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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1757979[View All]


>We form the party in opposition to the policies of the leadership of the entire Swedish labour movement.

>It is the Social Democrats who have been in government for most of the attacks of the last 30 years. Their policies are becoming increasingly indistinguishable from those of the right.
>The Left Party leadership has followed the Social Democrats to the right, in search of government posts and respect from bourgeois public opinion.

>Many people dream of going back to the large-scale improvements for workers of the post-war period, but this was an exception in the history of capitalism that will not be repeated. In fact, it is precisely the illusions of that period that underlie the state of the labour movement today.

>Whole generations of activists were educated in the idea of class collaboration – peaceful cooperation with the bourgeoisie, on the basis of ever-expanding capitalism. Socialism was postponed indefinitely: staying within the limits of what the bourgeoisie could tolerate. Since the boom turned into a crisis for capitalism, this has meant accepting, step by step, and in many cases implementing, the atacks of the bourgeoisie.

>At the same time, trade union leaders have come to see preserving the stability of capitalism as their main task. The message to workers is always the same: it doesn't pay to fight.

>The truth is that the previous period left its mark on the entire Swedish left. It is enough to open any issue of supposedly communist papers like Proletären, Internationalen or Offensiv to see the total lack of propaganda for the need for revolution and communism. They promote the only thing they think workers understand: struggle for minor improvements within the framework of capitalism. The ideas of communism are relegated (at best) to programmatic documents and study circles.

>The whole history of capitalism shows that the working class cannot take power without a revolutionary party on the basis of scientific socialism – Marxism. The immediate task of the Revolutionary Communist Party can therefore be summed up simply: to organise and train those who have already begun to draw communist conclusions today, in order to win those who will do so tomorrow.

>The possibilities are seen not least in the work of our communist international over the past year. Using a simple slogan – "Are you a communist? Get organised!" – we have rapidly doubled our forces in one country after another. In Sweden, we have grown by 50 percent since the summer alone.

>Now we are taking the next step: in countries like Britain and Canada, preparations are in full swing to form revolutionary communist parties. We are raising the banner of communism so high that every communist will see it. Together we are laying the foundations for rebuilding a genuine revolutionary communist international, the world party of socialist revolution.
>What we are undertaking is nothing less than the building of a party ready for its historic task: to lead the struggle of the working class to communism.

>We ask you directly: Are you a communist? You are not alone! Help us build the RKP and gather the new generation of communists under the banner of Marxism. Never has there been a more important task.
245 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


well to be fair theyre firstoids the only choice of jobs they have is mcdonalds cashier, burger king cashier or walmart cashier lol


That's a variation on the Hitler drinking water argument. Just because you can replace names doesn't mean that the argument is invalid for one or both cases. Also, Khruschev's revisionism can be explained in concrete terms such as wasting people's money, failing to pay war bonds, failing to pay development bonds - because all the myriad different projects that have replaced stalinist projects turned to be failures, and people who were un-repressed by Khruschev and put in charge of those projects turned out to be either wreckers or retards, and Khruschev getting deposed after a series of uprisings where people rose up with the slogans like "turn Khruschev into meat" - because shops in USSR somehow managed to stop selling meat at a scale of Stalin's time.

While to prove Stalin's supposed repressive regime you need to believe fucking Goebbels and Nazi scum to start imagining Holodomors, gazillions shot in purges and that USSR under Stalin lied about it's statistics just because. And then you have to superimpose the reality of post-Stalin's USSR onto Stalin's USSR


Don’t forget that little detail where he actively tried to starve Russians to death through his “virgin lands campaign”, and all over…drumroll please…Ukrainian nationalism! Anti-communism always comes back to the same few roots


Soviets were waaaaaay more pragmatic in such efforts than Putin was. Just look at Putin trying to negotiate with the West, and then look back at Stalin gigachad who maneuvered USSR so fucking hard it resulted in Fascism getting butchered, Europe half-red, and China full-red. Stalin, unlike Putin, didn't believe Westoids' promises even for one second. No peace negotiations ceasefires, no half-measures, concrete demands to the other side, and threats and force behind those demands. Oh, Brits want to keep alliance talks with USSR going just to stall for time while Hitler grows stronger? Why fuck you, brits, we'll just Molotov-Ribbentrop and get ourselves a non-aggression pact with Germany, last in Europe to do. By the way, this thing about pacts is also never brought up in Trotsky's writings, I wonder why


>no half-measures
what about Berlin?


>Don’t forget that little detail where he actively tried to starve Russians to death through his “virgin lands campaign”, and all over…drumroll please…Ukrainian nationalism!
These are the same mfs who accuse Trots of peddling Nazi propaganda lmao.
>That's a variation on the Hitler drinking water argument. Just because you can replace names doesn't mean that the argument is invalid for one or both cases.
Then all you're saying is that the Trots were premature in their pronouncements but that their predictions ended up coming true anyway. Again, what MLs say about the USSR from 1953 onwards is identical to what Trots were saying in the 30s. Right down to seething about "deliberate starvation" attempts, using party discipline mechanisms to repress "real communists" etc etc. You just don't want to admit that the distinction between the two is superficial at best, and ceased to be relevant after Stalin died.


Why is the fanbase of a good leader always way more fucking annoying and whiny and just plain stupid in comparison to their idol?

I like Stalin. I do not like Russian MLs who try to paint Khrushchev as this ultra-Judas figure.
I like Trotsky. I do not like Trotskyists who hate on Stalin needlessly.
I like Mao. I do not like whatever the fuck Gonzalo was doing to the babies in Peru.
I like Jesus. I do not like most Christians.


<IMT: The masses hate Lukashenko! They hate Belarus! Time for da revolution!!!111
Meanwhile, in reality, the average Belarusian worker:
>You support privatization? Go on television and DEBATE AGAINST LUKASHENKO you bitch! Fuck off and go back to America!


>their predictions ended up coming true anyway

<if we come to power, we will destroy USSR!

<see what we did?!?! Our predictions came true!

That's how it reads


It's like Taiwans' little islets off the coast of China. It would have worked like that, if not for Khrushev and Brezhnev. Like what, imagine living in West Berlin and seeing prosperous socialism with better prices, better job opportunitues, better amenities, better everything. West Germany would have been OFFERING to take West Berlin, hoping that the other side would take those dissenters away, since they'd give so fucking much troubles in internal politics


>if you don’t like Khrushchev you’re a Nazi!
Stunning intellect from sabocat as usual
Might as well add that you like Hitler and Churchill to that list since you want to be a fence sitting little coward so badly


Great man theory is anti-Marxist. Those who jump to defend literally every single action carried out by a figure and who choose to blame everyone else around them when things go wrong and who are unwilling to admit any mistakes whatsoever are theologians dipped in Red paint; not genuine socialists.

Trotsky was correct on the necessity of a fast industrialization as well as setting up popular fronts with socdems to stall out fascists from getting strong enough to attack the USSR.

Stalin was correct on realpolitik compromise such as lifting the ban on religion, ordering the Chinese communists to collaborate with the KMT, and temporarily allying with Germany to buy time.

Khrushchev was correct on the necessity to improve light industry as opposed to constantly focusing on heavy industry, as well as his acceptance of zones/spheres of influence and peace with the West post-WW2 in order to integrate the new countries into the Soviet bloc as well as to recover from the devastation of the war and also in intervening to put down rebellion.

There are tons of ideas and policies that all these figures were 100% correct on in hindsight. But in today's retarded political discourse, to support Trotsky means you must hate Stalin, or to support Khrushchev means you must hate Stalin, or to support Stalin means you must hate Trotsky and Khrushchev etc.

it's so tiresome.


trotskyists ran the ussr? when?


Literally when Khruschev came to power. He let them out of prisons and restored to their positions, claiming that repressions weren't legal and giving them amnesty. Say,agrarian policies associated with Lysenko - digging irrigation channels, planting tree shelterbelts, spending money on improving existing farms instead of creating new ones, etc - were replaced with disastrous virgin lands campaign. Lysenko opposed that campaign, and he got thrown out and replaced by some repressed fucks. Also, Brezhnev was one of functionaries who supported virgin lands campaign and worked there. Belarusian swamps draining, which also was an overall failure, happened at the same time. People who did the 1936 population census also got reinstalled back to their positions. That's just off my head, you can look at present day famous Russian liberals' families and there's like a 95% chance that they came from repressed families who suffered under Stalin and got showered with recognition under Khruschev and onwards. And they were party members, too!


>if you don’t like Khrushchev you’re a Nazi!
In didn't say that. I'm saying that you lot (mostly correctly) point out that most of the accusations against the USSR during Stalin's administration are absurd Nazi propaganda, and you mock Trots for believing it so easily. But as soon as Khruschev takes charge you repeat nearly identical anti-communist accusations. Sorry m8 but as far as I'm concerned any accusation that the Soviet government deliberately starved anybody is Nazi propaganda until proven otherwise.
Trotskyists never came to power in the USSR. They predicted that Stalin's policies would lead to the emergence of an unaccountable bureaucracy that would undermine socialism and they were correct.


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>Khruschev and Brezhnev were Trotskyists
Wow so you're telling me that Trotskyists led the USSR to the peak of its power and prosperity and brought about the zenith of the communist movement? Wtf I love Trotskyism now.

Picrel: actually existing Trotskyism


ok so trotskyist is just "anyone i don't like"


>Trotskyists led the USSR to the peak of its power and prosperity

China broke away, Western labor movement died a slow death due to repudiation of Stalin, supporting bourgeois Egypt more than socialist Vietnam, letting porky to infiltrate Eastern Europe so much they constantly had some kind of insurrection, when cars for export had incomparably higher quality than for internal consumption, etc etc. Like what the hell, Khruschev backpedalled on defending Cuba and left them to largely fend off for themselves, and by the end of that period, USSR's foreign policy, when it wasn't USA stirring trouble directly on USSR's border, was to ally with porkies against Iran, Iraq, or hell even Kampuchea

Peak of fucking power, my ass, when USSR had the peak of it's meat and milk production during Stalin's times. When growth rates became so low that people called the period stagnation. While Stalin could say a thing, and foreign workers in imperial core would start manifestations in his name, when he could pretty much dismiss and appoint heads of communist parties across the globe with his authority alone, post-Stalin USSR had eurocommunists and trots occupy everything and play against USSR

It's fucking humiliating how USSR went from being independent and self-sufficient country, both agrariculturally and industrially, into more and more of a junkie on the world market. So fucking much that USSR started to vacuum cleaning East Europe's dollars and enforced dollar system on comrade nations

>Picrel: actually existing Trotskyism

Picrel: Stalin's liberation of Europe, Mao's liberation of China, African national liberation movements which flip-flopped from Soviet sphere of influence into American one and back, and Vietnam, who miraculously won despite USSR arming Egypt that wasn't in a state of war 4 times more than Vietnam, so China had to pick up all the slack


No, trotskyist is an opportunist. Haven't you fucking read the thread? Just look at Trotsky himself: he was crying about bureaucracy, but was the most bureaucratized fucker out there, creating so much paperwork for subordinates that they hated him.


holy great man theory


>Western labor movement died a slow death due to repudiation of Stalin
The absolute state.


Maybe we should just wordfilter "Trotsky" to "Satan" since with how some people here refer to him you'd think he was the Prince of Darkness incarnate who seemingly does evil for the sake of it


No, Satan's too cool


The amoumt of SEETHE a simgle man can cause is actually impressive.


All false. Also, funny you mention China helped Vietnam, when it was the contrary


Two points. First, Dien Bien Phu was only possible via assistance by Chinese advisors and logistics troops. Most infamous was the Vietnamese use of direct fire artillery hidden in casements. This was learned from PVA experience in the Korean War, and was a mockery of Western-Soviet artillery doctrine, but it completely ruined French artillery operations and caused the head of French artillery to commit suicide.

Second, the very presence of China and the desire to avoid a second Korean War guaranteed North Vietnam’s sovereignty, which allowed the VPA and VC the ability to conduct their guerrilla war. Moreover, the Chinese sent massive amounts of aid to the North Vietnamese, to the extent that the North Vietnamese were effectively a Chinese proxy.

That said, the Chinese eventually turned on the Vietnamese in 79, because the Vietnamese decided to pursue a Soviet alignment, and likely committed atrocities in that war.


did the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin write this?


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yawn, more mcleninist opportunism


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soviet assistance to vietnam trumped chinese aid by the late 60s. they were firmly soviet-alligned and financed well before the cambodian incidents, despite earlier fence-sitting à la
the dprk.
>Vietnam […] likely committed atrocities in that war.
says who, american press in 1979? vietnam is possibly the only socialist country that is impossible to smear without coming off as a butthurt vet/arvn emigre because a) they're still around (albeit things have changed but the 'historicopolitical continuity' or whatever you want to call it remains) and you can interact with them as much as any 'normal' country; and b) they have a very clean record that has only ever been disputed by now forgotten, then-contemporary pre-internet reporting of the 'cuban rapes reported in angola!!' variety. in other words, literal heresay and cia planted stories which filtered through local news to be reported back at home as if they heard it from them. vietnam committed as many atrocities in cambodia as they committed in liberating saigon: that is to say, fuck all. no rapes, no pillaging, no extrajudicial killings.


Don't forget that China taking Taiwan-held Hainan island prevented Americans from enforcing a blockade



The Chinese likely committed atrocities, I mean.

But the Vietnamese struggle for independence was basically possible only because of China’s presence and aid. Yes, perhaps the Soviets sent more materiel, but it was the threat of Chinese overt intervention that stopped the Americans from crossing the border, it was Chinese advisory presence that enabled Giáp etc to go from guerrilla operator to Frog-eater, and it was Chinese logistics troops that kept the North Vietnamese supplied with Soviet and Chinese aid.

Of course, while Vietnam’s destiny was primarily achieved by the Vietnamese, we have to realize it was a combined effort by the entire Communist bloc that quagmired the United States and brought the capitalist powers to quiescence for the 70s as the US reeled from its failure in Vietnam.


>The Chinese likely committed atrocities, I mean.
>Of course, while Vietnam’s destiny was primarily achieved by the Vietnamese, we have to realize it was a combined effort by the entire Communist bloc that quagmired the United States and brought the capitalist powers to quiescence for the 70s as the US reeled from its failure in Vietnam.
agreed. my main contention is with people who try and push the 'la chinoise' narrative re: the soviet/eastern bloc contribution in southeast asia.


so how's the party doing now?


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Ser ut som samma gamla liberala bögskit. Studenter bör inte ha någon ledande ställning i ett parti.


tat piano


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Instructions unclear. Accidentally got into BA and joined a cult instead.


studenterna kan få en liten representant, som en belöning


"Real Trotskyism" only consists of the Sparticist League and the ICL-FI scene. What is known by "Cliffism" is nothing but Left-Reformism with questionable real Trotskyist influence. When people try to argue that groups like the Committee for a Workers International are not real Trotskyists, while saying that the Cliffites are, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake Trotskyist as the CWI (plus the pretentiousness). Real Trotskyism DEFENDS THE NORTH KOREAN DEFORMED WORKERS STATE'S RIGHT TO NUCLEAR WEAPONS, SUPPORTS ISIS and wants to lower the AGE OF CONSENT. Fake Trotskyism is weak, beleives in State Capitalism and is a failed attempt to direct the energy of the revolutionary movement into the hands of the reformist misleaders. Some examples of REAL TROTSKYISM include the Fourth International as founded by Leon Trotsky, the International Sparticist Tendency and the International Communist League. Some examples of FAKE TROTSKYISM include the USFI, IMT, CWI, ISA, IST, IWL-FI, TF-FI, IBT, BT, LFI and ICFI. Trotskyism belongs to JIM ROBERTSON NOT TO MICHEL PABLO, ERNEST MANDEL, TONY CLIFF, TED GRANT, PETER TAAFE, NAHUEL MORENO, GERRY HEALY or any other LEFT-REFORMIST


damn trots ruined trotskyism


The current SKP is not the same SKP that emerged out of KFML.

The former SKP were maoists. They dissolved decades ago. Their former leading right wing are currently unorganized on the fringes of the social democratic party, taking a fringe role in the general anti-NATO movement. The left used to be organized in Kommunistiska föreningen, but was couped out by the Gonzalites a couple of years ago and are currently operating as an even slimmer microsect known as Kommunistiska arbetaröfreningen.

The current SKP are revisionists of the Moscow variety, albeit with several important theoretical corrections from the absolute depths of degeneracy that was the political line of the late Soviet union. They are no longer advocating a peacesful transition to socialism in the imperialist countries, but remain stuck in rightist delusions of the main contradiction within contemporary Swedish society being between the people and the monopoly bourgeoisie. Much like the maoists, they also entertain the delusion of reforming the trade unions from inside. They are also entirely dominated by the KKE.


>they also entertain the delusion of reforming the trade unions from inside
when will people learn entryism doesn't work?


>>1802115 (me)
that said, having strong connections with the unions doesn't hurt. but to expect anything connected to LO to do anything but sosseri is.. wishful thinking. you're not going to "sneak" anything into the unions, it's almost certainly better to agitate in the open


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Mike "Big Mac" Macnair DESTROYS the Revolutionary Communist Party with FACTS and LOGIC



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met an RKP:er earlier today. we skålade and talked a bit about how their party is progressing and I talked a bit about my theoretical work
good times


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Mike "Big Mac" Macnair ANNIHILATES the Revolutionary Communist Party with ARGUMENTS and ACUMEN (Part II)



I was part of the Canadian branch for a couple years. It is essentially just a newspaper subscription service and they have completely alienated themselves from basically every other left wing org in the country due to autistic behavior. They do unintentionally funnel people into actually useful orgs, so I guess they're not all bad. Don't see what the rebrand is about


This information is out of date and incorrect comrade, as things have progressed there in the past years.
KAF criticizes the Gonzaloist splitters that fruitlessly tried to will a new Maoist international out of thin air, without the support of the active, leading peoples struggles ongoing in the world.
KAF has the best political line in Sweden currently.



what I find funniest about RKP is their big words, when in reality the vast majority of its members are students, not workers. say what you want about K, but at least they have an actual connection to Sweden's working class

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