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Is adding the wine binary to a user with no internet access enough to securely use Windows programs under Linux? It seems using the
winetricks sandbox
command also removes all links to $HOME.
Is this enough if I want to not worry about running stuff under Wine or should I opt for sandboxing with Firejail, Flatpak+Flatseal, etc?


I installed Bottles not only for the added security of sandboxing via flatpak but also not having wine make a fucking mess of my system's packages.


Why do you want to run Windows programs under GNU/Linux? Is there still some Free Software that's Windows only?


most video games are made for windows only still


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>check it out
>it wants to install its own separate Gnome


you mean gtk or straight up gnome?


straight up gnome plus a bunch of other dependencies. it also asks for way too many permissions just to let me use wine. why are gnome developers like this


I haven't tried Firejail but have this.

There's also bubblewrap which Flatpak and others make use of.

Flatpak would be really cool if it was a sandbox/permission system integrated into the system package manager. In its current implementation, it's fucking retarded, I don't need ten versions of Gnome and Mesa and Qt installed on my system.


Even in a sandbox (e.g. firejail or bubblejail), a Wine Game would need to have access to at least GPU, Input, Audio, Storage and their Kernel Drivers. IMO, that is a substantial attack surface. OTOH, most attacks exploit a Windows flaw that won't usually exist in Wine.


just repackage it or build/compile without gnome dependencies?


>Flatpak would be really cool if it was a sandbox/permission system integrated into the system package manager.
And if Flatpak packages actually had good sandbox (some of them don't have any sandboxing at all). There is a site that has collected criticism on Flatpak; https://flatkill.org


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>>it wants to install its own separate Gnome
yeah, flatpaks are literally hell
just use this instead: https://github.com/Kron4ek/Conty
it's made by one of the mods on rutracker who packages a bunch of wine and native games for linux
it bundles EVERYTHING (wine, amd/nvidia drivers, steam, lutris, emulators, obs, legendary, etc) you need to play vidya gaems into a single appimage that requires no root access/install and need no extra dependencies
just create another user, download this appimage and run your games inside that environment


>>22626 (me)
>single appimage
meant package since it's actually a shell script + squashfs inside a .sh file


Thanks, this looks very good. You can also run wine under a separate user with no privileges but this alternative also won't ruin my packages, it seems.



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