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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Offer a good logical argument for why you support Palestinian resistance against their occupiers
>US govt calls them terrorists


Both the arguments in the screenshot are stupid. The pro-Palestine person supports the magic-thinking nonsense of past crimes making you a candidate for capitalist slaughter (and indeed Hamas are an organization funded in large part by the Qatari bourgeoisie). The Pro Israel argument is similarly an argument for slaughter, as the crimes of Hamas do not make subsequent genocide against Palestinian proletarians permissible.

The solution is not "Palestinian resistance" or "Israeli anti-terrorism" but proletarian revolution in all countries. Both nations are now wholly capitalist, and are divided among the lines of proletariat and bourgeoisie. The interests of the Palestinian proletariat is the same as the Israeli proletariat, and anything else is shitlib moralization or Stalinist scripturalist bastardization of Marx based on a misinterpretation on his stance on natlib.

Revolution, as always, is the only solution. To topple the bourgeoisie, national and international, must be the common struggle of the Jewish and Arab peoples of the levant.


show me leftist israelis


Hadash Taal


You never heard of kibbutz communism?


Propaganda to lure hippy settlers.


>The interests of the Palestinian proletariat is the same as the Israeli proletariat,

Completely uninformed and idiotically idealistic take. I hope you have absolutely no grasp of how colonialism works, because otherwise nothing justifies how dumb this diatribe is.

Also, Hamas is not the only Palestinian resistance movement. If they didn't exist, some other group would take their place. Furthermore, characterising Hamas' assaults as 'capitalist slaughter' because they take money from capitalists is retarded. Your definition of the word is so vague it's meaningless

Tell me dipshit

When did capitalism start?

And why is fighting an invader before/after that time point suddenly a capitalist act?


Building a hippie commune on the bones of murdered Arabs has nothing to do with the construction of socialism on a worldwide, or even national, scale.


i dont support anything i shit post online


>The pro-Palestine person supports the magic-thinking nonsense of past crimes making you a candidate for capitalist slaughter (and indeed Hamas are an organization funded in large part by the Qatari bourgeoisie).
this is quite literally a thoroughly pro-israeli talking point that pretends that the foundation of their country happened in the distant past, on past crimes that nobody can be held accountable for or fairly see justice for, when in reality this has overwhelmingly happened within living memory, heavily since the the 1940s and even moreso since the 1960s. The perpetrators are still alive and well, the victims either alive or with immediate family who are so. To pretend otherwise is quite literally the frame of reference of those who want to commit genocide.


the problem with the pro-Palestinian guy's argument is that he implies that
>terrorism is wrong
when in reality it isn't


It's simply because nobody sane believes Israel has the right to genocide an entire ethnic group based on a book, that they wrote themselves, saying they're allowed to do it. You're an actual idiot if you think this is complicated.
>but Muslims don't like gays!
Okay, that still doesn't give Israel the right. Israel can't even justify itself on a progressive reform basis because Israel is an apartheid state who criminalize mixed and lgbt marriage. It's illegal for an arab to marry an non-arab in Israel. Palestinians can't have a revolution if they're all dead. That's the leftist position on it. Anything more is someone trying to muddy the waters to assist in Israeli propaganda and man how lame are you if you assist in Israeli propaganda. There's literally no skin in it unless you're the most braindead evangelical alive.

Israel in Gaza is blatantly an extension of the Nakba and any pro-Israel bot can turn on the news, any day of the week, to find the IDF blowing up more hospitals, aid trucks, headshots on journalists et cetera et cetera. There is literally no proof there is a plan to "dismantle Hamas," which Israel created in the first place. Actions speak louder than words.


no he is entirely right to challenge the validity of the term itself, and better to contest its particular use here than to stroke his chin and say "but what is terrorism, when you really think about it?" which would be right but often looks like youre just dodging the question. truth is most people use terrorism to just mean "unjustified killing of noncombatants", and its completely fair to contest it on that basis instead of getting into a semantic dispute


>implying terrorizing settler colonial genocidal invaders is bad
I'd take the terrorist label with pride if I was part of a Palestinian resistance


>proletarian revolution in all countries.
yes a spontaneous and highly organized proletarian revolution is going to break out simultaneously in all countries at the same time despite serious differneces in language, culture, level of class consciousness, domestic laws, level of organization/agitation/education, etc. etc. etc.

How about you just critically support Hamas against the IDF right the fuck now instead expecting some fantastic global revolution.


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>yes a spontaneous and highly organized proletarian revolution is going to break out simultaneously in all countries at the same time despite serious differneces in language, culture, level of class consciousness, domestic laws, level of organization/agitation/education, etc. etc. etc.
nobody actually thinks except the strawmen leftoids whove never read marx made up in their minds lol

<critically support Hamas

the jokes write themselves. yes the outcome of some inter-bourgeois conflict depends on some random losers on the internet on the other side of the world


>the proletariat have different interests depending on the country
why do you faggots use marxist jargon to post your completely stupid liberal takes?


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The proletariat in israel is completely reactionary and irredeemable. There is no israeli nation and never will be. Rootless cosmopolitanism does nothing but get in the way of national liberation and communist movements, this was already proven countless times across history.


Israelis annoy me.


>Settler proletariat has same interest as colonized people

Not how any of this works


>The pro-Palestine person supports the magic-thinking nonsense of past crimes making you a candidate for capitalist slaughter (and indeed Hamas are an organization funded in large part by the Qatari bourgeoisie).
Rojava is funded by the USA and Saudis but leftypol says that is communism.


Three words: They. Live. There. That's it.


They are not socialist, they are socdem and all that they say reeks of utopian socialism.


It‘s not due to country but relations that are colonial.



>glowsis vs glowjava
Inter American/israeli/Saudi proxy conflict.


What about Bachar Glowssad who harbored CIA torture black sites in his country


This. I met someone on a hippy commune who had lived in a kibbutz. He left because it was more colonial plantation than commune. The hard labor was all done by impoverished palestinians. Maybe there are some that are idealistic, but I doubt they are the majority.


>The hard labor was all done by impoverished palestinians.
That's not really true anymore.
Same reason its silky to call it specifically 'apartheid' and etc.


Lol what? Palestinians in the west Bank live in sowetos.


The point, you simpleton, is that its a completely different economic relationship, which is what we are referring to when we say apartheid…


Apartheid has multiple aspects you tard.


If you don't want to understand it as an economic relationship why even botherto try to understand it at all?



Just popping in to remind everyone, the amerikan government also listed juggalos as an organized gang.


Politsturm + Deprogram fan spotted


Can you show me an instance where any of those people condemned palestinian resistance or are you just here to run your mouth and sow division for no fucking reason at all


Its pathetic that polyps try to "red pill" us with le jews memes. Anti-apartheid is not anti-semitism.


>leftypol says that is communism
saying that literally got you banned from /leftypol/ for a while.


Lol, I didn't even say it wasn't communism.


It helps me agitate for socialism.


Sorry that you're unaware of the contents of your new based communist online friends' broadcasts. I guess they were just a way for you to signal how based you are. :^) Politsturm has explicitly said: Hamas is an imperial proxy. The Gaza genocide is an "inter-imperialist conflict" warranting rev. defeatism on both sides. It's just like WWI colonial infighting. The Deprogram has repeatedly hosted a Russian liberal academic, Konstantin Syomin, who says the same things. You didn't think it would be that easy to escape your habit of mindlessly wolfing down propaganda, did you?


It hurts NATO


i hate the usa


>The Deprogram has repeatedly hosted a Russian liberal academic, Konstantin Syomin, who says the same things.

So what

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