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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1731617[View All]

So the World Economy Forum recently has undoubtedly proven that the idea that "Cultural Marxism" is what is holstering every foul thing about the modern world, globalism and neoliberalism is retarded.
Here was Milei talking with his good friend ze bugs man himzelf Klaus Schwab promoting his favourite anti-communist minarchist.
Promoting a "free market" world where everything will be owned by a small cluster of megacorps! Hurray!
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Basically. It's a reflection of the petty bourgeois tendency to blame problems inherent to capitalism on external interlopers operating via conspiracies, corrupting an otherwise good system.


Snowball effect, the end-stage is one corporation owning the whole market (the whole world).

It’s an unconcious deflection, they know it’s terrible and will only cause great human suffering, reducing most of the human population to mere slaves, so they can’t admit that their system is the one driving towards it. Thats why they hate the WEF, they say the quiet part out loud.


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>Why do great nations fail?
>They turn their backs on their principles
Has this literally ever been true? Like even once? The decline and collapse of every great nation and empire that I'm aware of came either because they got into a big war that screwed them over, or because the flexibility and innovation that their society grew strong on gave way to a rigid, calcified and corrupt system in the vice grip of some entrenched class who would rather rule over ruins than accept any changes that might pose even the most minor setback to their wealth and power.


the cat is finally out of the bag (at least until the next thing happens and everyone forgets that this ever happened) and maybe some people will understand that ze bugs is nothing but capitalism in action


the cat is out of the bag for the mentally ill*


but socialism is when the government does stuff


>>Why do great nations fail?
>>They turn their backs on their principles
>Has this literally ever been true?
The Soviet Union.


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You underestimate the power of mental illness


isnt that the guy who unironically wears a MAGA hat?


>neoliberal roasts the neoliberals


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Yes, he also has a self-awareness deficit that allows him to call leftists “soy” while looking like a myopia afflicted skeleton. It’s almost impressive.


>the alt left has gone too far
What does this even mean? Why do they always pretend the overton window is moving anywhere but right?


They want to gaslight people into thinking 'the left has gone mad' so they seek shelter in reaction


liberal on liberal violence is something the left will not address.


This guy is such a fucking retard and everyone can see it, and I feel like he is a unique case. Plenty of retarded degenerates have been elected in the past (Berlusconi, Trump etc) but I think this guy's election is just pure death drive. People have given up trying to find a politician with principles or charisma or even a brain and they just want to inflict the maximum amount of damage to the other side even if their entire country gets destroyed.


see >>1732727


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Is it easy to get an economics degree? Look how many retards like Milei become economists.


Probably. I'd guess that it could all be done online and cheated


Every empire fell due to the principles those empires were founded. Ruling classes were ruling due to a specific economic system in place, they propagated that system through imperialism, against less competitive members, and then as the world moved on technologically and socially those founding principles were no longer adequate for the world around, thus, the destruction of the empire - i.e. empire abandoning it's founding, binding-it-all-together principles

Principles being socio-economic relations, obviously, not some rightoid nonsense like "virtue" or "loyalty to the state"


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>The applause died down after hearing him speak and most of them were really uncomfortable.

Sorry, but that's wishful thinking. Porky has been doing nothing but singing his praise since he gave the speech. I cannot tell you how many articles claiming that this was exactly the speech that has needed to be said. Hundreds of CEOs have been singing Milei's praises since his speech at Davos. Nearly every article I've seen on the internet from mainstream news sources have put a positive to exuberantly excited spin on it.

Mark my words, the bourgeois fully embracing Milei's speech which was the ultimate phantasmagoria of right-wing spooks marks a very definite right-wing and fascistic turn of face from the ruling class.

Global capitalism is too decrepit to embrace any socialistic reforms right now. I definitely would not interpret any aspect of the WEF as symbolic of the intent for porky to moderately reform the push towards austerity. In fact, I would interpret it as a full-throated endorsement of a shift towards fascism to avoid spirit crushing revelations later.


It is actually insane. With Trump at least they had the excuse that he occassionally passed populist largesse to his voters. You don't have any of that with Milei, his entire fucking platfotm is that poor people should starve and industry should be killed off so Argentina can return to the liberal agro export regime. Literal you will own nothing shit.


These people have some kind of cognitive deficiency and we need ti rethink this idea of universal voting rights


Not to mention Schwab himself praised Millei's politics. Rightoids need to face the reality that the WEF is a capitalist institution and always will be, and that socialism doesn't mean "anything my retarded petty bourgeois ass doesn't like".


When are we going to se resistancw against this schizo?



Read This.

The ruling classes fear "Social Polarization" and "Economic Downturn".

in a section on Global North and Global South relations, the ruling class fear increasing "Anti Western Sentiment" in the next two years.

Also Mods, shut down this thread and make a better, new one focusing on the WEF from a non schizo point.


>Rightoids need to face the reality wall


There will be a general strike against Milei tomorrow here in Argentina


> they know it’s terrible and will only cause great human suffering, reducing most of the human population to mere slaves,
Many of them explicitly dont give a shit about that.


>Rightoids need to face the reality that the WEF is a capitalist institution
they can't. milei/ancaps/lolberts and his ilk are so far far-right that the WEF is actually socialist/communist from their perspective. it doesn't help that schwab himself used to believe in "social entrepreneurship" (he coined the term afaik) and multipolarity and used to be on good terms with china and xi as well so he's probably literally a communist for /pol/face psychos like this guy >>1733842 who looks there like he's about to cry over how contrarian and brave he is sticking it to the face of those wef marxists in the name of muh freeeeee markets.
i mean /leftypol/ calls socdems "social fascists" now and then because from our perspective modern socdems tend to be neoliberal fucks and class traitors, however they're still not real fascists, just bourgeois liberals who believe at least in bourgeois democracy. milei and his ilk on the other hand are very close to the worst fascists and i think his appearance on the wef marks a shift of the western bourgeoisie from neoliberalism towards aggressive ancap-ism/fascism in terms of ideology given how much love he gets from all western msm including "leftist" i.e. liberal msm.


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>i mean /leftypol/ calls socdems "social fascists" now and then because from our perspective modern socdems tend to be neoliberal fucks and class traitors
That has more to do with people LARPing as early 1930s KPD members despite them eating shit so hard, but I see your point.
>milei and his ilk on the other hand are very close to the worst fascists and i think his appearance on the wef marks a shift of the western bourgeoisie from neoliberalism towards aggressive ancap-ism/fascism in terms of ideology given how much love he gets from all western msm including "leftist" i.e. liberal msm
Potentially, the WEF have for a long time recognized some of the social problems stemming from neoliberalism and capitalism in general, and advocated steps to mitigate these problems for the sake of preserving the system as a whole. If they have any historical parallel then it would probably be the 19th century bourgeois/aristocratic social reformers and philanthropists who opened orphanages and shit to mitigate the horrors of the industrial revolution. The fact that they seem to moving away from this position may indicate they've given up on it altogether, or they may just be trying to bring more right wing capitalist elements into the fold. I think its something of a moot point anyway. Davos may host the richest people in the world, but paradoxically their prescriptions for "stakeholder capitalism" and the like never seem to translate into actual government policies, which remains for the most part as nakedly neoliberal as ever. This makes me suspect that even the porkies who attend the WEF don't really take its prescriptions seriously, and treat it more like comic con for the parasite class. Maybe for them it's mainly just a place to hear inspiring speeches and rub shoulders with other vampires around pretty mountains.


I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that people who aren't member's of the bourgeoisie and are right of Stalin (economically speaking) should be diagnosed as mentally retarded.


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kill them all


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>This makes me suspect that even the porkies who attend the WEF don't really take its prescriptions seriously, and treat it more like comic con for the parasite class. Maybe for them it's mainly just a place to hear inspiring speeches and rub shoulders with other vampires around pretty mountains.
Exactly. A few years ago I was listening to an interview with Heather Hurlburt who is one of these liberal D.C. think tank people (currently has a job in government under Biden). She was trying to make a squishy "left" case for American aircraft carriers and all that, but that's not important – she talked about going to Davos for one of the WEF things during the Obama administration (when she also had a job), and her impressions were kind of funny from the perspective of a middle-ranking American functionary… someone below a cabinet secretary but above the coffee lemmings.

She said it's tremendously glamorous but also not. They got there, took this chartered helicopter flight from the airport, and they're passing by the Swiss Alps and it makes you feel like James Bond. Then you get there and it's also glamorous, but you're tired from the trip and you forgot to bring clothes other than your business suit so going on a hike is out, and you didn't bring a swimsuit so the beautiful pool at your hotel is out, and there are private events with the rich and fabulous but you don't have a pass, so that's out. So you end up spending your day off sitting *by* the pool *in* your business suit drinking a Diet Coke and looking at your free WEF goodie bag. So unless you're literally one of the top people it's an extremely unsatisfying experience because you're treated as a lackey.

A bunch of people give speeches. Some of them are heads of state. But then there's also, like, some real-estate mogul giving a speech about we're living beyond our means and we have to downsize… after flying there in a private jet with kids and not one nanny… but two nannies. Then the WEF makes some statement about how all countries in the future will need a "Ministry of the Future" which a lot of actual government functionaries there think is cringe.

But it has this purpose (less so now, it has been losing its cachet) as place where, wow, look at all these high-profile people in the same room (or multiple) rooms who wouldn't normally talk to each other, either for practical reasons or because the transaction costs for it would too high, and here they are. But the actual effect if anything is probably just to reinforce the shared worldview of the people who attend, and their shared delusion that they know everything.

It's also spawned more mini-Davoses. There's a bunch of "forums" now in different places.


>Then you get there and it's also glamorous, but you're tired from the trip and you forgot to bring clothes other than your business suit so going on a hike is out, and you didn't bring a swimsuit so the beautiful pool at your hotel is out, and there are private events with the rich and fabulous but you don't have a pass, so that's out. So you end up spending your day off sitting *by* the pool *in* your business suit drinking a Diet Coke and looking at your free WEF goodie bag. So unless you're literally one of the top people it's an extremely unsatisfying experience because you're treated as a lackey.
Well, that's all business trips, really.


I think Alex Karp has the right idea though, I think he's a regular attendee and brings his REI clothes for contemplative walks inna woods in between flights to Israel to see how his manhunter software is doing.


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>creates lib-right neoliberal paradise
>austerity completely rapes peoples job security


Extremely happy to see my man Styxedgehammer6969 is still turning heads.




They also have worse inflation than Venezuela and don't even have sanctions as an excuse.


do you think inflation will reach Zinbabwe tier? Will lolberts still have the audacity to demand being taken seriously after that?



So how long until Argentinians will give Milei the wall treatment. I think it's time now


Neoliberalism is dying BTW


Don't worry, Argentina govnerment will fall. Milei will not silly his way out of this one


Criticizing lack of democratic accountability over WEF is not "rightoid" humor?



You now what, maybe I'm not so stupid after all!



they couldn't define capitalism or socialism if you put a gun to their head is why. their entire belief system is incoherent, more or less just random isolated ideas that they absorbed from the media that were invented by think tanks to get normies to support the interests of the haute bourgeois.

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