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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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<People voluntarily line up to have their retinas scanned with a "worldcoin orb" to get a "universal" digital ID. In exchange for a small amount of "worldcoin" cryptocurrency.
The faggot behind "Open"AI is now trying to have biometric data of the whole world for cryptopennies. Very cool.


Although I find this development very disturbing, I personally don't have to care anymore, since the police took my finger/handprints and photos of me some time ago.


At least your fingerprints continually change over time.


Silicon entrepreneurs are incompetent retards who throw shit at the wall and hope someone even more clueless invests in it.

I wouldn't worry that much, most of this shit will fail to stick, at least outside of the US.


Yeh they swabbed me. It's oger for me and anyone related to me. But myncousin did 23andme so she already fucked me.


Really not that dumb if you think about. Iris scan is whatever and at least they got paid, people actually PAY to have their DNA uploaded to the FBI database.


democracy is lovely


>I wouldn't worry that much, most of this shit will fail to stick, at least outside of the US.

You are either coping or you are just naive. Governments are currently in the process of creating techno-totalitarianism all around the world. From the US, the EU up to China. The dead internet theory is becoming real, it's all happening right now.

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