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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Communist Party of Austria in the Salzburg Mayoral Election

>First Communist Party Success in Mayoral Elections in Graz (2019)

>Christian Conservatives malding: "This brand is toxic"
>Final Ballots on the 24th of March
>Upwards to 20% Voter gain

Red Vienna 2 when?


Yeah sure based based, but if no vanguard is built within the cities the rural chinletdies are just gonna steamroll the free party back into power


I search one article and like 5 sentances in I see this

>But, can it be said that the Alpine country is sliding into communist rule? No.

>The label “communist” has lost its lustre, as the memory of Soviet soldiers raping and pillaging their way across the countryside in 1945 fades.


>IS the alpine proles waking up to the class divide?
>No because repeated Nazi propaganda keeps them in the dark


post article pretty please




Main Themes of the Party at the Moment is Rent, Joblessness and Pensions. They seemingly have gotten the upswing there because no other party positions themselves on those topics other in ways that harm the common person.


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Saw this in Munich today, Germany. The KPÖ is the ruling party in Graz. Their trademark again is social housing.


A communist party wining a local govt seat isnt to u usual tbf. Youll see more like this across the continent. The center is collapsing in Europe, the days of the EU are numbered, etc.
Mostly though you'll see fascism.



real tbf

still, this happening in austria is rare, the communist party has slowly been forgotten and has never been a part of local politics since its inception, with not many sucesses.

Whilst the countryside slides into the red, the government is turning more fascist


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>Austria is where neoliberalism was born
>I live in a timeline where we may see Austria be the place where neoliberalism dies


Proof the Austrian school of economics is AES


Von Mises did constantly attack Milton Friedman and call him a communist



sounds like our resident ancap schizo


Are they an actual communist party? Or just a another Soc Dem party with a communist label. Good news regardless though


Gonna read a lot on their social housing then.


the party programe is communist


Are they pivoting to the national stage soon?


Every single DemSoc or EuroCom party in Europe is currently trying to frenetically emulate the KPÖ's success by attending their party meetings, inviting their leadership to their events and copyjng their strategies.



Nothing wrong with trying to learn from success.


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based as FUCK communism first and foremost is a popular movement and has to give what the people demand
this is how you get people to join the communist cause


>Rent, Joblessness and Pensions
Doesn't quite have the same ring as peace, land, and bread but it's suited to contemporary conditions


Interesting, thanks.
Where do you think it leads wrt Austria?>>1793343
You're thinking of Chile.


>Rent, Joblessness and Pensions
<tangible and feasible goals people can understand and relate to
>peace, land, and bread
<Abstract platitudes that mean nothing unless you're eyebrow deep into retarded niche ideologies
Touching grass should be a requirement to be a leftist.


I guess you are talking about me.
You still have not refuted my thesis that the stock market is communism and how real capitalism existed in feudalism.


>You still have not refuted my thesis that the stock market is communism and how real capitalism existed in feudalism.
<You still have not refuted my thesis that dogs are cats
How do you argue with someone that simply redefines terms at will? I mean you haven't actually presented an argument either, you've simply made idiotic statements that contradict basic definitions.


>How do you argue with someone that simply redefines terms at will?
Idk, you tell me. You're the communist. You like to redefine words.
<A communist shares your vocabulary but not your dictionary


What words do you think I've redefined?


Any other communist parties gaining in any way? I know the pvda/ptb in Belgium is doing well in both Flanders and Walonia


I've heard that Kpo is Eurocommunist or some other breed of that retardation, which is kinda sad since they're making strides.


It's KPÖ or KPOE


yankees don't know their keyboards have dead keys with which they can put umlauts on letters


They are not united in that sense and use different tactics depending on the state - I guess you could call that opportunism but it works. In Salzburg and Graz, the urban centers, they sound like DemSocs (although they still refuse to denounce DPRK, China, etc.) in the more rural parts of Österreich they sound like "Stalinists".


When you have an anglo keyboard, please just write KPO, "KPOE" is beyond cringe


Bugger off, KPO is just plain wrong. I read it as Kpop at first and was already ready to get annoyed at some new type of schizo retardation


how about you actually use the dead key for " so you can write characters like öëï etc. there are English words like naïve that require them so there's no excuse





>But it's Austria!

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