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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1704412863460.jpg (296.15 KB, 838x1447, 1704406639555930.jpg)


This could've easily been a shortcut but they had to add a whole fucking separate key because marketing, baby.


>you VILL use ze Artificial Intelligence


File: 1704421270590.png (1.46 MB, 1280x853, ClipboardImage.png)

no one needs more than an IBM model M


the super key is super useful though


only because applications are built to use it as the modifier key, alt could work just as well since even today there's barely any overlap between alt and super shortcuts


i have the unicomp version
it's very satisfying to type on, but heavy and can't play games with it


File: 1704447892785.png (78.53 KB, 600x600, boop the screw.png)

they're really trying to force the AI meme, huh?


all that investment needs some kind of return. you need AI even though you don't want it.


Fuck Windows 11. All my homies hate Windows 11.


Still no leap keys like the Canon Cat had :/

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