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A translation of a book on the Shining Path being a CIA op just released. The book was apparently released in 1988 in Spanish, but this is the first time an English translation was made of the work.

From the translation foreward:
>Originally published in 1988, The CIA’s Shining Path (CIA Sendero Luminoso: Guerra Politica) was such an important work to Peruvian politics in its time that it even made its way into the National Library of Peru.
>ProleWiki was able to track down a copy of the book in the original Spanish and we are proud to be able to offer, for the first time ever, an English translation of this important work.
>Much like the author, we also hope this book sparks debate about the role of the Shining Path in Peruvian politics – continuing even to this day after the death of Abimael Guzman. But the richness of this text is not contained solely in the debates it might spark. Military doctrine, Peruvian politics, South American geopolitics, and of course a complete exposé on the inner workings and methods of the Shining Path: this is where the true value of this book lies. All of these topics are appropriately expanded upon, making The CIA’s Shining Path a vast repository of knowledge for all students of Marxism.

The book can be found here: https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Library:The_CIA%27s_Shining_Path:_Political_Warfare. I want to see the gonzaloids cope with this one.


To claim that the Communist Party of Peru-Shining Path is an offspring of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) would seem like hyperbole in anti-communist propaganda or a misconception in the study of Peru's socio-political reality, if not a far-fetched interpretation of the phenomenon in question.

The development of the Model is clearly a Long Game, and would be as follows:

< The Manipulating State (U.S.) moves arms, ammunition, personnel, and provides military assistance to the Logistics State (Ecuador, Chile, China, Great Britain, Israel).

>The Manipulating State, using the Revolutionary Front (SP + TARM + Drug Trafficking) and terror, aims to change the behavior and national character of the Victim State to claim it as a prize.

<The Unwitting State (USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua) supports the Victim State (Peru).

>The Unwitting State (USSR) supplies military equipment and training to the armed forces of the Victim State (Peru).

<The Unwitting State (USSR) offers to engage its own forces on a limited scale.

>This situation of intervention by the Unwitting State (USSR, Cuba, Nicaragua) in the Victim State (Peru) is denounced by the Manipulating State (U.S.), warning against an "endless war."

<The Revolutionary Front (SP, TARM, Drug Trafficking) attacks the Victim State internally with guerrilla warfare and terrorism, to change the national character of the Victim State (Peru).

>The Logistics State (Great Britain, Israel, China, Chile, Ecuador) warns of Soviet danger in the Victim State (Peru), denouncing the presence of military bases, advisers, political and economic interference, and the promotion of armed subversion in the country.

<The Additional Prize State (Bolivia, Colombia) will either be a prize for the Manipulating State (U.S.) or the Logistics State (Chile) and will also denounce the Victim State (Peru) as a subversive danger on the continent.

>The Revolutionary Front (SP, TARM, Drug Trafficking) will cause, instigate, and carry out the killing of thousands to millions of inhabitants in the Victim State (Peru).

<The Unwitting State (USSR, Cuba) enters the escalation with casualties on its side.

>The Manipulator State (U.S.) through campaigns, forces the withdrawal of advisors from the Unwitting State (USSR) and also cuts off technical and military assistance to the Victim State (Peru).

<The Manipulator State (U.S.) may intervene in the Victim State (Peru) to pacify the region.

>The Revolutionary Front (SP, TARM, Drug Trafficking) will eventually sign a peace agreement with the Unwitting State (Peru), or it will disappear, like the Khmer Rouge or the Montoneros.

<The Chorus State (OAS) will approve all peace-making measures on the Victim State (Peru) and condemn any extracontinental interference from the Unwitting State (USSR).

>The Manipulator State (U.S.) will capture the Victim State (Peru), converting it into a satellite and a potential Logistics State for a new Game.

<Everyone will feel gratified, rewarded, and compensated at the end of the violent game in the Victim State: military equipment will have been destroyed, there will be several million fewer indigenous people and unemployed, and the national character will have new traumatic values originating from the historic violence experienced by the Victim State.

Is the point of this book that Shining Path were glowies or used as useful idiots by glowies?


>Is the point of this book that Shining Path were glowies or used as useful idiots by glowies?
no important difference


>This fanatical violence is not the historical violence seen in Tupac Amaru and hundreds of rebel leaders against Spanish colonialism. It is not of the same nature as the violence that confronted opposing interests in the independence war of the last century. Nor is it the violence of a homeland's resistance war against invaders, much less the violence of a modern national liberation war, anti-imperialist and popular opposition to foreign domination. The violence exercised by Shining Path is not, therefore, a genuine expression of the deep internal contradictions of Peruvian society.
The new left and its consequences has been a disaster for historical materialism.


>The Shining Path didn't appeal to most Peruvian peasants because they had already been given land by President Velasco in the 70s
How true is this


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I read that it was kind of mix, not too supportive but not too hostile (at first). The core of the Shining Path were Spanish-speaking mestizo kids (or mistis) who lived in and around smaller towns and cities in Peru like Ayacucho.

>Some consider Sendero to be a messianic or millenary movement, rooted in Andean Indian culture. But its leadership has always been made up of “mistis”—small-town mestizos—rooted in the Andean seignorial system. If they incorporated some form of messianic or religious content, it was not due to Indian traditions, but on account of what we could call "excess of reason." They are the last children of the Enlightenment who, 200 years later and isolated in the Andes, ended up converting science into religion. Given the degree of passion that Shining Path developed and unleashed, it seems strange to define it as a hyper-rationalist movement, at least among the leadership. But for the top leaders of Sendero, Pascal's phrase - "The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing" - should be inverted to say "Reason has its passions of which the heart knows nothing."

>The founders of Sendero form part of a long tradition of provincial elites who rose up against a system that concentrates everything in the capital, and who embraced indigenismo as a reaction against the hispanismo of the Lima upper classes. Since the 1920s, but especially mid-century, such elites in many parts of the country adopted Marxism, most often combining it with a re-evaluation of Andean reality that links them to indigenismo. That is not the case with Sendero, whose official documents ignore the ethnic dimension or reject out of hand Andean cultural re-evaluation as "folklore” or bourgeois manipulation.


>This is not to imply that there is no point of contact between Peru's reality and Sendero's vision of it. If that were the case, they would not have been able to build a base of support. Sendero takes up people's long-standing desire for progress and focuses it through the lens of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. But at the same time, it carries to an extreme the authoritarianism of the old provincial misti elites - against the grain of the principal trend in the country, which is aimed, rather, at breaking misti power. A fundamental characteristic of Sendero's activity is disregard for grassroots organizations: campesino communities, labor unions, neighborhood associations. These are all replaced by "generated organisms," that is, by the party that "decides everything," as before everything was decided by the misti lords and officials.


>The language itself displays an impressive degree of violence against the "masses," who the same paragraph says are to be loved and served. This ambiguous relationship is deeply rooted in the Andean seigniorial tradition The mestizos, who make up the backbone of the party, a group that has always considered Indians to be inferior, even when they identified with them sentimentally, called for their liberation from servitude, and sought their support to confront Lima's Westernized Creole elite. Sendero's attitude resembles that of certain indigenista intellectuals of the past who expressed the authoritarian tortuous, violent love of the superior for the inferior, whom they sought to redeem or “protect" from the evils of the modem world. Sendero's behavior could also be compared with that of the traditional teacher in his relationship with a student who is good, but somewhat awkward or rebellious, and has to be shown that, as the Spanish proverb puts it, La letra entra con sangre (a more explicitly pedagogical version of "Spare the rod, spoil child").

>Why do such conceptions capture the imagination of certain circles of provincial youth? Often in Peru, in order to explain something one has to go far back into history. In this case, back to the very beginning, to the ambush that took place in November 1532, in Cajamarca. The Spaniards, having arrived on the scene, sent an invitation to the Inca emperor, who, curious to meet them, set out for the encounter. He entered the plaza of Cajamarca surrounded by his warriors, but found only a priest who handed him the Bible and said, "This is the word of God." The Inca raised the book to his ear, heard no word, and disappointed, threw the Bible to the ground. The priest then shouted, "Christians, the word of God in the dirt!" The conquest was justified. The hidden arquebuses could begin their task.

>Thus emerged a society based on deception, a deception made possible, in part, by the monopoly that the rulers exercised over knowledge of the Spanish language. From that time on, the conquered peoples fluctuated between resignation and rebellion. Rebellion, in turn, fluctuated between rejection of the "West" - Andean culture withdrawing into itself - and appropriation of the conquerors’ instruments of domination. Both tendencies are present throughout our history, but in the twentieth century the latter predominates. Among the instruments of domination Andean people seek to appropriate, one stands out: education. To take away from the mistis their monopoly on Spanish, on reading and writing, is equivalent to Prometheus's feat of taking fire from the gods.



Interesting info, thanks


>posts long gay boring book
Is Shining Path cia or not?





I don't know


Can you repeat the question?




I doubt it


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>this might sound like we are doing an anti-communism by making it seem like the shining path were cia
<does an anti-communism by doing just that
The crux of this tripe is that the Shining Path were not cia (even though everything from the title to the way the prose is worded paints that bad faith picture) but conducted itself the same way cia outfits did at the time even though all the tactics in creating fake fronts (which were usually always rightwing) the cia used they literally got from them spying on rebel/guerilla movements which include communist movements and using those same tactics in their schemes ala Gladio. This shit wasn't even written by communists and has been used to delegitimize a real fucking revolution that happened in Peru where many died and struggled for liberation. Shame on all the bastards who paint themselves red yet push this blatant anti-communist work.


Damn, someone translated it.


Huge pull thank you OP. Machine translation doesn't do it for anything above a certain reading level ❤️❤️❤️


So… is there any particular piece of evidence you want to point to that would be what can be called a smoking gun? Or is it all just conjecture? Otherwise, I will remain unconvinced

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