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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1703986745627.png (332.75 KB, 576x566, dark pork.png)


>host server
>train shitty language algorithm on /pol/
>algorithmically generate fedposts
>plaster it with the lowest tier of fetish porn ads and cryptojacking
>monetize the police


File: 1703987118437.mp4 (1.09 MB, 720x480, BlackwatchPlaid.mp4)

>algorithmically generate fedposts


>making profit out of /pol/'s idiocy
Bourgeoisie, I kneel.


>algorithmically generate fedposts
this doesn't even need generative AI to know about
Whenever you point it out to a /pol/tard they'll just call you a troon/transhumanist and spam wojak folders

Unique IPs: 2

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