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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1700459061814.png (139.16 KB, 963x542, 1695365682062.png)


That's the list of toggles for disabling telemetry in Firefox. By default, Firefox sends pings every time you shut down your browser, make a new profile, it pings their servers when you run firefox and much more. Is this supposed to be 'le privacy browser?

I actually just copied and pasted one of these hardened configs and starting up firefox still pings home every time. Very cool!



File: 1700460529953.png (172.45 KB, 1200x675, 1700459413331.png)

I'm just this close to switching to ungoogled chromium, but I don't want to bother compiling it for hours or grabbing one of their precompiled binaries that any random user can upload.


>I'm just this close to switching to ungoogled chromium
lmao as someone who used to use it, it's way worse. firedragon fixes this with both arkenfox configs and actual code changes. plus it's not tied to whatever google decides to put in or opt out of.


>as someone who used to use it, it's way worse
Why do you say that? Besides the lack of an about:config.


>not using the tor browser on 'safest' + manually allowing JS on sites when needed


>having your ISP logs 100% filled with tor connections
i dont want to put a target on my back


that's dumb, just think about how many people in your country use tor


as a turd worlder im not sure many do, but at the same time our equivalent of feds are dumber too


you're not getting sent to jail for just using tor anon
but still, even if you don't want to be tagged as a tor user by your ISP you could always turn off the tor proxy on the tor browser and use it over clearnet, imo that's way better than fucking with arkenjsfoxwhatever profiles or "ungoogled" chromium


>Besides the lack of an about:config.
Pretty much that, yeah, but also it had a bunch of unaddressed phone homes and security issues at the time I used it. Plus the whole chrome fork thing gives google the power to diverge from / insist upon their own vision for web standards and drag everyone allong. The web integrity thing is merely on hiatus, and the presence of chrome instances, regardless of degree of degooglification or initial compatibility with that, are pressure in their favor. They ain't ever adding jxl unless mozzila insists upon it, ect…


Wait, you can use the tor browser without the tor protocol?


>>22453 (me)
>The web integrity thing is merely on hiatus
nvm they're AB testing it to have youtube hang on non-chrome browsers for 5 seconds.


>also it had a bunch of unaddressed phone homes and security issues at the time I used it
I've never heard of ungoogled chromium doing this…


well I didn't save what I saw at the time, but perhaps I read a misleading article an the matter.


Here -→ https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/blob/master/user.js
You don't need to use user.js if you don't want. Just go over the file and use about:config


Those pings still happen even with the most hardened config.js!!!!!!


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