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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1745177[View All]

Hop aboard the datamining-victim train and post your results, retards
152 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Correct. Now if you embrace the free market, even fewer people will starve to death.


Are you just some ant, or a stone tumbling down a hill? Do you not make any judgements in your life? Do you just breathe in and out and go with the flow? Are you really so passive and braindead?


He probably grew up religious and is going through his daddy issues stage


That's the Buddha you're talking to, o prisoner of samsara.


This was the dumbest political test I've ever taken. Most of the questions were just vague liberal bullshit.

LOL how did you manage to get that result?


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So my buddy took that IDRlabs "Murderous Villain Test" and got Hitler.


I decided to take it, and…


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>Closest Match: Centrist Marxism
>Centrist Marxism is a form of Marxism that adopts Marxist views on society and the economy while also refraining from taking a definitive position on revolution and reformism. Many Centrist Marxists may also be more nationalistic than other Marxists.
Lol lmao even. They only put this fake position on there because the anarkiddies don't want people becoming MLs. What's with all the weird vegan stuff? What does funding research for bourgie fake meat have to do with socialism?


Scientific anarchism, as in oposition with "utopian" anarchism of the past, will lead the 2525 International. We need to kick out the utopian anarchists before is too late bros…


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Because todays popular anarchism, as idpolism, is purely idealistic virtue-consoomerism ideology?


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Same, so true bestie.


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I took psychic damage to self respect for doing this.
At least I got the big man, not sure who exactly he was supposed to have murdered though


>no one gets lenin except for me


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oops forgot to attach




I can't help if I'm a goody good-boy.


Well damn, three Middle Eastern dictators. Nice.


Mr. Hussein was not a dictator.


i like you guys

don't come to the twin towers tomorrow


Man I can understand that our intervention was shit, but I saw the video of him purging the Ba'athists. My dude was a dictator. Should America have gotten involved? No, of course not. But if we were to overthrow Pinochet after propping him up, that doesn't make Pinochet any less a dictator.


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I take back what I said earlier in the thread; *this* is the dumbest political test.


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rate my stats


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What an idealistic and sensitive man! Look at him he is definitly not a nazi sociopath that is burning in hell right now! So warm hearted! So

"The prosecution's case against Hess was presented by Mervyn Griffith-Jones beginning on 7 February 1946. By quoting from Hess's speeches, he attempted to demonstrate that Hess had been aware of and agreed with Hitler's plans to conduct a war of aggression in violation of international law. He declared that as Hess had signed important governmental decrees, including the decree requiring mandatory military service, the Nuremberg racial laws, and a decree incorporating the conquered Polish territories into the Reich, he must share responsibility for the acts of the regime. He pointed out that the timing of Hess's trip to Scotland, only six weeks before the German invasion of the Soviet Union, could only be viewed as an attempt by Hess to keep the British out of the war. Hess resumed showing symptoms of amnesia at the end of February, partway through the prosecution's case.[140]

The court deliberated for nearly two months before passing judgement on 30 September, with the defendants being individually sentenced on 1 October. Hess was found guilty on two counts: crimes against peace (planning and preparing a war of aggression), and conspiracy with other German leaders to commit crimes. He was found not guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. He was given a life sentence, one of seven Nazis to receive prison sentences at the trial.


not bad, I'm happy with this result


>Full warm hearted, goody boy
>I get literally mussolini
this website is a joke, or is literally made by a nazi


I mean I'm pretty sure everyone getting an 'evil dictator' is the joke. Plus ᴉuᴉlossnW was pretty high energy and spontaneous.


yea, it is probably just a joke, but is cursed as hell


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Am anarchist for some context
Still very satisfied with this when compared to seeing the results of other anons


based, this test is based. I regret every acusation i made


Also coincidentally have had this song on my mind for weeks at like 0.75 the speed
Not sure if it had a subconscious effect or so


Dunno why people are shocked that a test literally called “Murderous Villains” lists a ton of Nazis as highlighted profiles. To be honest I’m more surprised Che is on there as a “murderous villain.”


i was surprised that the website chose ᴉuᴉlossnW and Rudolf Hess when people scored "Warm hearted". But then again, is inofensive, it doesn't live rent free in my head anymore


To be fair, I think there can be cast disconnects between a persons’ politics and their personality. Like Saddam’s love of writing romance novels, Hitler having almost universally positive relationships with Jews (I mean literal interpersonal relationships) and Stalin loving John Wayne movies apparently. In fact I’d go so far to say that “politics as personality” is something of a modern invention.

Now as for how you can say a murderous dictator is “warm hearted”, I guess we got to look at how they acted when not playing dictator. From what I understand ᴉuᴉlossnW was genuinely well liked by his former comrades in the Socialist Party. In an interview I read with him, he briefly paused the interview because some electricians came over, and the reporter said ᴉuᴉlossnW was extremely polite, just inviting the electricians in, paying them generously, chatting them up while they work.

Again, it sounds absurd when comparing the consequences of what some of these men did, but evil is weird like that. A guy could be a great father, an honest broker, he could give the shirt off his back to those in need, yet paradoxically also run a concentration camp. I believe it was Ezra Pound who bizarrely said Hitler was like a Saint.


Seems about right. There's good things about capitalism, but they need to be kept at arms length.


This one was kinda boring ima be real, like 5 questions only


read a book


omg we are twin(tower)s!! <33


>Scientific anarchism



This thread just proves everywhere on here is just a fascist who claims to be leftwing


Is there any rightoid/fascist version of this ideology store thing?


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>Mfw high fairness, purity and ingroup


>Everything is a dropdown and not radio buttons
I'd rather kms


Ideal candidate to lead Maoist self-criticism sessions that turn into baby boiling sessions and/or peer-pressure suicide cults.


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>>political psychology


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I'm the buddy in question


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Many questions had me half-agree, half-disagree, where it seemed pretty obvious that if I disagree, the test thinks I agree with the exact opposite.
Otherwise, it was a nice experience.

Unique IPs: 33

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