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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Why isn't everyone on the same page?
There is no market socialism, there is no mixed economy. We're heading towards full socialism where the choices will just be who owns what if we have a choice at all.
If the robots and ai do all the labor then wage labor is done. If wage labor is done people can not buy. If they can not buy they need to receive money from the state. See the chain of logic?
>What is to be done?
Maybe everyone should just be entitled to a portion of all companies. Like a stock exchange stock and everything can carry on as is. Idk.


isn't this thread about cyber socialism?


>There is no market socialism

>there is no mixed economy


>We're heading towards full socialism where the choices will just be who owns what if we have a choice at all.

If the robots and ai do all the labor then wage labor is done. If wage labor is done people can not buy. If they can not buy they need to receive money from the state.
and you went full retard. the 420chan redirect really did a number on this already terrible shithole


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You really need to read the research papers to extinguish your excitement.


Don't believe the marketing hype. Machine learning is not magic, it's a tool with limitations. Mimicking language patterns isn't going to "do all the labor".


Mimicking labor will do labor


Why do you think the people who own all the robots and factories are gonna give their shit over to us out of their own goodwill, against all evidence from the past hundreds of years of bourgeois greed?


What happens when you automate police and military services and we have the same ruling class as we have now?


anon, they are going to kill or isolate us, common folks. They wont share shit


Another socdem thread.


Leftypolk@ is about to beginthe unconditional acceleration arc, yofff about time?


u/acc pseuds swarmed the place half a decade ago already but the fad died and now only zoomer memers have taken up the torch


In a true capitalism people would just own robots which work for them. The poor will own simple, outdated robots from Walmart which bring them just a little income, the smart and rich will invest in better robots which earn them more.
In a true capitalism this would have already happened with simple machines in factories which could have different owners and generate profits for them.




no when is AI robot going to give a handjob (consensually)


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>If the robots and ai do all the labor then wage labor is done
don't make me tap the sign


>If the robots and ai do all the labor then wage labor is done.
Not the current situation
>Maybe everyone should just be entitled to a portion of all companies
Thats just market socialism with less socialism. Wait three generations before inheritance and luck recreates inequity. Private ownership is the problem, not the solution.


Oh I forgot to mention you can't sell the shares and the stock of stocks pays dividends…
Maybe the payment could also be social credits.You know like labor vouchers…


we're heading towards full global civilization collapse.

We will not survive runaway climate collapse. Most humans will be dead within the next few decades.


That doesn't rebut the statement.


>no when is AI robot going to give a handjob


What zero dependency theory reading does to a mf


>the 420chan redirect really did a number on this already terrible shithole
and yet, here you are yet again

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