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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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> find new software
> check out their Microsoft GIthub
< it's just translations and issue tracking, no actual source code
Proprietary software should be required to put large warnings about it being proprietary like those warnings on cigarette.


>find neat looking project on shithub
<all commits are readme edits
there was this guy who had like five repositories of this and spammed links to his "firefox fork" on reddit and hn


I hope he died tbqh


90% of accounts I see on github are just people forking highly starred repos or posting their homework assignments. There's this idea that github is a community of artisans sharing and reacting to each others work but it just isn't true


You're just mad you can't code for shit


What, are you browsing? I just look at software I use, usually checking minecraft mods are actually open source before installing them. Like I assumed minecraft has had enough malware scares to swear off closed source stuff entirely, but nah 1 in 100 mods you find in both repos are still closed source.

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