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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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People do not understand the Luddites, they claim Luddites rejected "progress" in fact they revolted against their subordination into the emerging class of industrial proletarians, enslaved both to modern mechanical terrors and their erudite and unscrupulous owners
There are technologies that can and must be redeployed like networked tech, communications, and computer algorithms, technologies that must be reconfigured like modern agriculture, and energy infrastructure, technologies that must be heavily reduced in usage down to purely necessary tasks like plastics, and technologies with no ethical or safe usage like nuclear weapons and automated weapons system that should just be abolished entirely

People here will deny it, lots of leftists are blinded by the panopticon.

In the modern world, those who reject so called technological innovation and "progres" are trash, but those that submit to the technological terror of the bourgeoisie are lower than that! And that's why the Luddites were true heroes.


File: 1709997006869.png (283.55 KB, 1753x510, Marx on Luddites.png)

reported for bait


Reason in revolt lmao
this is so basic oh my god
I literally can not even


The luddites are overally demonized
a lot of them attacked technolog if misued but was perfectly okay with technology, if used in a non explotive manner.
This luddite attack technology for the sake of it being bad technology is a myth.


>This luddite attack technology for the sake of it being bad technology is a myth.



Marx might be your God, but he isn't mine
Shit like nuclear weapons and autonomous murder AI has no fucking reason to exist


Destroying the bourgeoisie's capital is always based!

We need revolutionary vandalism, I don't care if the luddites were wrong in analysis of the issue. A modern movement of neo-luddites, could be talked to about the why of thier direct action. Meanwhile the ever cucked class submission of most proles is dismal. So yes let's dismantle production as a means of threat to obtain the ability to seize production. Destroying our class enemies capital is always good and the purist "but actually" Motherfuckers can fuck off.



Despite their modern reputation, the original Luddites were neither opposed to technology nor inept at using it. Many were highly skilled machine operators in the textile industry. Nor was the technology they attacked particularly new. Moreover, the idea of smashing machines as a form of industrial protest did not begin or end with them. In truth, the secret of their enduring reputation depends less on what they did than on the name under which they did it. You could say they were good at branding.

As the Industrial Revolution began, workers naturally worried about being displaced by increasingly efficient machines. But the Luddites themselves “were totally fine with machines,” says Kevin Binfield, editor of the 2004 collection Writings of the Luddites. They confined their attacks to manufacturers who used machines in what they called “a fraudulent and deceitful manner” to get around standard labor practices. “They just wanted machines that made high-quality goods,” says Binfield, “and they wanted these machines to be run by workers who had gone through an apprenticeship and got paid decent wages. Those were their only concerns.”


>Wait, you don't have a neural implant?? You reject cyborg-hybridization?!! Wtf you are some reactionary bio-luddite or what?! Enemy of progress!



Pretty much everything that's ever been written about them.



fuck, i know for a fact this is going to become real discourse in 20 years and it makes me furious


How are you going to stop others from developing said technology?
You wanna become grand Overlord of the planet?


Why do you assume I want to control what other people do?
What technology is even produced with a single input?
Even stone tools had to be developed over millennia


>The Luddites were true heroes
I agree


Everyone knows.
Also, read CLODO.
The similarities are enough for a modern re-telling:

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