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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis. Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold, that capitalism's contradictions will bring about a revolution for worker's to seize the means of production, but in actuality Marxism at its root is founded on wishful thinking. The origin of your analysis is your dislike of your circumstances, not a desire for truth. You then formulated a prophecy to ameliorate your distress. Your analysis is merely a post-hoc rationalization (cope) for an endresult that you've selected beforehand. Your conclusions are strongly biased by that.


God's dead baby
God's dead


And then you attempted to create a new heaven and god which is just as unreal as the last.


This isn't even a real criticism.
It is better to have ambition than to have no ambition. Even stupid people understand this.


It is better to have no ambition for something infeasible than to have ambition for it.


It's not infeasible.


Marx never said communism is inevitable.


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>Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis.
Prove this.
>Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold, that capitalism's contradictions will bring about a revolution for worker's to seize the means of production, but in actuality Marxism at its root is founded on wishful thinking.
Give concrete examples of this from Marxists.
>The origin of your analysis is your dislike of your circumstances, not a desire for truth.
It's both.
>You then formulated a prophecy to ameliorate your distress.
Where is this prophecy?
>Your analysis is merely a post-hoc rationalization (cope) for an endresult that you've selected beforehand. Your conclusions are strongly biased by that.
You are the one who is coping. Your analysis of Marxism is merely a post-hoc rationalization (cope) for an endresult that you've selected beforehand.
>And then you attempted to create a new heaven and god which is just as unreal as the last.
Communism was inevitable in China. Communism is inevitable. Communism is implemented in China.


Yes you have reached same conclusion that I have reached. I tried to confront many marxists on it but they never engage in good faith. Also I have tried to engage this place with many such posts only to get myself banned many times lol. Marxism is just like the theology and then they call theology "idealism".

But I think sooner or later a lot of people who engaged with left in the best years of their lives will reach this conclusion, those who were honest in it.


Would love to have more discussion with you if you are available anywhere else such as matrix, irc, fbi.gov etc. You have reached exactly the same conclusion as I have reached.


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What a stinky post. What are these aspirations that contradict the material basis of our reality? Can you show them to me?
>capitalism's contradictions will bring about a revolution for worker's to seize the means of production
This is a sparknotes reading of marxism. Contradictions in capitalism give rise to confrontations between capital and the proletariat. Whether these confrontations create a negation of capitalism is an entirely different matter.
>Wishful thinking
Wishful thinking is believing the current reality is immutable. That it will never change. The Roman's might have felt the same, and than Western Rome was no more.
>is your dislike of your circumstances, not a desire for truth
Actually its just the opposite. Marxism is the expression of truth in its rawest, and most traumatic form. It has little to do with circumstance. You cower from it OP, because that truth is traumatizing to look upon for long.
>You then formulated a prophecy to ameliorate your distress
The Christian God is an an ignorant serpentine creator. And the Soviet Union was paradise lost on Earth.


Good thing you posted Pol Pot so the retardedness of your post has something that visually goes hand in hand with it.


>The origin of your analysis is your dislike of your circumstances, not a desire for truth.

Look in the mirror


then point out where the analysis is wrong and how


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There's so many writings and analyses out there and you think you can just refute them all with a one-liner? Awful bait.


Pol Pot did nothing wrong. Even Chomsky defended Pol Pot from retarded Western slanders. That's how stupid political discourse has become where even Noam "Vote Democrat" Chomsky is to the left of "socialists".


Chomsky defending Pol Pot was one of the most embarrassing public cases of sunk cost fallacy.


The way out isn't around or through, it's back to the Stone Age!


Your post is very vague OP. If you think that capitalism is eternal, you are a projecting Idealist. But I would agree with you, if you were trying to say that non socialist post capitalism is a serious possibility.


Same. Religion is the final redpill.
When I started reading religious scripture I was pretty shocked out how nihilistic it is. Christianity and Islam pretty much say this world is a worthless transient shithole not to focus too much about it.


pretty sure that karl guy said something pertaining to this


Like OP said, Marxism in the end is just another ideology to fill people's god hole. Look at how uyghas in the thread are reacting to these claims. Almost with the same religious fervour and zeal you would find in a church.
I hate to break it to you chief. There's never gonna be communism. Capitalism will die but there's no guarantee it will be replaced by something better. As long as resources are scarce violence will persist.


Chomsky and his friends definitely proved that there was no genocide which is common sense because a country being bombed to bits by the United States Air Force having trouble securing a consistent food supply is simple cause and effect.

The only reason the myth is kept alive is because the Vietnamese wanted a moral justification for interfering in another nation.


Resource scarcity is a fucking myth


damn, sounds like a you problem


>Resource scarcity is a myth
>meanwhile corporations trying desperately to push the eat the bug meme


It's an all of us problem. You found meaning in your life in a political cause. I stopped believing in it causes to begin with and now I have to look for something else to believe in


>Resource scarcity
a fucking myth stop believing in bullshit it's not good for your health
They're doing that because agriculture is expensive and if they can trick everyone into eating shittier and easier to manufacture food it's good for their profit margins. Also they're sanctioning a lot of countries that provide input for fertilizers like Russia and Belarus so the costs are increasing for normal food.


Americans are consuming 5x earth ecological capacity


MISDIRECTION. Ever notice that they always use America as an example of "first world living standards"? Everyone knows America is horribly inefficient and even renewable energy are disdained on a political rather than rational level. For example by the same metric you use we only need 2.8x Earth's ecological capacity if everyone lived like a Frenchman, and France is hardly on the cutting edge. Is a 2x or 3x efficiency factor achievable? Yes it's been accomplished hundreds of times in history.

The ecological argument is absolute bullshit.


>But I would agree with you, if you were trying to say that non socialist post capitalism is a serious possibility.
Yeah, that's what I meant.


Idealism is the belief that the nature of the world is consciousness; consciousness precedes matter; consciousness decides matter.

Materialism is the belief that the nature of the world is matter; that matter comes first; and that matter determines consciousness

So your criticism isn't even framed properly within the terms. You need to learn what Marxism is first before you attempt to comment on it.



>Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists
stopped reading here; words have meaning, imbecile


You do realize words can have more than one meaning, right?


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>Marxism is just like the theology and then they call theology "idealism".
>Z flag
Let me guess. Trad Orthodox Christianity and Duginism are not idealism? Jordan B Peterson of the East type bullshit.
>Christianity and Islam pretty much say this world is a worthless transient shithole not to focus too much about it.
yeah it's perfect for preventing action from the downtrodden classes. It's a consolation prize. Keep your head down and lick boot and you'll have treasures in heaven. But if you become powerful (like the clergy or the king) you'll roast in hell. It's a huge cope. Not nihilistic at all. Clearly a narrative that serves power once you realize that death is death and the living wish to rule over other living beings.


>Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold, that capitalism's contradictions will bring about a revolution for worker's to seize the means of production
you didn't read the book, I can tell


>>Resource scarcity
>a fucking myth stop believing in bullshit it's not good for your health
it's fucking mindboggling that people believe the earth is not finite in size. shit's dumber than being a flat earther.


>Z poster
>ex-marxist anti-communist

you people are on track to being the new larouchites


Scarcity => Finitude
Finitude =/> Scarcity


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Hermeneutic as conspiracy nonsense. It is retarded when the Left does it, even more retarded when rightoids do it.


I am not anti-anything lol, I wish you "communists" and "marxists" best of luck. I would be the first person to greet you on the day revolution will finally happen lol. I just happen to know that it won't happen that's all and marxism is nothing more than the B-team of Bourgeoisie.


It must be right bro if you have said it.


There was already a wave of communist revolutions in the 20th century, lmao. They just failed to export it to other countries so their dictatorships of the proletariat devolved into plain capitalism. There's no reason it can't happen again.


Yeah life is easy if one is a total stupid, I can understand your world.


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>leftists are ultimately idealists


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Well, it is true that Marxists are idealists in denial, and haven't enough openness towards the future.




>Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis. Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold
holy fuck this bait is retarded


>people still bumping my old ass bait
By the way, when you say it‘s bad bait but reply then you still took it.


We do not tolerate intolerance


This is leftypol so of course taking the bait is a given.

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