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how many modes of production are there? it frustrates me to no end how little is agreed upon about the nature and number of precapitalist modes compared to capitalism itself. scholars cannot even agree whether european feudalism is a more advanced or degenerated form of a tributary mode, or whether "peasant" and "kinship" modes exist. how do i elucidate this shit without spending years reading idk chinese fiduciary records?


Feudalism is more or less a post-Carolingian (thus primarily Romano-Germanic) peasant economy tied to various modes of seignurial subjugation and relations of vassalage among the ruling classes. We know of the militarist nomadic pastoralist mode of production that was operated on the large land area between Europe and Asia known as the Steppe. There was a sort of seignurial system in Japan as well, only overseen by an Emperor rather than a King. There were many many modes of production with many technological matrices. There are even many forms of foraging societies.


Feudalism us the weirdest
What if Rome had developed the steam engine and expanded further because of it?
What if usury was outlawed nowadays like it was during the medieval ages?


There are only a few modes of production and anything else is hot garbage because its all predcated on the relationship between ownership and production process.
Ownership may be nonexistant
The workers may be owned along with all they make
The final product may be claimed and demanded
The intermediate productive tools may be claimed
Or the entire process can be socialized
Not really a great number of other ways this works.


modes of production are rough models meant to approximate a wide range of societies based on a few variables that privilege the economic base over the superstructure. as soon as you start trying to maximize the number of modes and catalogue small differences between different societies that ultimately had the same mode, you are no longer using that model the way it was meant to be used, and you should probably at that point devise your own analytical framework.


Modes of production are more simple tools for learning how the economy functions in a vacuum than actual descriptions. Every country has its own specifics, and making up new modes of production for every single one is one of the dumbest things you can do.


discourse on the matter since marx


The oriental mode of production is still with us and is triumphing over capitalism right now


File: 1710274603937.png (685.51 KB, 789x1563, dengpill.png)

they're neo-mercantilist, take the dengpill


Neo mercantalism plus bureaucracy = oriental mode of production


with that in mind, what are the exact modes of production that can actually be said to exist, then?


mercantilism always had bureaucracy


I actually will correct myself on this and say there is a twinkling hint of a different kind of production mode, a licensing and patenting oriented set of ownership over production. This would be the ruling class giving up physical productoon and attempting ownership over y the right to produce a thing at all.
I pretty much think its a relaitvely simple Markov chain of about six potential modes and dont think the Oriental mode exists.


Nowhere near the extent of China


mercantilist corporations and companies were usually state chartered under a monarchy, that's pretty bureaucratic


ive read part of this, the historical materialism series is good but honestly this one raised more questions for me than answers (hence this thread)
my issue with this is that it seems like differentiating modes of production is a matter of "splitting" and "lumping". we know they exist and that some of them are relatively discrete, but depending on how we apply the definition of "mode of production" we can really have as many as we want, as >>1792738 points out. the fundamental question is how we resolve this materialistically? ie, what nuance do we need to pay attention to in order to make "mode of production" a transhistorically consistent concept with definite constituent examples?


Good posts. Glad to see this board still has a few quality posters.

>pre-capitalist modes of production

Is the Zapatista economy pre-capitalist? I know the Zapatista movement is a reaction to neoliberalism, but did they (internally) avoid capitalism?


Why do you want to nearly divide them into discreet modes and make them countable?
Try understanding the different aspects, how they interplay, which kinds of relationships are dominant. This is much more valuable than arbitrarily trying to separate different mixes of modes at different different.

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