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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I'm getting tired of relying on this website to log stuff that I watch
The social aspect is horrendous, full of Twitter personalities and reactionaries and wanna-be professional film critics
I want to be able to log films according to a calendar like the diary feature in Letterboxd, as well as put together a watchlist, all from a good comprehensive database
I'd also like to be able to "heart" or "like" films since numerical scales like 5 stars are kind of pointless, but I won't complain if I can't
FOSS is preferred


letterboxd is just steam reviews but even more unfunny


I just keep a .txt file on my neocities. Unless you're wanting more than a straight up log.


whats ur neocities


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I'm too shy about it, sorry. Too messy rn.


Yeah, I could just do this in the meantime
Came up with a format:

Movie Name | Year Premiered | X minutes
Notes here
❤ if I liked it
Different entries separated by a line with 3 tildes cuz it's cute



why would you even need this shit if not to e-brag. you already watched the thing, let it go. do you also keep the books that you have read? no, you get rid of them (unless it is technical stuff, but you know that I mean literature)


I do keep a list of books I have read.


this. I never understood the compulsion to log media consumption. Who cares


I just rate everything I watch on imdb, nobody's ever gonna read my reviews


Forced humility is cringe. There's nothing wrong with sharing your thoughts or keeping a record for yourself.


Forced humility is a spook and revisiting your collection of video games is based, they are works of art, you don't just throw Mona Lisa into the trash after you looked at it for, like, 5 minutes.

Ideally there should be public libraries with hundreds of SSDs stored to back up all this goodness. Or something like Project Guttenberg but for games but for that to be viable people need to have a lightspeed Internet connection so they can download anything in mere nanoseconds and SSDs that can withstand millions of rewrites. Books are way easier to delete off of your drive since they're very light, games can weight 10 gigs or more.


I just use trakt because it's easy to automate my watches from plex and jellyfin. If you want FOSS though maybe check out something like ryot. https://github.com/IgnisDa/ryot

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