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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust was a two-day conference in Tehran, Iran that opened on December 11, 2006. Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki said the conference sought "neither to deny nor prove the Holocaust… [but] to provide an appropriate scientific atmosphere for scholars to offer their opinions in freedom about a historical issue".
>Participants included American David Duke, a former Louisiana State Representative and ex-Ku Klux Klan leader, attended the conference.[11] Politician Georges Theil, a member of the French National Front who was convicted under France's Holocaust denial laws, attended,[11] as did the German-Australian Fredrick Töben, founder and head of the Adelaide Institute who had been imprisoned in Germany for three months in 1999 for Holocaust denial.[10][12] Robert Faurisson, a convicted Holocaust denier from France also attended,[13] as well as Ahmed Rami, a Swedish-Moroccan Holocaust denier who was imprisoned in Sweden for inciting racial hatred.[14] Psychologist Bendikt Frings, a leading member of the German National Democratic Party (NPD), was invited by Iranian Deputy Minister of Islamic Guidance Mohammad-Ali Ramin; Frings said that he had waited for such a conference "all my childhood".[15][16] The NPD is often considered the most significant Neo-Nazi party in Germany.[17][18]

what the fuck did Iran mean by this?


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Castro opened our initial meeting by telling me that he read the recent Atlantic article carefully, and that it confirmed his view that Israel and America were moving precipitously and gratuitously toward confrontation with Iran. This interpretation was not surprising, of course: Castro is the grandfather of global anti-Americanism [sic], and he has been a severe critic of Israel. His message to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, he said, was simple: Israel will only have security if it gives up its nuclear arsenal, and the rest of the world's nuclear powers will only have security if they, too, give up their weapons. Global and simultaneous nuclear disarmament is, of course, a worthy goal, but it is not, in the short term, realistic.

Castro's message to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, was not so abstract, however. Over the course of this first, five-hour discussion, Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of anti-Semitism. He criticized Ahmadinejad for denying the Holocaust and explained why the Iranian government would better serve the cause of peace by acknowledging the "unique" history of anti-Semitism and trying to understand why Israelis fear for their existence.

He began this discussion by describing his own, first encounters with anti-Semitism, as a small boy. "I remember when I was a boy - a long time ago - when I was five or six years old and I lived in the countryside," he said, "and I remember Good Friday. What was the atmosphere a child breathed? `Be quiet, God is dead.' God died every year between Thursday and Saturday of Holy Week, and it made a profound impression on everyone. What happened? They would say, `The Jews killed God.' They blamed the Jews for killing God! Do you realize this?"

He went on, "Well, I didn't know what a Jew was. I knew of a bird that was a called a 'Jew,' and so for me the Jews were those birds. These birds had big noses. I don't even know why they were called that. That's what I remember. This is how ignorant the entire population was."

He said the Iranian government should understand the consequences of theological anti-Semitism. "This went on for maybe two thousand years," he said. "I don't think anyone has been slandered more than the Jews. I would say much more than the Muslims. They have been slandered much more than the Muslims because they are blamed and slandered for everything. No one blames the Muslims for anything." The Iranian government should understand that the Jews "were expelled from their land, persecuted and mistreated all over the world, as the ones who killed God. In my judgment here's what happened to them: Reverse selection. What's reverse selection? Over 2,000 years they were subjected to terrible persecution and then to the pogroms. One might have assumed that they would have disappeared; I think their culture and religion kept them together as a nation." He continued: "The Jews have lived an existence that is much harder than ours. There is nothing that compares to the Holocaust." I asked him if he would tell Ahmadinejad what he was telling me. "I am saying this so you can communicate it," he answered.

Castro went on to analyze the conflict between Israel and Iran. He said he understood Iranian fears of Israeli-American aggression and he added that, in his view, American sanctions and Israeli threats will not dissuade the Iranian leadership from pursuing nuclear weapons. "This problem is not going to get resolved, because the Iranians are not going to back down in the face of threats. That's my opinion," he said. He then noted that, unlike Cuba, Iran is a "profoundly religious country," and he said that religious leaders are less apt to compromise. He noted that even secular Cuba has resisted various American demands over the past 50 years.

We returned repeatedly in this first conversation to Castro's fear that a confrontation between the West and Iran could escalate into a nuclear conflict. "The Iranian capacity to inflict damage is not appreciated," he said. "Men think they can control themselves but Obama could overreact and a gradual escalation could become a nuclear war." I asked him if this fear was informed by his own experiences during the 1962 missile crisis, when the Soviet Union and the U.S. nearly went to war other over the presence of nuclear-tipped missiles in Cuba (missiles installed at the invitation, of course, of Fidel Castro). I mentioned to Castro the letter he wrote to Khruschev, the Soviet premier, at the height of the crisis, in which he recommended that the Soviets consider launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. if the Americans attack Cuba. "That would be the time to think about liquidating such a danger forever through a legal right of self-defense," Castro wrote at the time.


Castro is level headed as fuck lol. This is probably the most genuine condemnation of anti-Semitism from a world leader I’ve ever seen, he literally breaks down how Jew is ultimately a linguistic construction. Beautiful. Despite that, it’s sad he’s a bourgeois revolutionary, not a communist, and his word means nothing because bourgeois politics are all theatrics and discussion. We need more minds like his on our side


how can one man be so consistently correct in both thought and action




>After Franco's death, Cuba decreed three days of mourning.[8]


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It was a mutual respect of Hispanidad against the Anglo that went both ways, not justifying it but its the mindset both leaders had. Franco likewise refused to embargo Cuba when the US aligned nations did. Just like how the Francoist government allowed Che Guevara to roam freely in Spain


Geopolitics and its consequences


quite the opposite, it's a more human concept about being on opposite sides, but still respecting each other as men.


>mutual respect of men
nice materialist analysis mate


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that's it really, It's just respecting a man as a warrior and someone who fought for what he believed in.


Me on the right


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This kinda reminds me of Tenkamusou Hirayatsuden, like I was expecting some "Japan did nothing wrong" nationalism and shitting on China and the US but I could not ever expect what I read
characters regardless of nationality and ideology(nazis, communist or monarchists) are respected for their strength and values
like this is the only Japanese series ever that praises both Mao and Douglas MacArthur and portrays them as bad asses, the only leader actually shit on is Hitler(for starting the war and the Holocaust) but even then their all still good Nazi characters, it also calls out Japanese war crimes in Asia and the hypocrisy around it(which was most surprising tbh)


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this scene is more the political ideology of this series in a nutshell
>"I don' agree with what you say, but I respect your convictions as a man"


That series has a mini-arc where the MC goes to a gulag with innocent Japanese PoWs who did nothing wrong and are unfairly oppressed by a giant Russian homosexual rapist. I wouldn't say it's super neutral lmfao


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I mean it's kinda funny.




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Shut the fuck up about 'respect between men' or 'honour between warriors'. Such ideas should be totally and completely purged from the Communist movement. They have no place here. You can have honour with individuals. But with revolution, entire nations, regions of the world and the world itself are at stake. There is no such thing as honour when you have millions of lives in your hands. You should not respect the enemy just because they are manly men or whatever backwards criteria you hold for someone to deserve respect. You should not respect the enemy whatsoever. Communists do not respect. We fight to destroy capitalism with whatever power we have, with tooth and nail and whatever we can get our hands on. Doing anything less, in the name of 'honour', is sacrificing human lives and should mean you are deposed and shot.


Mao thought Chiang Kai shek was a cool dude and openly praised him.


Probably why he managed to subvert half the KMT and get them to switch sides at the end of the Chinese Civil War. Good ole Mao was a subversion machine.


Unsurprising considering Chiang's incompetence contributed significantly to the communists winning the war.


Also, as I’ve said before, Mao was a fucking subversion machine. His ideological leadership allowed Zhou Enlai to wholly infiltrate the KMT with spies and plants.

Any successful communist revolution requires a huge number of class traitors in the military, the security services, and the economic elites. Taking an uncompromising line on subverting class enemies will result in our defeat and elimination.

Hell, we’re so good at subversion and conversion that the CIA and FBi freaked out when hundreds of American POWs refused to be repatriated and chose to become Communists instead. That’s where all the obsession with brainwashing and mind control comes from.


You talk tough for a liberal


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>You should not respect the enemy whatsoever.
That's a mistake. Strategy is about interacting with living, breathing adversaries who have as many brain cells as we do and as much resolve to prevail.

Mao was also something of an anarchist in his early years. That's why he sent his OWN agent provocateurs to infiltrate and undermine the KMT like a plague of moles, thus compromising the rule of law, just as Chiang and the fuckheads under who we labor today fear. But maybe they're doing that without any help and we should just lay back and watch the damn thing collapse.


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I mentioned it before, but there was a funny incident where Falangists went to World Youth Day in Cuba… On a Soviet ship. Allegedly they were real buddy-buddy with the Yugoslav Partisans and sung the Internationale with everyone before singing Cara al Sol (the Falangist anthem) at which point Castro said something along the lines of:
>"Comrades! I know what you're up to!"
They also allegedly gave him a signed copy of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera's speeches. Supposedly Castro had at least some respect for Jose Antonio as a nationalist (Che similarly felt the same towards Juan Peron).

This makes for an interesting contrast when you examine the Left of more developed, Western Nations, wherein some find it too difficult to not condemn Hamas because of its ideological imperfections.


How the fuck do you expect people to be won over if you go "hurr durr kill everyone who doesn't align with my specific values" This is what scares potential leftists away, the revolution should be the message and the cause but you underestimate how people can be swayed without force.


Also Lenin and Ivan Ilyin


there's a element of national pride of this as well, a part of Che's admiration did come from the fact they were both Argentinian and Castro had a close friendship with Manuel Fraga, as they saw themselves as both sons of Galatians. Castro even went in a official visit to that region of Spain, and they did a lot of activities together, like playing dominoes.


It's not surprising at all, considering that in the USSR and the developing world 'communism' as overtaken and subsumed by the project of national state-led developmentalism.


Should leftists deny the holocaust to own the libs?


I don't care what they meant, Iran is still megaultrabased. Stop dick-sucking the jews every chance you get.


I believe there should be a level of nuance. Obviously it happened and millions died, but we can acknowledge that maybe certain parts were exaggerated and there can be some questioning of those narratives. Because if you shut anyone up who even questions it and only the far-right is willing to answer those questions they'll have complete control of the narrative. It's the same thing as Jews in Hollywood and politics, in the words of Dave Chappelle "
>I've been to Hollywood and this is just what I saw, It's a lot of Jews, like a lot


funniest version of this was the various Ba'tthist groups who were openly inspired by Italian Fascism.





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the bro handshake meme


What the hell is that from? The 1800s, early 1900s? That comical cartoon bomb has a long history if so.


>Despite that, it’s sad he’s a bourgeois revolutionary
So true! I hate the commodity and money form!


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The world is heading for an era of greatness.


wait until you find out they were real and used in warfare

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