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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1701539095295.webm (183.15 KB, 542x360, chopchopchop.webm)


>right click image
>there's no "copy image" option
>open image in new tab
>it's a blob link that doesn't work
execute order 66 on silicon valley. the whole point of digital entities is that they can be copied and pasted easily and infinitely without any kind of interference. But more and more web developers, in defense of "intellectual property" specifically and "private property" more generally are trying to reverse the economic development of computing to more closely resemble the era of print, when, if you wanted some text, you had to copy it by hand, or type it out on a typewriter, or God forbid, buy the damn book, or drive to the library.

How much more are they going to encroach on us with this parasitic, rent-seeking bullshit? Will they start manufacturing keyboards without a printscreen button? Are they going to start charging you for each character you type? Are they going to stop letting you copy text that's in your web browser? Will they equip every OS with a keylogger to make sure you aren't violating copyright law when you ctrl+c and ctrl+v? Are they going to start wrapping every single fucking thing that used to be easy to rightclick->copy in seven layers of javascript nonsense so that you can no longer access it?

And increasingly every web application's bloated and unoptimized front end is written to pander to mouth breathing phone and tablet users who never knew you could do this stuff in the first place. Soon you won't even be able to right click stuff at all, because that's obscure. That's a privilege only developers should have. End users are too stupid everything should be done through left click only.

We're building a web app for an engineering firm at my job and our client asked us to remove all keyboard shortcuts because they're too confusing for users.

The kind Vladimir Ilyich would have shot everyone here.


Ctrl+I -> click "Media" -> find the picture and click "Save As". Sometimes it fails but it always succeeds when I click retry.


File: 1701540094607.png (2.99 MB, 1899x2398, ClipboardImage.png)


Kill webshits. Behead webshits. Roundhouse kick webshits into the concrete. Slam dunk webshits into the trashcan. Crucify filthy webshits. Defecate in webshits food. Launch webshits into the sun. Stir fry webshits in a wok. Toss webshits into active volcanoes. Urinate into a webshits gas tank. Judo throw webshits into a wood chipper. Twist webshits heads off. Report webshits to the IRS. Karate chop webshits in half. Curb stomp pregnant webshits. Trap webshits in quicksand. Crush webshits in the trash compactor. Liquefy webshits in a vat of acid. Eat webshits. Dissect webshits. Exterminate webshits in the gas chamber. Stomp webshits skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate webshits in the oven. Lobotomize webshits. Mandatory abortions for webshits. Grind webshits fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown webshits in fried chicken grease. Vaporize webshits with a ray gun. Kick old webshits down the stairs. Feed webshits to alligators. Slice webshits with a katana.


File: 1701610841028.png (9.66 KB, 128x113, markup_1000007379.png)

The death of search engines is gonna be a golden age for the web.


Google and other corporations have basically monopolized HTTP through their browser engine and made it so complex that it is nigh impossible to write a good engine without hundreds of millions in investment. Blink (Chrome's browser engine) is the new Windows and Google is the new Microsoft and just like MS in the early 2000s, they will try to link everything to webshit now to maintain their monopoly instead of coming up with anything new.

The web is dead as a public platform, it is time to start moving elsewhere if you want something free from these kinds of restrictions. protocols like gemini or something decentralized like ipfs.


…or just use sites that smaller, open source indie (for a lack of a better word) browsers can handle. Leftypol works fine on lynx, for example. The issue is javascript, not http.
I don't get what you mean by monopoly. Like sure, 99% of search engine results will turn out webshit, but those results are usually not the thing you're looking for anyway. Abandoning search engines is always an option, I personally limit myself to 5 non-school related searches a month.
That said, seeing more browsers with gopher support would be neat.


>the whole point of digital entities is that they can be copied and pasted easily and infinitely without any kind of interference
not really
i agree it's annoying, but there's nothing philosophical about it
the whole PC thing was bound to collapse once VC money started drying up, and the corporations that made the whole system possible started to strip the copper wiring
maybe im being too cynical, idk


blobcat :3


this will work until they turn everything into a blob link. just the other day this was working for me and now it's a blob link.


Can't you download blobs?


No. you can't.


File: 1705349234186.png (55.64 KB, 320x320, ClipboardImage.png)


The blobs are by definition already on your computer.

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