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 No.24100[View All]

Pirate thread, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Post about pirates and and piracy be it on the high seas or the internet!
270 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


So 2 months later, any updates on Minus One Torrents?


it's not out on dvd yet, how do you expect there to be a torrent? just wait and watch other movies in the mean time.


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Dear Visitors,

We regret to inform you that our website will be permanently closing its doors.

Free MP3 Download Team



Just use Soulseek/Telegram Deezer download bots.


RIP, but there are alternatives thankfully


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>RARBG is kill


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yet another casualty of the pointless brother war


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>>>/hobby/40603 For anyone interested
>here is the torrent for all (HP) films, but more importantly, extra audio channels for listening listen to:
>Wizard People, Dear Reader - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_People%2C_Dear_Reader
>(and Rifftrax for all films)


RIP gog-games.to 😔


fuck you are joking me right?


Who are you responding to?


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Elaborating on the Meme: Pirating from any big corporation is always morally correct. but we should buy games from our indie comrades, they actually receive what their product is generating. and the same with any media, if it is owned by large companies hack it without hesitation.


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was it greed? anger? manlet rage? welsh genes?


Was what greed/anger/etc/?


the reason that made him abandon living on a british farmhouse with the wife and go plunder in some tropical bumfuck


The Shanties



Yep, tanks m8, yo ho ho

Who him? You mean the video-game character in your pic? He did it because he wanted adventure and then decided to rebel against Empire(s). Fairly standard stuff for a lot of pirates of the Golden Age tbh.


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Who are we?


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cool, but that doesn't explain how a 1714 welsh peasant can climb like spiderman, ubisoft never explained away that part in the series


Don't ask me, ask the devs


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Found something interesting regarding pirate Short-Wave radio - Russia and Ukraine seem to use them in the war.

>The Russian Short Wave War

>Ringwave Manchester


all proletarians are athletic and acrobatic


What kind of bandwidth will we get over encrypted SW radio after the Great Western Freedom Firewall goes up?



Given Disney's attitude to pirates nowdays it's a wonder that we got such a based lad like Captain Jack Sparrow.


They didn't expect the pirate movie to blow up. The genre was considered dead after Cutthroat Island flopped. And Sparrow was written as ambiguously a bad guy at first, but Depp played him too charming for it to stick and they just started writing him as a good guy.


>They didn't expect the pirate movie to blow up.
Considering the budget put into that film I'd disagree (NTA obviously)


Well they expected it to make some money, but they didn't expect the popularity I suspect.


>Someone leaked NATO training information into public sphere
WarThunder boyos do it again?


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The budget for the first movie was as high as it was because period movies and movies revolving around boats are more expensive. It was a top performer when it came out, and it had stiff competition.


I think their point was that Disney wouldn't bother with such a high budget if they didn't expect to make more than they spent.


how do torrent bros search now that qbittorrent's search is broken

i get search on individual torrent sites but tis not good enough

OMNI searches are so much better, do you remember circa 2014, we had some of them, i can't remember their name but i loved them


knaben.eu comrade. 1337x fucked all their links with vpn spam but you can still access them through knaben.


did rarbg ever get an alternative? i stopped torrenting movies before that went to shit


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There used to be a site where I could download epubs of basically every obscure sciencefiction book out there, but I think it got taken down since I can't find it anymore.

Anyone know where I can find and download AvP and Terminator stuff. Particularly I'm looking for


Not on libgen?


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I don't think people upload a lot of obscure sci-fi spin-off novels on libgen, or at least not ones for AvP.

In other news the MPA is being a bitch again, yay.


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Someone help, Youtube Redux can't adjust this garbage new layout.


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Reposting this because it's semi-relevant


You tried annas archive?


Skimmed through it, seems like a good article, bump for other opinions.


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How the fuck do I validate the checksum of GOG games that are native to Linux? Their list of checksums seems to be only for Windows binaries.


there are checksums for .sh installers here: https://github.com/GOG-Games-com/MD5-for-GOG.com


I only see exes and bins…


clone the repo because the file is huge, there's a few .sh entries there


Yeah, only 30, when their native Linux games are much more. Thanks anyway, I guess I'm fucked because this is the official list lol.


if you're worried about the files just get them from rutracker or torrminatorr, they're trustworthy


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me torrenting a movie i already own fully legally because i can't be bothered to walk over to where the dvd is and get it

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