-Dos being shit the users base just wrote their own improved clone and again put it on the market. I mean back in the late 70s the idea of a computer that shipped without a programming language and machine code monitor packed in was unthinkable.

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