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What do you make of Richard Spencer and his attempted alt-right movement? What do you think he did wrong? Bad luck and timing? And do you think he has the capacity to learn from this failure, or other potential “Führers” to learn from him and make something of another attempt at a cohesive racialist pseudo fascist organization?


someone post the 'octaroons' webm


I was a hyper online alt rightoid in that era and I can say with confidence the whole project of "look presentable and gain someones confidence before convincing them that the jews are what's wrong with America" isn't really a viable political project going forward


Just another grifter


Fundamentally, I think they fell in love with themselves and their own movement and the attention they were getting. They hated the media and trolled it, but they loved the attention they were getting from it. They also didn’t have much of a strategy except a short-term escalation of conflict with the left and antifa. I think they figured they’d just keep winning these violent street confrontations and become an ultra-badass vanguard of the right that's a force to be reckoned with. But it bred a politics that came back to harm them. There was also a contradiction between the “look respectable” part and the violent strategy of tension stuff, or between the suits and boots.

Spencer is fairly intelligent as far as these guys go, and he was willing to take risks that destroyed his own reputation, and he fashions himself as an intellectual who is more 'interesting" and dynamic and unpredictable that the conservative mainstream…. but he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. He also could’ve had a career as a Conservative Inc. guy, but the broader right in the U.S. doesn’t actually want people like that unless they lobotomize themselves. So the alt-right gave him an opportunity, but the Baked Alaska types would actually win out – that side of the alt-right. The cheap, skunky side of it, and they’d recuperate that into the MAGA mainstream. If he went that way, he’d have to give up everything about himself. A lot of young reactionary intellectuals eventually come around to this epiphany.


the boomer evangelical right is too powerful for outright antisemitism to fly.


most people on GoyimTV and shit are very christian I think its not hard


We're talking about sone larpagan lolcow for what. The white race is finished. The question is what to do next. Keep in mind that 50 years is two generations m in the us gen alpha is majority non white. Finito.


yes but evangelical christianity specifically wants to be pro zionist so every jew moves to the holy land to trigger the apocalypse


He is very clearly just a narcissist and his politics is entirely rooted in idealist, grandious fantasy. Of course, you will not succeed when you are devoid of pragmatism and everything you do is by and large just there to gratify your ego. Spencer's short lived presence is entirely due to the political currents having produced the alt-right sentiment and he was just a surfer catching a medium sized wave. There was never a future for him and his presence at all surely wasn't because of any talent.


put me in the screencap!


even if it wasn't, antisemitism really only exists as a shadow of its former self almost exclusively through the remembrance of nazi germany. The social forces that brought it to bear in postfeudal Europe mostly dissipated, nowadays it really only exists as a barrier to socialism for people who recognize that the world as it is is flawed but can't accept that those flaws are fundamental to the system


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>What do you make of Richard Spencer and his attempted alt-right movement?
Gif related.
>What do you think he did wrong?
He didnt understand that his base was 90% neckbearded chinletcels who are afraid to leave their basements.


Spencer is a paper tiger. Haz ripped him to pieces.


Isn't he now an EU, NATO and Ukraine advocate? That's just the normal fash path.


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In practical terms, the movement saddling itself to Trump meant it lived and died by his electoral fortunes. There’s also the Unite The Right rally that basically served as Spencer’s Cable Street; though for different reasons—they’d expected the Left to attack them and to play off the sympathy garnered by “le heckin conservatives attacked by antifa!”

Of course the problem with trying the sympathy card, is that for a time Milo Y. could play up some ironic twink image which had more charm than some screaming obese skinhead. He wasn’t explicitly advocating for a Nazi regime, and neither was Shapiro. They were playing by “the rules” of liberal politics and attacked in spite of it. Those rules don’t apply to people who want to open concentration camps. The most the Nazis can hope for is to say “the left tried to stop us, but we kicked their ass because they’re weak.”

Instead, the Nazis were an undisciplined mess, screeching “Jews will not replace us” into the dark. When surrounded by protesters they’d be disoriented, and certainly weren’t making themselves look good by parading a bunch of Nazi flags around. And then you had some chubby white kid run over a bunch of counter protesters and the whole movement shat itself and splintered. I’ve got the feeling they didn’t have much of a plan beyond showing up and maybe giving some speeches.

This isn’t to say the Right can’t due peaceful protests successfully. There was one I saw somewhere in Latin America. A bunch of radical feminists wanted to tag a church with obscene graffiti to protest abortion or what have you, and you had a bunch of good Catholic young men surrounding it, their backs to the wall to protect the church. The women screamed obscenities at them, tagged a few with spray paint, spat on them, tore at their clothes. It was an effective image. But a bunch of guys parading the swastika around and screaming at people, before killing a protester, ain’t gonna win any sympathy.


The White American right are Protestants. And Protestants arent known for empathy or coolheadedness
Even foreign conservatives look down on Yankee conservtives.


>I’ve got the feeling they didn’t have much of a plan beyond showing up and maybe giving some speeches.
I think they expected antifa to just attack them with a wall of black bloc people, and so they showed up with their shields and helmets expecting to fight a defensible battle with the high ground. But what happened is they were surrounded by these crowds of people who deliberately did not do that, did not bloc up, and some people would fight them, but others would just be normies or local ministers praying at them. It was difficult to tell the antifa "vanguard" (so to speak) apart from the "mass." It was very confusing and made them think too hard, and blew their plan up, and some of them grew frustrated and flipped out and it exposed their image of discipline and order being just that.


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who do people feel the need to debate fascists? what is there to debate?
>I think we should kill all the jews and blacks
<I think we shouldn't kill all the jews and blacks


Sweet sweet tears of impotent rage.


His voice cracks repeatedly. Pathetic.


He probably knew he fucked up and would get blamed for it, which he was, and a lot of his own fans turned on him. So he went "madman theory" to try and make the other guys in the room think he was so crazy and volatile that they wouldn't challenge him.


for some reason I listened to this entire thing, and I have to give it to Haz for stumping Spencer by calling the European "identity" Reddit


Call them whatever you like, call them sociopaths, racist, little bitch-ass milk boys
It all rolls off them like water.
But call them reddit and they lose their shit.


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So, there is no united political platform, but there is like one or two demands those people have in common.

Who would have thunk that rightoids don't actually have anything against the current order of things - or else they could have produced a united platform of political demands - except "make it work" despite it *working* is exactly the reason why it doesn't *work*. Like, they are demanding that that the neoliberal imperialist state starts fulfilling it's promises - promises which were lies to begin with, a failed theory obscured by a shitload of excuses


It was very funny when he praised Bernie on twitter a few month ago for being an unwilling ally to white nationalism with his no-open border, anti-hedge fund and pro-public infrustracture policies and mourned that he did not win. I remember the libertarians malding under his tweet.


For all the hype these guys put behind Trump he governed exactly like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio would, they're destined to just be the ass end of the Republican party the same way the DSA and PSL are with the democrats


Richard Spencer is truly one of the characters of all time


He's remained a bit too dedicated to it and never really "cashed out" to just be that.


The alt right was never going to have any culture purchase in the U.S and its goals of a white ethno state are long past doable. Even U.S white supremacist are multiculturaled, cosmopolitan and diverse.

Much like the American left one of the Alt rights biggest issue is sucking off Europeans or other forgien governments, except it's an even bigger hurdle. You're average burger doesn't give a shit about "western civilization" and larping as Roman legioniars. First it's completely alien to American culture and history. Secondly "white" America is a legal definition that was created whole cloth that has no one culture or history. It's amalgamation of European run off that has more culture heritage and history with the people they colonized than with any European country. There is no RVTURNing for these people. The only way forward is through post colonialism and reinventing the American project and what citizenship means for the American people, all people.

The alt right will never be able to pull that off because their myopic ideology is to exclusive and the culture and traditions they claim have no relevance to the average American. I think American Fascism will have to be diverse, they will have to let go of the explicit racism. It'll have to be Christian and their jew will be gay and trans people. Our enemies are going to be less goose stepping nazis and more christofascist demanding butthole checks to make sure you haven't been doing any gays stuff. Which is what the Evangelical movement has been doing and why they've made far bigger strides than alt right ever has. They're also working against the current though and because they got the alt right hanging off their movement it's dragging them down from expanding their base of support.

All this stuff makes me very optimistic about the left in America. We have the policies Americans want. We have far more history and traditions to call from the right. We're far more culturally pliable to America than the right. Our biggest issue is overcoming liberals and building institutions, institutions that mesh into American culture.


>In contrast to Germany, the U.S.A. had a constitution which was democratic from the start. And its ruling class managed, particularly during the imperialist era, to have the democratic forms so effectively preserved that by democratically legal means, it achieved a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism at least as firm as that which Hitler set up with tyrannic procedures. This smoothly functioning democracy, so-called, was created by the Presidential prerogative, the Supreme Court’s authority in constitutional questions, the finance monopoly over the Press, radio, etc., electioneering costs, which successfully prevented really democratic parties from springing up beside the two parties of monopoly capitalism, and lastly the use of terroristic devices (the lynching system). And this democracy could, in substance, realize everything sought by Hitler without needing to break with democracy formally. In addition, there was the incomparably broader and more solid economic basis of monopoly capitalism.
- The Destruction of Reason by Georg Lukács


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>haz vs richard spencer

Pic related


Trump got elected. He wasn’t anti-immigration and he didn’t even build the wall


Fucking egghead man


Funny how he sound exactly like Destiny


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Didn't watch the video but what strikes me is that preview image of Haz there as the strong-jawed ubermensch Yes Chad who is posing with the black tank top is the more "fascist" look.


>Radicalize thousands of white teens into your LARP movement by successfully infiltrating shock comedy circles, 4Chan, and the Great Gamer Revolt of 2014
>Bet all your chips on a retarded New Yorker businessman who can't navigate the bureaucracy of American Politics
>Lose all your support 2 weeks into Drumpf's presidency


>artiface of public programs only the strong will survive
No, just rich cunts who can buy themselves a year in a coma at 94


>He always struck me as a soft bourg trustfund snob - a pretentious pompous twit with an expense account ie not your classic strongman ubermensch

But that's exactly what fascists are: arrogant bourgeois spawn who think they're born to rule. Look at Nietzsche.


You are a liberal.


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Both fascists and infracels are terminally obsessed with aesthetics and "looking tough". They look like complete clowns more often than not.


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Two types of people like to wear black: anarchists and fascists, and I'm pretty sure Haz hates anarchists. (Oh, and Shia Muslims wear black, and goths.)


But I like wearing black. I think it's fashionable and may make you look slimmer.


uh oh fatty alert


>Politics is actually aesthetic.
You are the fascist.


I am not fat I am broad shouldered


I didn't really follow her nor am I a burger so take this with added salt:
I don't know if intellectualized "'fascism'" has a hope in the US. Certainly not any time soon. It's just not based on any solid enough foundation, and anything seemingly materialist like [post-syndicalist concept of] corporatism would probably face cries of 'COMMUNISM!'. Your only viable audience would be nazbol gang, alongside Infrared and Hinkle.
Take neo-Nazis - they're clearly idiots when it comes to anything beyond shallow tactics: ideological framework? nada. Their recommended texts are:
Mein Kampf - Translators basically have to re-write the thing to be legible.
The Turner Diaries - White Nationalist fapfiction.
Siege - A vague collage of PotD essays praising Charles Manson almost as often as Hitler.
Basically, incitement and agitation with flimsy theory borrowed from other ideologies. And we see it in the results, orgs embarassing themselves and lone wolves committing random acts of terrorism with no clear direction beyond 'kill le scapegoats', which isn't having the viral effect PotD hopes for. The super infamous Christchurch shooting's copycats can probably be counted on your hands.

Intellectual attempts just don't have that powerplay that brutal neo-Nazism does. The delusion of power is clearly core in the recruitment and in the target audience. Combine that with the fact that the US educational system is so profoundly fucked that a large part of the openly racist US is anti-intellectual.
I really think Dick Spencer had no hope, strategically.


Clowns is half the story - desperate and unconvincing is the other half. It's like shitty pick-up artists, but homosexual. A desperate imitation of masculinity.

Look at the NSN trying to deadlift in public, and Patriot Front marching out of step in flash mobs. Even look at their training videos, where their technique is awful because they're trying to look tough instead of be tough. The Narrator would look at them and jeer, "Is that what a man looks like?"


>Pic related



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<Politics is actually aesthetic.
>You are the fascist.
I like beautiful things. I like flowers. I thought we all liked flowers. Flowers are fun. What’s wrong with flowers? But some people would prefer to look like proudly Spartan futurists wearing all black. I see where this is going.


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Richard Spencer is a non-entity. I thought that was established. He faded from relevance after Trump got elected as if he was ever truly relevant. Is he supposed to be making some kind of come back now? He was never "it" to begin with.

A major problem these self-presenting "respectable" nazis have is that they're corny. Spencer just comes across as the most bland, sterile, insipid kind of guy you'll ever meet. He doesn't have any of the fiery charisma of a Hitler. Demagoguery is really critical to fascism because it's all hot air and emotional appeals, so if you come across as dry, it's over before it started for you.


he sounds like trevor philips lol


Good and correct post.



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youkai hands typed this post


Agreed. This person is a liberal


Richard spencer is irrelevant nowadays.
Same with Milo.
You're stuck in 2015.


You know a guy is definitely defeated when he starts demanding victory is awarded to him because he deserves it more.


Its amazing how Spencer comes off as a regular democrat. That's probably why he was appealing but you can only pretend to be a serious intellectual for so long until you get exposed. His appeal was that he was a crypto fascist but one that comes off as normal. Like a David Duke for Gen Z uyghurs. The minute that squeaky clean image crumbled was the moment his stock value dropped.


*defeated with one punch*


It's a shame they're fading into obscurity before giving the final Handsome Jack speech.


>I like flowers. I thought we all liked flowers. Flowers are fun.
Succdem detected. I'll never like roses!!


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Spencer is a lolcow. What he did wrong was larping as Hitler while obviously being a narcissist poof. I don't think he's learned much of anything, but fortunately he's not relevant anymore outside of Twitter. (If you like laughing at bad takes you really should follow him.) I do think "WN 3.0" has learned a lot about what not to do from his example though, as well as Charlottesville in general.


He tried to make white supremacy a more mainstream, respectable thing as opposed to the fringe wignat reputation it's had since the mid-20th century. It was about pushing the needle, basically. I'm not sure how much he and the rest of the alt right succeeded and how much they failed.


Did you attend Unite the Right? And what turned you away from the movement?


You don‘t know?? We‘ve been waiting on you for giving us the answer all this time!


I think he is a narcist who enjoys being an elitist, he despises the proles most of all. The state buck broke him so hard he became a libtard.


>Did you attend Unite the Right? And what turned you away from the movement?
I'd like to second this question just out of curiosity and without any political judgement involved. Like mostly on just what the experience of being with a bunch of alt-right people while there's fist fights breaking out. Just seems like a bizarre situation.


mental illness. Is that really Spencer? Embarrasing.

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