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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What is it with materialists and using pic related as an argument against metaphysical criticisms of materialism? I don't disagree with the doctrine of historical materialism necessarily but a lot of these people seem to be incredibly myopic either in erroneously considering human production as the basis for anything that doesn't emerge from this process, or in considering anything outside the frame of human production irrelevant.

>inb4 materialism is anti-metaphysical

In some sense yes, but 1. metaphysical/ontological claims are still made in defence of materialism (i.e. in the unity of matter and form, the consideration of monism, the existence of determinate substance that can be studied) and 2. being anti-metaphysics doesn't mean that a world outside human production doesn't exist and doesn't require study.

>inb4 these considerations don't matter with regards to the program/"I'm tryin to turn the wheel of history ovah here!" etc

That's fine but if materialism is a purely political consideration for you then I'm not interested.


> in considering anything outside the frame of human production irrelevant.

Well it is
It's easy for wealthy, privately educated fascist scrotes who don't have to worry about work to dismiss it but the reality is class determines everything else.


But this isn't an issue of whether a working person should have to consider theory outside historical materialism. They obviously don't. You clearly have the time to read and think about this, so what is your excuse?

The fact that production even exists as a concept means that man is forced to interact with a world outside the one that he produces. Human production/labour cannot solely be its own condition, it wasn't borne from a wellspring already fully formed. If you are to be rigorous, you will need to at the very least consider its preconditions, which are necessarily outside the scope of the OP image. Dismissing the question on a historical contingency - as practical as this may be for the political aims of the day - doesn't make it disappear, and arguably undermines a rigorous materialism.


Materialism =/= anti-metaphysics.
No one has once explained to me what metaphysical circumstance is somehow materialist analysis. The assertion is non-nonsensical, like someone got confused and mistook materialism for reddit atheism, and now no one questions that.


philosophy is for bored people with too much time
t. marx


>That's fine but if materialism is a purely political consideration for you then I'm not interested.
your loss


>considering human production as the basis for anything that doesn't emerge from this process, or in considering anything outside the frame of human production irrelevant.
Doesn't happen unless you spoke to some seriously retarded people. Marxists still acknowledge other factors, it's just that relations of production are responsible for most change in society and so they take priority.


what do you mean "metaphysical criticisms"?
>anti-metaphysics doesn't mean that a world outside human production doesn't exist and doesn't require study


Materialism is anti-idealist.
Dialectics is anti-metaphysical.


Provide an example of something metaphysical that, were it to exist, would be immune to material analysis without in-of-itself becoming a material condition to be considered in material analysis of other things. You can't.

A praxis based understanding of reality is more scientifically correct than one of assertions of existence and non-existence. If something is irrelevant to praxis, then both assertions of it's existence and non-existence are idealism. If something is relevant to praxis, then there is no ambiguity that it exists in some capacity, thus the assertion is a non-nonsensical shadow of that idealism. Anything else is reddit atheism.


idk i think some of the anti-metaphysics stuff is dogmatic and refers to a specific kind of metaphysics that is more narrow. it always seemed weird to me that some subsets of marxists were so anti-metaphysics when imo marxism also has a metaphysics. like even though lenin went super hard on idealists he also said that berkelian idealism or especially hegel was closer to marx then the positivists and i think a lot of his word choice was specific to the time and the popular understanding of things among the people. i think when they say metaphysics in this sense they mean unexamined assumptions or taking observations as given without reflection. same with materialism, it can be difficult to tell if people mean dialectical materialism or vulgar physicalism, and it also doesn't help that a lot of vulgar physicalists think that they are the true materialists that subscribe to "no ideology" or people who just say they are dialectical materialists without understanding dialectics


>That's fine but if materialism is a purely political consideration for you then I'm not interested.
Stop smoking weed and start changing the world. I dont give a shit about philosophy i just want to have security, a planet that dorsnt die and stop having homeless people or genocides existing.


Those ‘fascist’ considerations were the subject of many many many essays by the Red Guards, you wrecker dolt.

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