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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Dead internet theory and all I know, but in recent years LLM/gpt chatbot content has been flooding the internet with low quality shit from youtube faceless automation channels to SEO product review sites flooding the first page of search engine results.

Will we reach a saturation point where the only places to find actual answers to anything will be reddit/quora or tiktok?


You think those platforms aren't also flooded with bots?

The harsh truth is the only place this leads is the deanonimization of the internet. Not necessarily to other users, but to ISPs, hosts, and the state. At the very least every major platform will implement a requirement to prove you're a real human being before you're allowed to create an account.


>The Internet*
<*Search Engines
It's killing the core web, the web as a whole is thriving as a result.
>Will we reach a saturation point where the only places to find actual answers to anything will be reddit/quora or tiktok?
Those were never sources of answers to begin with. Wikis and forums reign and will continue to do so.
>The Internet*
<*Major™️©️®️ Platforms
Non-issue, new sites like fedi instances just ask you write about yourself and ban you if you turn out to be a bot. This is just going to result in the return of manual account approval, not IDs.


>At the very least every major platform will implement a requirement to prove you're a real human being before you're allowed to create an account.
why cant it lead to the end of social media


Because people are addicted.


It's already like that, I have to put "reddit" at the end of every search to find anything meaningful and even then it's full of random bots recommending shit


Because people would just move to fedi and forums and stuff. They had to think up a scenerio where the status quo remained resiliant, but with video essay fearmongering aethetics.
People are stubborn.* Words mean things, misusing them benifits thinktanks.

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