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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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You guys put any stock in the idea that part of the reason for the latent reationary wave we've seen fall over the west since 2016 (though really since 2020) has something to do with the richest themselves becoming more reactionary in character?
Sure you can say all the things you ought say about broad socio-economic trends, peasantization of the working class, the outsourcing of jobs, capitalism in crisis ect. But it just seems to me that the richest 1% becoming AESHTETICALLY socially conservative has alot to do with the rise of of national populism (Fascism) on the world stage generally.
Like think back to the Obama years when the richest 1% were lib cali tech nerds like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. In a way they're still really Cali Tech nerds but the new grop that came after them have definately position themselves as more reactionary then those who came before (think peter teil and obviously elon musk) AND with their increasing insistence on """free speech"""" on social media they seem to be pumping far right propganda into the eyes of millions per day, shifting the overton windown in the process.
I dont know
Just would like to hear left/pol/s thoughts on the matter??


I think there's still plenty of 'progressive' richfags but the reactionary ones have more of an ideological crusade whereas the progressives aren't willing to engage in an information war and prefer to try to work with existing institutions


You've demonstrated understanding of the material underpinning of this rise of reaction, yet you still want to be due to elite thought leaders.

Why do you prefer this explanation, over the bourgeoisie being equally if not more panicked by the crisis of capitalism.


How is your comprehension this bad? Please, for your own sake, work on it. It's important, comrade.
>has something to do with the richest themselves becoming more reactionary in character?
Compared to what? When they owned slaves? When they attempted a fascist coup in 1933 ('The Business Plot')? Each time they pushed for invasions? The owning class, that is the ruling class, have fought to preserve their status quo position since they gained it in the birth of liberalism and capitalism. I don't see any new wave, really.
Can you be more specific with what you mean by 'reactionary'? Because it can mean many things. Do you mean some billionares being openly bigoted?
>AND with their increasing insistence on """free speech"""" on social media they seem to be pumping far right propganda into the eyes of millions per day
But surely we've seen this for decades with Faux News and the like! Mass media has consistently had openly conservative, hatemongering, lolbert and/or fascist elements.


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file didn't attach, let's see if it works this time

There's obviously the fact that there are powerful people who are openly black, gay, jewish, etc. who have a stake in combating reactionary enemies.


> the richest themselves becoming more reactionary in character?
It seems like some are, but I also wonder if there's a split, like they're reacting to other rich guys who are like "oh shit, we've got to change some things before the pitchforks show up because capitalism is immiserating people." Ray Dalio is who I'm thinking of.


>elite theory confirmed?
Well as I was saying in our other thread, it's not enough for oppressed masses to not want to go on in the same way, but for the ruling class to not want to go on in the same way either. But the ruling class of capitalists wanting to make a change can take different forms including "let's get fascist," at least among some of them.


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>You've demonstrated understanding of the material underpinning of this rise of reaction, yet you still want to be due to elite thought leaders.
>Why do you prefer this explanation?
More just se it as a partial explanation rather then a fully coherent one.
Yes of course all this is driven by economic factors beyond the control of any conspiracy or just a sympathetic sub culture within the owning class but still at the micro level; was curious if you thought ANY of this was (at the least) sped up by some of them like musk putting their thumb on the scales for personal reasons??


>dialectical hatred


Is completely forgotten the reason I keep using this thrase 'you have said the actual truth.'
10/10 tweets though. Probably the only funny thing to happen on that website.



I don't think it's a coincidence.
Fascism is capitalism in decay and well

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