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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I am disgusted by the amount of Zionist bootlickers I see on /lgbt/. They’re all fascists who want to see every Muslim on Earth genocided to extinction. They are even worse on this issue than /pol/


Wow there are fascists on 4chan what a surprise


the consequences of allowing AGPs into the trans community


I believe this unironically about /tttt/ on 4chan, but the rest of them seem pretty leftist in comparison to other demographics


>I would be killed if I lived in palestine
But there IS a thriving LGBT community in palestine, and by far the biggest danger they face is a genocidal ethnostate

They're fascists with the misfortune of having traits that make them unpalatable to other fascists.


80% of posters on /tttt/ are just 2016-era alt-right fascists who, somewhere along the line, discovered they like sucking dick and or wearing frilly dresses so they, in complete self-interest, have softened their stance on some lgbt-issues but remained they same racists rightoids they always were, even if they self-identify as liberal or centrist now.


>/tttt/ BO is an Raytheon employee




also keep in mind the trend of the idea of being "queer" making you someone with an inherently revolutionary identity (which isn't a thing), that is used as a shield in order to act like they're leftist by default


4chan doesn't have board owners


>hi i browse 4chan


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Gay people aren't any better than the rest of the population. If anything, context created by liberal propaganda makes most of them even more susceptible.

When it comes to Palestine, westerners use four talking points:
1. Palestinians don't have gay rights, so they should be exterminated like vermin they are
2. Palestinians are inherently subhuman violent asiatic hordes, so they should be exterminated like vermin they are
3. God gave this land to Jews, so the people who escaped it and mixed with foreigners have an inherent right to exterminate the ones who stayed like vermin they are
4. Our expert fact-checkers at democracyinstitutionvalues.org.fbi.whitehouse.gov said that Palestine's democracy score is 2%. Israel's democracy score is 199%. Therefore, Palestinians should be exterminated like vermin they are

They have even fewer things to say in other situations, like Ukraine or Taiwan. Unfortunately, people do actually believe this crap, and gay people are targeted by the first "argument".
It's probably not a big difference from the rest of the population, but gay people do have another false reason to side with western capital and it has to have some impact.

>gay people are leftist

"Leftist" isn't a meaningful category. Online "leftists" fully support western capital in most cases and have nothing to do with people like transport workers on India and Italy who refused to load weapons.


>Gay people aren't any better than the rest of the population
Wrong. Stopped reading



I'm gay


I really don't care


Haha made you apathetic


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So this post is not in support of Israel.
That said you look above and see half the thread immediately going
>Most lgbt people have no class consciousness, and are frankly fascist scum!
Now I could be wrong, but that could have something to do with it.
Look, the thing about idpol is that idpol will almost always overtake the hearts of men, when Stirner said me first but here's why socialism benefits me first, he said that in a homogenous nation ignorant of any underbelly of oppressions.
So when taking "me first" first, that means most people are going to pursue their interests.
Would black people support some wignat group who happens to have "Rescind all private property, nationalize it, seize all millionaires properties." as their economic policy?
Of course not.
So why would they support Palestine especially if Palestine won't just come out and say they won't throw gay people off buildings? Seems easy to me.
>That isn't what the conflict is about
Then why should they support them anyway?
Look the thing about lgbt people is that they're not a hivemind.
Many joined the fascists. Many stood idly by for their own benefit. Many fought back and died.
In the end gay people are born all over the world and vary wildly on all things.
However if in the end you expect most people to have the strength and willpower to put aside their own personal identity and safety for the sake of a greater good, you are being purely idealistic.


I'm not going to fight for a cause that hates me, I'm not going to stick my neck out just to be stabbed in the back. How the fuck can any of you DEAL WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT


I've figured it out. IVE FIGURED IT OUT.


you're the same 420chan retard from the zionist thread. God you're so fucking cooked with propaganda dude

>Palestinians are ethnically homophobic


Hey dumbass, I'm way more afraid of you than a Palestinian you fucking pigeon-holing little BITCH


Fucking retard putting words in MY mouth? THATS how you want to play this shit? No, fuckface, that post wasnt even about Palestinais you stupid shit head. I'm talking about communists. You're fucking stupid. Like you're an actual communal narcissist, you have all the traits of one. Fucking online communities and chans full of antisocial pricks




you're a very bad man


/isg/ thread


>would be fascists if it wasn't bad for their own self-interest
i don't see what's wrong with that, i'd rather be working alongside someone who has something at stake rather than someone in it for the vibes

>Palestine won't just come out and say they won't throw gay people off buildings
why should they have to? ISIS did that, not palestinians, and standing back while a genocide happens because their governments are reactionary on LGBT rights is insane. there are queer activist groups in palestine but they're not going to be doing much if all the palestinians are dead or driven out


The board was literally bombarded with Zionist propaganda by people who don't normally post there for months. There is this /pol/tard called Gincel who spams the board and supports Zionism while opposing transgender people, but he's gay. I suspect might be him. That's the only "native" poster I would see doing it. There's been some backlash recently as well compared to before.


Made me think of Ginjeet then I remembered what the topic is


i mean third worldists do this all the time so why act like it’s something special when the transhumanists do this too. every demographic does this


/tttt/ is pretty much always being brigades, it’s hardly even transhumanists just virgins larping as terfs to dunk on women they can’t fuck


Ha ha ha.
Wonder if his liver scoliosed yet.


I hate this act of male queerness as completely defanged signal to everyone they are JUST LITTLE SMALL BEANS.
It's completely spineless servility to straights.
These people should be shot.


>going on /lgbt/

Worst board on 4chan, worse than /pol/ at least /pol/ doesn’t come up with pseudo scientific buzzwords to argue in favour of hating yourself


and then you have ziggas who point to stuff like this and say "this is why homofascism is real, gorky was correct, we have to exterminate the fags and embrace communism with orthodox christian characteristics"


Are these “ziggas” in the room with you right now? Are there any other imaginary strawmen you’d like to tell us about?


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>LGBT who likes Jews but not Muslims because of muh rights
Identity politics hitting just right


its funny cuz judaism is the og abrahamic religion and came up with the "sodomy" bullshit in the first place


anyone could potentially be a fascist with the right conditions
there are plenty of fascists in the "third world", too


There's smaller imageboards that can suffice your purposes for using 4/lbgt/ without all the brainwormage if you search around for them. They usually aren't called /lbgt/ or /tttt/ but when you find a comfy queer spot or two, you have one less reason to be tempted to use 4chan.


tbh real as fuck, that board has put shit in my head that I can never get out and I absolutely hate it


all queer imageboards are made up of trans people (usually mtf) in their mid-20s coping about the fact that they weren't bitchy gossipy teenage girls when they were in high school, if you want a queer space go to a fuckin chatroom


>neo-nazis in ukraine attack gay bar
>this is somehow an own against le ziggers


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It's pretty hillarious how many retards keep falling for the most basic pinkwashing propaganda bullshit, especially when Israeli propaganda tries to make itself appealing to gays while also in the same breath mocks them to appeal to conservatives. I'm in more danger than any of these westoids because I live in a country that would jail me for being gay, and you know what? I still would rather see the zionist occupation crumble to ashes because I have actual fucking principles. If you're a tool that obeys identity politics pushed by the MSM machine then you're a lost cause with no standards.


I mean 4chan is hysterically reactionary are you really surprised that the people on there are spewing shitty rightoid memes? /LGBT/ isn't exactly representative of the general gay community


It's less that I'm surprised and more so disgusted at how Israeli pinkwashing is still used as a tactic a decade later and some people still fall for it. What makes it worse is that you'd even hear this from so called liberal circles who don't give two shits about gay rights but parrot these points out of a sense of moral righteousness to justify genocide.


Wait so are gay people a monolith and you expect them all to fall in line with le revolution


STOP potraying countries/governments/areas as hating queer or minority. STOP judging a country based on law or what the government of said country said or what the people say. STOP DOING ALL OF THOSE THINGS.
>muh experience!
>ern i never write it
potraying is a special kind of bad. fuck all of you


>Browse 4chan
>Be surprised that most are reactionaries
What did you expect, really? Most there think that communism is when government


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>This just in…

Zionism is Kosher Fascism


I'm your biggest fan, Sasuke-kun!!!


I remember a guy from the unpopular opinions thread on /Siberia/ who basically argued that queers were a natural result from a capitalist base. Somehow, I'm beginning to think that he may have a point.


The Israeli pink propaganda and its consequences on the West


Every time I see that fucking goblin's face, I'm reminded that all warmongers that advocate for the continued genocide of Palestinians should be invited to board a plane to their cherished ethno-state, claim its citizenship - and the goblin is obviously entitled to it - and immediately volunteer for armed service to be sent to the front as soon as practically possible. And hopefully some fighter from the resistance will do the rest.
Btw, this cunt is so out of his head that he said Andrew Neil was a leftist - he's always being a hardline thatcherite rightist - and he's on record saying vaginal lubrication isn't real.

Homosexuality and bisexuality and whatnot have always existed and they will always exist, the various cultural and ideological phenomena around it are a different thing and it's not surprising some forms under capitalism and imperialism are fundamentally supportive of and compatible with capitalism and imperialism.

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