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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>Researchers have found a malicious backdoor in a compression tool that made its way into widely used Linux distributions, including those from Red Hat and Debian.

>The compression utility, known as xz Utils, introduced the malicious code in versions ​​5.6.0 and 5.6.1, according to Andres Freund, the developer who discovered it. There are no known reports of those versions being incorporated into any production releases for major Linux distributions, but both Red Hat and Debian reported that recently published beta releases used at least one of the backdoored versions—specifically, in Fedora Rawhide and Debian testing, unstable and experimental distributions. A stable release of Arch Linux is also affected. That distribution, however, isn't used in production systems.


Real shit or is this an attempt by Yank glowies to delegitimize Free Software and fire up the techno-cold war?


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Speculations oscillating between blame and china and glow-op.


it's always a fucking glow op, shit like linux relies on good faith and common purpose but there's a dwindling supply of that.


let the FBI cucks spy on me. it'll be a waste of their time


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Installing Windows rn


>the analysis of his git commit timestamps
LMFAO, those are so fucking trivial to fake, the faking is built into git itself. There's a git command argument to supply a custom timestamp for a commit, I've done this myself.

Glowies (or anyone else) will try to mask their operations by even including foreign language in their code, even if it serves no technical purpose. It's just there to give false leads.

I'm pretty certain the author of those commits is NOT from the timezone of those commits. If they are competent enough to develop a backdoor then they sure as fuck will have the absolute basic knowledge about hiding their traces.


>There's a git command argument to supply a custom timestamp for a commit, I've done this myself.
ah yes, the old "make my work shift longer than it actually was" trick


Debian stable chads stay winning


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it's not old, it's stable!


Hear is the thing, the developer had a Chinese sounding name but a timestamp that aligns with Eastern europe/Israel.

So which of these things is fake and which is genuine and whatever is fake, what was the intention behind the obfuscation?



You can't tell who it is, it could be Five Eyes trying to frame Chinese / Russians, Russians trying to frame Chinese, or Chinese trying to frame Russians, or Russians / Chinese trying to frame Five Eyes trying to frame Chinese / Russians.

It's no point; vs spooks it's very hard to figure out who did what unless they were sloppy.


I mean that's the thing though, this was a sloppy job. They didn't even benchmark it, which was how it got found out like imediately.

Also what's the point in having 2 threads about this? The /tech/ thread has already covered a lot of bases ya'll're being slow getting to.


Exactly, but cui bono? Who benefits from the delegitimization of free and open software? Chinas or American companies? In the West are currently in the midst hot debate about Chinese-made software and tech companies.


damn didn't check the /tech/ thread

sorry mods, please nuke if I was naughty.

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