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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The current world rate of profit is 8%
Where do we go from here?
What happens when it gets to 3%? How about 0?
However you cut the end trail of late stage capitalism


>ROP is 8 percent
8 percent per what? year?


Yes and if the trend continues it'll just keep getting lower


Aggressively cut wages, find parts of the population that are easy political scapegoats and subject them to colonial conditions. Expand colonial style repression to more and more of the Metropole.



Source of that information? Even most faithful marxist scholar nowadays take the concept of TRPF with skepticism, so I'd like to see it with my own eyes.


It's hard to find. My source is bard…


File: 1708384637744.png (7.52 KB, 565x289, Line graph.png)

Wow that's so interesting. Knowing this changes everything for us.


>1. Launch a new war
>2. Destroy large amounts of capital
>3. ????


your graph is backwards. it shows quality of life increasing with how much you give a shit.


It actually does, because it means capitalism is on the precipice of an era of great crises


File: 1708390405952.png (20.87 KB, 215x214, Zizek Low Res.PNG)

Post-irony is that whoever made the graph didin't even give a shit to make it the proper way to express the point.


OR considering the nihilist flag would prefer not to have a good quality of life.


This has caused me unreasonable amounts of distress 😭 wtf is up with that graph??? Is it supposed to be ironic or should we take it seriously and take things seriously? Was it on purpose? Was it an accident?


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Considering that the language used was ironic, it is reasonable to assume that the graph is also ironic.


Why are anakkkoids so fucking braindead and useless?


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yeah idk about that, even with ww2 the ratae of profit didnt recover to earlier levels.


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Capital can simply not invest enough into keeping itself going. We're already seeing this.
Workers don't have enough money to raise children, and so they don't. Half the world's populations are either propped up by immigrants or collapsing. It's physically impossible for Japan, for instance, to keep existing as they do now: they will simply die out because each generation is smaller than the last. Migrants are not the solution, they will simply run out as the whole world becomes the same in terms of having children.
Infrastructure is also crumbling all over the world. Or not being built properly in the first place, just look at footage of Indian cities.
The U.S. cannibalizing European industry is probably the first sign that something is wrong in a way it wasn't before. Sure, it's not out of character to exploit their "allies", but before they were doing stuff like taking the UK's good coal, not this.


Ukraine is a notorious example of not investing enough to keep itself going. Infrastructure is very old and the oligarchs don't care at all because it's not gonna be their problem. Russia is barely different. The current profit margins are already low enough for them to pull the plug.


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So I've been thinking about Fed rates recently. Historically, today's rates (About 5.30%) are not that high; in fact they are the average rates for the decade between 1995-2001 and only began to fall once the Dot-Com bubble burst before. They began to climb back to these rates starting in 2005 before the crash in 2008. I think that the 2008 recession dealt a more deadly blow to capitalism than most realized. What does it say about the Free Market when it requires lower interest rates that were previously only seen right before a recession as the new normal rate?


>rate of profit hits zero
>capitalists start losing money on every trade
>they get proletarianized
>economy becomes market socialist
heh, nothin personnel, porky


giving a shit has only made me a reclusive paranoid hollow husk of a man


The rate of profit can't be measured like this, and inflation doesn't exist. All we have to do is make the state print money forever, this will induce demand for goods and services, increasing employment and benefiting everybody.


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certified socdem classic


Yeah this graph is perfect.


How can you tell? The x-axis is not labelled.

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