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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>communist revolution happens in the 1990s (somehow)
>the tyranny of big tech is no more
>$$hillikkkon Valley execs are lined up and shot before they can ruin the world
>finally we can use the best tools for the job to increase our productive forces
>programmers form worker-owned soviets
>Commissar James Gosling seizes direct control of all workers' soviets
>places Party representatives in charge
<comrade, lisp is an individualist bourgeois language used by kulak elites like Paul Graham
<the people's language is Java because everyone already knows it and it is designed to force programmers to do things the Java Way
<the object system of Java models the dictatorship of the proletariat via a Vanguard as a hierarchy of classes and objects which dissolve in the dialectical process of compilation to bytecode
<macro systems are anarchism and probably counterrevolutionary as well

was he right comr8s


"We were not out to win over the Lisp programmers; we were after the C++ programmers. We managed to drag a lot of them about halfway to Lisp."

- Guy Steele, Java spec co-author


There is no language without macros. Programmers will either poorly reimplement eval or suddenly start to write m4 or even C preprocessor.


I know Guy Steele definitely has some idea what he was talking about when he said this since he literally made scheme and was involved with Common Lisp standardization efforts but I really have no idea what he could have meant by this


Just some guesses from the top of my head:
>garbage collection
<unheard of at the time in general purpose languages outside of lisp and smalltalk
>dynamic typing
<casting between sub- and superclasses
<before generics many data structures casted specific types into generic objects and vice-versa
>strong typing
<exceptions on invalid casts
<native compilation as a form of caching
>kitchen sink standard library
<see greenspun's tenth law


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outing myself as someone who has never touched C++ because I value what remains of my sanity but I completely fucking forgot that it used to be the norm to not even have things like garbage collection and a big standard library


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no, after the revolution everything will be rewritten to either go, rust or c and you WILL enjoy it
every book, compiler and source code made for other programming languages WILL be outlawed and you WILL be hunted down as the counter-revolutionary scum you are if you try anything funny


Forth programs will hate you, they spent years thinking that everything is a stack and routine in reverse polish notation. It is still used because it is one step above assembly.

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