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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1584143[View All]

This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
254 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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how is this going to compete with haber-bosch if it's less efficient? we've had over 100 years to fix HB's engineering issues
>natural gas
the feedstock for HB is nitrogen and hydrogen, the latter of which can be had from electrolysis or syngas. or we can turn the syngas into methane and use existing steam reforming+HB plants as they are
>3 orders of magnitude less efficient than HB



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thank you anon for doing something that I was too lazy to do.


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All I've been thinking about all day is 1. I'm glad that's not me. 2. This problem is going to get extremely bad with Thai vulnerable on all fronts, there are no good outcomes here, only a hope that such inevitable doom leads to revolution, but I doubt that.
But at least the heat had the good grace to kill the cops first. And being to irresponsible with spending to afford flights at least has a silver lining..


Just remember that when alexandria ocasio-cortez finally wins the presidential elections in 2032, the United Social-Democratic States of America (whose military is still going to be responsible for the most emissions in the world under productivist social democracy) will finally be able to tackle climate change according to the idealist cosmopolitans on leftypol who believe that's a practical plan for world socialism.


Shay? are you back


That depends on whether or not the community improves.


it hasnt improved shay, abandon ship


what do you predict going to happen, (c)glownonymous


Not my wheelhouse it just makes me depressed.
Expert says rising sea levels (double global avg. Bangkok is literally sinking, quite fast) and more large floods, decimating of food industries at land and sea.
Probably all leading to large internal migration, not sure which way migration will go externally; thai has a big illegal immigration issue currently (which cause to much labour issues and slavery) that might get much much worse or might go the other way with mass leaving to better shores, although that will always be the outcome for the current bourgeoisie, lucky and well off who already have half of themselfs in Europe.
I honestly just can't see the thai regime collapsing, the power is very strong and intertwined, reaction won a long time ago and never released its grip.
Having said that tho their are a lot of times in history when similar things have been said,Things have the ability to change quickly… Life is Change, so nothing is inevitable.


thats depressing anon. but dont lose hope. As you say, revolutions dont seem like they happen until they happen. And we do live in a very unstable time.


The bourgeoisie are going to have a hard time adapting to the level of chaos that's going to happen. The workers will have every reason to band together and use the opportunity to force a change. It's going to be a terrible century, probably make the 20th century seem like nothing, but it holds the promise of a much greater transformation.



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After hearing all my life about climate change I thought I was mentally prepared for what's coming but between the sudden emergence of wildfire smoke in the summer and the dissapearance of winter I'm feeling so incredibly sad. I can no longer recognize the only place I've ever known.




We still got winter here. Maybe even stronger than before. These 100f+ 60 days a year is unbearable tho. Summer is now my least favorite season. Fuck summer. It is worse than going out in a blizzard here.


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People tend to misunderstand "global warming." It's not going to just uniformly get hotter everywhere. Higher global average temperate means more energy in the system. While we have had noticeably warmer weather on average, what we are really going to see is an intensification of weather events. Storms will get stronger, and the extreme temperatures, hot and cold, will get more extreme.


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I wonder whether the terrorist attacks on the Nordstreams had something to do with this.


According to wikipedia it was the biggest ecological disaster in history so yeah, probably


Citation needed, last climatic optimum in holocene was very hot, and at the same time northern hemisphere was free of any glaciation, same goes for Antarctica, life were booming back then.


There was never an ice free Arctic during the Holocene, do you even know what the Holocene epoch was or is?


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It is going to get hotter on average everywhere, but the temperature change won't be evenly distributed in space or time. For example, more heat in the polar vortex (relatively warm there) will tend to cause it to break out and cause cold weather in more temperate regions.


humanity is not making it to outer space. They never even managed to properly explore inner space.


I don’t think human life was booming back then.


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Happy Earth Day, /climate/

What did you get Earth-chan for her special day?


Life that was adapted to a radically different environment you drooling nitwit.


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She'll get through this infestation until the humans die off. She will bounce back from it in no time.


The point is that the change to that state is happening too fast.


38 trillion dollars in damages each year: World economy already committed to income reduction of 19 % due to climate change
April 17, 2024
Even if CO2 emissions were to be drastically cut down starting today, the world economy is already committed to an income reduction of 19% until 2050 due to climate change, a new study finds. These damages are six times larger than the mitigation costs needed to limit global warming to two degrees. Based on empirical data from more than 1,600 regions worldwide over the past 40 years, scientists assessed future impacts of changing climatic conditions on economic growth and their persistence.
Source: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240417131138.htm

Substantial global cost of climate inaction
Apr. 17, 2024
Pioneering study reveals that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius could reduce the global economic costs of climate change by two thirds. If warming continues to 3 degrees Celsius, global GDP will decrease by up to 10 percent – with the worst impacts in less developed countries.
Source: ETH Zurich, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240417131103.htm

Securing competitiveness of energy-intensive industries through relocation: The pulling power of renewables
April 24, 2024
Countries with limited potential for renewables could save up to 20 percent of costs for green steel and up to 40 percent for green chemicals from green hydrogen if they relocated their energy-intensive production and would import from countries where renewable energy is cheaper.
Source: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240419131810.htm

New oceanic research provides clear evidence of a human "fingerprint" on climate change and shows that specific signals from human activities have altered the seasonal cycle amplitude of sea surface temperatures (SST).
March 20, 2024
In 2023, the upper ocean heat content was the highest on record, leading to strong concern in the scientific community. The ocean absorbs roughly 90 percent of the Earth's excess heat from global warming and plays a vital role in regulating planetary climate systems.
The ocean is a vital carbon sink, absorbing 25 percent of the carbon dioxide that we produce by burning fossil fuels. However, the ability of the ocean to absorb CO2 is temperature dependent. As the ocean warms, it is critical that we understand how the ability of the oceans to absorb CO2 is affected.
Source: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/03/240320122520.htm

Fossil CO2 emissions at record high in 2023
December 4, 2023
Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have risen again in 2023 – reaching record levels, according to new research from the Global Carbon Project science team. The annual Global Carbon Budget projects fossil carbon dioxide (CO2 emissions of 36.8 billion tonnes in 2023, up 1.1% from 2022. About half of all CO2 emitted continues to be absorbed by land and ocean "sinks," with the rest remaining in the atmosphere where it causes climate change.
Source: University of Exeter, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/12/231204215905.htm




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>over a year straight of record-breaking sea surface temperatures


This hurricane season is going to be wild


If humans switched to predominantly vegetarian diets with meat as a lower priority than fruits and vegetables in the diet of average people, human sewage would become suitable as manure to be used as fertilizer or pumped into the oceans to jumpstart biodiversity and switching to sustainable farming techniques and watershed democracy on top of changing our diet can sequester enough carbon in crops and photosynthetic organisms more generally to actually reverse climate change trends and reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere


unfortunately carnists will never stop stuffing their fat bellies until forced to do so


How many people can you turn to veganism with that argument?


The world is already going underwater for years. Not that there is anything we leftypol can do about it lol


Even i'm not a vegan. I'm just a flexitarian who has standards about not eating grade D ground beef slop all the time


Should just ban all meat except poultry and maybe seafood. A compromise as chicken is the clearly superior and most versatile meat with the lowest environmental impact.


H5n1 says hello


They WILL eat ze salad


important to remember that the main reason disease is so common to livestock is because corporations don't believe in keeping animals 6 feet apart and don't treat the animals with any dignity or respect


And most importantly, banning animal food will most certainly be good for the market, i may presume. Of course, net zero should be achieved, as seen in the article above. The cost of having net zero worldwide is 7 times cheaper then dealing with the loss of GDP growth and deficit that global warning and not dealing with environmental problems will cause, but is any study out there that can gives us a definite number on how much more profitable all this money we invest in cattle and livestock could be used in, lets say, soy beef?




Nein danke!


Rapeseed can go to hell


Reposting from other anon:
These bacteria clean up radioactive waste
For decades, scientists suspected that bacteria known as Geobacter could clean up radioactive uranium waste, but it wasn't clear how the microbes did it.

"The biological mechanism remained elusive for 20 years," said Gemma Reguera, the Michigan State University microbiologist whose team solved much of the mystery a decade ago. She's now cracked the rest of the case.

What Reguera discovered in 2011 was that Geobacter makes protein filaments on one side of its cells that act like wires to "zap" uranium. That does two things. For one, the jolt triggers chemical reactions that give the bacteria energy. Secondly, that chemistry traps the uranium in a mineral form, preventing the radioactive material from spreading through the environment.

But those protein wires accounted for just about 75% of the uranium the Geobacter were cleaning up.

Published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, the results could create new ways to remediate dangerous pollution, and to recycle and reclaim increasingly scarce metals from electronic waste. The next step, Reguera said, is investigating whether Geobacter and its sponges can be encouraged to pull other toxic metals from waste streams.



ok good for germany but we need something else besides coal and petrol to build and maintain our means of production
besides ecological remediation is difficult, expensive and cant be done nor researched under candlelight


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I'm referencing this autism


>nordstream """disaster"""
looks a bit like lemmy face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
also https://nuclearpoweryesplease.org/

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