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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>(partly) proprietary, buggy, auto updates out the ass and is absolutely garbage
>still the best download manager available in 2023
using DDL is hell, we will colonize mars before we get a decent alternative to jdownloader


why are you not using wget holy shit


or uget if you want a gui


wget doesn't load up captchas, handle download limits or rotates proxies for me
uget doesn't have any of the jdownloader features, AFAIK only IDM has stuff like this but it's proprietary + only on windows


have you considered not downloading from shitty platforms


>have you tried not participating in the use case this software fills?
yes, but unfortunately i'm not the one uploading the files so i don't get to pick the file host they're coming from


So is it like a mediafire client or something? I've never found myself needing to use one of these.


yes, you paste https://supershadyfilehostsomefuckerdecidedtouse.li.co.virus/ASJDHASD links to it and it handles captchas and everything ^__^


Sounds awful, especially if you don't know what the program is actually doing behind curtains.
Windows user problems, I guess.


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>windows user problems


Ah, a lot of minecraft datapacks use mediafire, think the uploader get ad revenue. Usually just opt to try making something similar myself / assume it's fake instead. If something open source like this comes along that'd be pretty useful tho.


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kneel to the LFS vanguards, for I have transcended the gentoo



there are commands that if you don't pay attention on how you type it, it could nuke your host system, a VM is safer if you mistype something. for example: I had to destroy the VMs bootloader to install the LFS's bootloader and had to make a /boot/grub/grub.cfg from scratch and make it work 1st try, and got LFS and the VM's distro booting(trisquel) 1st try. how insolent the lack of kneeling to the LFS gods!


It can't nuke the "system", only the partitions, if anything. I did LFS some 16 years ago. Linux has been my OS for 19 years. I recently switched everything to BSD though.


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yes it can(if you fuck it up), take a look at the new 12.0 book.
this is just one example:


>It can't nuke the "system"
it actually can
nvm deleting files from the host system like >>22628 mentions, some old laptops expose uefi/efi variables as writable and you can actually nuke your computer with that shit, you'd have to flash your bios back to normal 0__0


>some old laptops expose uefi/efi variables as writable and you can actually nuke your computer with that shit, you'd have to flash your bios back to normal 0__0
From what I remember, LFS doesn't touch the BIOS.
Yeah, that wipes the partition but your computer will be OK. Remember to do backups!


>From what I remember, LFS doesn't touch the BIOS.
but rm -rf / can, since those efi vars are mounted under the root fs


bruh I'm too lazy to make backups, if my system gets nuked it's over(guess I should make one)


use this anon https://github.com/linuxmint/timeshift
it just werks ^__^


this is why you upload to catbox.moe, so people don't have to deal with this


Imma use it if I don't get too lazy even with a GUI lol, thanks anon


it schedules backups automatically for you, that won't be an issue!! ^_____^


Wouldn't know, I don't use UEFI and never will.
>I'm too lazy to make backups
rsync and cron.


I suppose one needs something to do with all that free time


>best download manager


>rsync and cron
Different Anon, that's how I do it and I'm not nearly as (delightfully) geeky as the other posters. Rsync is so fucking well written too, hot damn.


yeah well downloading from mediafire or, god fucking forbid, mega has become a very niche use case now. if anything each day we're further away from an alternative.

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