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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What could happen if harassment of Nazis became normalized?
What case studies are relevant, and what are their limitations?

In many places in the West, we see neo-fash orgs performing both unannounced 'flash-mob' marches, and police-protected protests. As dorky as they look, these still make a statement - we're publicly fascist and not being hurt. It's ok.
But sometimes, these don't go as planned. Antifascist groups frequently infiltrate their communications or have a local network ready to quickly react and counterprotest. And sure, on a regular good day they'll embarrass the fash more than they're doing themselves, deal financial damage by smashing their vehicles, maybe even get an assault in, but this requires organization and dedication. Ideally, this could be complimented by normalized, casual antifascism, creating an environment where it's not safe to be a Nazi outside.

But that's not easy when police will protect them, and make no mistake, that is not an inevitability. Take the example of when the British Union of Fascists went to Brighton, where police weren't sympathetic and basically just sent one cop, letting antifascists like the 43 Group throw bricks at them and beat them up. Or take examples where there are enough aggressive counter-protesters to make police aggression futile - you can only arrest so many people (safety in numbers is a real tactic used in known illegal actions like blockades). Furthermore, there are examples where nazis appear before police do (take the NSN arriving to a demonstration early in an attempt to avoid antifascists) or where they act as individuals performing stunts or wolfwhistling.
In these cases, nazis can be mobbed not just by antifascist activists but by normal citizens, with legal consequence being the only real chilling factor.


I suppose an important aspect is mass perception, and the position that it puts mass media/politicians in. What if it's no longer 'extremists' who are punching nazis in the head, what if instead that becomes normal? What position does that put President Dickhead in, will they try to appeal and say 'Please don't punch nazis' when they can no longer blame a niche group of activists?


But it already normalised, there is so many claimed nazis in burgerland it will put third reich numbers to shame.


You should try reading the post again in the morning. Sleep tight, comrade.


You shouldn't normalize nazis harrasment because nazi ideology must be prohibited by the law, pol must be educated about its dangers, simple as that. If you dont have political power to do that - harrasment gives you nothing, nazis became political mass movement itself, so you can fight them in electoral field, but they would cheat, and use porky support if right populism will not do its thing. If you dont have political power, but they do - you fucked, you either go for terrorism/underground or to the trenches with other male population to fight the enemy of the state.


You will never defeat us.


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We don't even have to.


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you've been defeated already and have continued to defeat yourself, fag


Fascism isn't a thing anymore and a bunch of larpers won't change that. Stop tacitly defending bourgeois nation-states to fight a boogeyman.


>Ideally, this could be complimented by normalized, casual antifascism, creating an environment where it's not safe to be a Nazi outside.
Some of them call it "everyday antifascism" where the idea to expand antifascism to more people who are given the initiative to stand up to fascists themselves and make their own decisions while overcoming fear, isolation, and intellectual detachment.

>As dorky as they look, these still make a statement - we're publicly fascist and not being hurt. It's ok.

Fascists rely on "terror" to make an impression. They intend to use flash mobs, symbols and uniforms (along with aggressive, synchronized shouting: "blood and soil" etc.) combined with an element of surprise as a kind of psychological weapon to create anxiety and intimidate people. They sort of dazzle and shock people. They'll use light (at night), torches, stuff like that – like certain deep-sea creatures which use light to hypnotize their prey.

It works as a kind of force multiplier to make themselves seem bigger and more powerful than they are in reality. One of the shortcomings of this strategy is that over time it tends to unleash forces that will come to clash with them down the road.


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We already have.


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It was normalized. Fascism was a niche ideology, mostly supported from within the penal system.
If someone said something racist, they were ostracized and singled out.
The stigma was worse than smoking crack.

But after “antifa” started punching retirees in the face at Trump rallies and began associating freedom of speech with fascism, more and more people began to sympathize with fascists over anti fascists.


Libshit thread.


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It doesn't really seem like the alt-right "won" though. People who were getting into it saw what was happening and they pulled back. I'll quote Vasily Grossman:

>“Man and fascism cannot co-exist. If fascism conquers, man will cease to exist and there will remain only man-like creatures that have undergone an internal transformation. But if man, man who is endowed with reason and kindness, should conquer, then Fascism must perish, and those who have submitted to it will once again become people.”


>more and more people began to sympathize with fascists over anti fascists.
Yes bro. So many sympathized that their ability to organise street actions altogether collapsed..
Legitimate retard.


> “antifa” started punching retirees
i still remember when /leftypol/ had a hard-on over Richard Spencer being punched



He was asking for it.


I pretty sure their more then enough antifa related conflicts anyone can refer too at this point also no leftypol was mention, just wanted to talk about /leftypol/'s old hard on


Fascism had perished. The last klan lynching happened before I was born.
The only open racists I knew, were social outcasts living in extreme poverty, typically in and out of jail.
Now whenever I get into a conversation with an Uber driver, there’s a 50/50 chance they’re going to regurgitate the same “Great Replacement Theory” I heard from my friends after they spent their first weekend in jail.
I gotta admit he had that coming and the glitter bomb was particularly satisfying.
But the problem was all the collateral damage done to everyone in the middle.


Common Anarchist L


No offense, this opinion reeks incredibly of Neo-Liberalism, and I'm an anarchist myself. Its not like mainstream opinion was perfeclty middle-ground between the Left and Right, there has "always" been a wedge towards the Right in issues, due to the lingering effects of redscare and the general overton window being slightly-right. A couple twitterfags punching retirees based btw is bad? I guess for the look of "Antifa", but its important to note there is no Antifa, this is a reactionary notion to create a boogyman of twitterfags who put on black masks and LARP as red warriors like the Weatherman, when in reality there is no centralized Antifa, on the same levels of a centralized effort such as Proud Boys. Returning to the point, this violence you allege did not just suddenly turn everyone pro-fascist, likely is they were already pro-fascist to begin with, the fascists just look more like typical Americans than twitterfags ever did. They wear suits and have dogwhisltes and speak in dumbed down, emotional tones to suede further support to their cause.


follow your leader(kys)


The libertarian, fascist, capitalist, and anarchist one side tugging against a worker/communist would make the stonetoss meme accurate.


source? or is this just ad-hominem gibberish, because i remember a certain Spanish Civil War inwhich the opposite was true, Stalin funding the nationalists against the CNT-FAI


My bad, forgot to add Stalinists

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